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How to Eat and Be Healthy

Especially When You Love Sugar

By Sydney websterPublished 6 years ago 3 min read

Who doesn't want to be healthy? To be able to feel comfortable in their own skin, to love their own bodies. I'm pretty sure we all do, but the problem is how do we get there? I work at a fitness studio, so I get this question at least 10 times a day. Well, today I'm giving steps on how you can start to change your life and your health.

1. Working out isn't everything

To reach your health goals, yes exercising is going to play a key role. But the saying "abs are made in the kitchen" is true for your entire body. You need to eat healthy to be healthy. Sure you could eat McDonald's and go workout and feel great after, but you won't lose weight or feel that good down the long run.

2. Attempt to avoid processed sugars.

Processed sugars are basically everything that comes in a bag that is sweet. Candy, cakes etc.. Try to avoid these things. instead, if you have a sweet tooth replace with fruit, as they have natural sugars that are a lot better than the factory made items. And if you are missing ice cream, a good alternative is Cool Whip. It doesn't have that much sugar in it and is a good substitute for that cold sweet goodness.

3. Don't be afraid of cheat meals.

Being healthy is also a mindset. So you need a healthy mind as well. The common misbelief is that you can have a cheat meal, but you need to work out extra hard after. This is false. You can still have your cheat meal in moderation. Don't go off eating an entire pizza, instead, have one or two. And chose to workout normally or not at all (all up to you).

4. Don't get too obsessive.

My fourth and biggest tip! Everything will take time, including getting healthy. If you don't see results right away, it's okay. It will come. Just keep up the good work. But don't start overdoing by working out too much and not eating. These are bad traits that lead to eating disorders. Take your time and take it slowly.

5. Drink lots of water.

I know you probably hear a lot about you need to make sure you are drinking at least 8 cups a day. But it actually depends on your weight, and how active you are. You can easily Google or get an app on your phone to tell you this. I like to use the Hidrate app on my iPhone. But I, like most people, can't always drink water, I need something and a good way to help with this is to put lemon wedges in your water. This will give the water slight taste that will make you drink more, and is also an amazing detox. And if you don't want to cut a lemon every time, you can always go to your local store and get a box of Trulemon. This is a lemon powder that has zero calories and zero sugars, and tastes like the real thing!

6. Coffee Coffee Coffee

Now, most people will tell you to not drink coffee if you are trying to be healthy, but truth be told us Trainers encourage it! As long as its black, or low in sugar lol. Coffee is a great way to get more water into your body and is also a good way to curve hunger. And if you drink black coffee it is very good at cleaning out your system. But stay away from all of those fancy Starbucks drinks that are loaded with sugar!

7. Green Tea

Not a coffee person? Green tea gives all the same benefits and a great detox.. and zero calories, and even better if you put lemon in it. Green tea will help boost that metabolism, allowing you to process things a lot faster. If you get green tea pay close attention. You can get the bags and brew it yourself (highly recommend) and drink it hot or cold, or buy it already made. However with buying it pre-maid read the label, and make sure it only has tea in it, it should have zero calories and zero grams of sugar.

These are all my tips. Feel free to message me if you have any questions and I will respond as best as I can. Have a lovely day!



About the Creator

Sydney webster

Just a girl finding her way in the world. Avid book reader, and love to read new material! My goal is to share a variety of books and reviews for you all! I look forward to going on many adventures with you guys!

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