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How Much Water Do We Really Need to Drink?

Do you know how important it is to stay hydrated?

By Talia BradyPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
How Much Water Do We Really Need to Drink?
Photo by mrjn Photography on Unsplash

We know that water is essential for us. While some manage to drink enough water a day, others are content with one or two glasses. Why and how much water do we really need to drink?

After you wake up, drink your first glass of water

Made up of 70% water, the body needs water to regulate its temperature, to lubricate the joints, in short, for the optimal functioning of all organs. In addition, the body consumes water through perspiration, by the simple fact that it breathes, every time the body temperature rises and when it goes through a harder period that can leave it dehydrated.

2 liters of water?

If everyone agrees that daily hydration is absolutely necessary, there are divided opinions about the amount of water we should drink daily. The recommendation of two liters per day is a general one. For a more accurate assessment, you can follow the recommendation of an American nutritionist. In the book “The Plan. Lose weight quickly by eliminating "healthy" foods that make you fat, Lyn-Genet Recitas recommends, especially if you want to lose weight, to consume an amount equal to 1/32 of your body weight.

Water or other liquids?

The recommended amount of fluids also includes water from fruits, vegetables, soups, coffee, or teas. It is also important to drink water before your body becomes thirsty.

Skin health

When the skin cells are not sufficiently hydrated, the external appearance will suffer, making us look older than we really are. When the amount of water that reaches the skin is insufficient, it dehydrates and flakes off, no longer being able to fulfill the function of the main barrier against the external environment.

Dehydrated skin is dull, with obvious wrinkles and pores, all associated with an unpleasant itchy sensation. Therefore, a sufficient supply of water is extremely important both for the good functioning of the organism, but also from an aesthetic point of view.

Regarding the amount of water consumed, the specialist says that it is not a good idea to drink more than one glass at a time because the body cannot absorb more water per hour. If this amount is exceeded, excess fluid will be excreted in the urine before it benefits the whole body.

Why dehydration is so dangerous

Dehydration occurs when the body no longer has enough water or fluids to function properly.

It can be classified into three categories: mild, moderate, or severe, depending on how much water your body has lost.

It can set in as a result of conditions such as diarrhea, frequent urination, excessive sweating, or fever.

The main signs of dehydration, which should be taken into account immediately are dry mouth, low frequency of urination, inability to tear, dry eyes.

To these can be added severe symptoms such as low blood pressure, dizziness when you get up, fast heartbeat, stiff skin.

Dehydration can affect any age group, but it is very serious in newborns, children, and the elderly.

Here are some essential measures that can prevent dehydration:

  • avoid alcoholic beverages with a high caffeine content;
  • avoid carbonated drinks that cause bloating and thus no longer allow the consumption of a sufficient amount of water;
  • avoiding direct sun exposure without a hat and UV protection of the skin;
  • spending as much time as possible in well-ventilated interiors and in the shade.

Dehydration in newborns and babies

Newborns and babies are more likely to become dehydrated because:

  • a larger portion of their body is occupied by water,
  • children have a higher metabolism rate than adults, so children use more water in the body,
  • the kidneys of children do not function in the same way as the kidneys of adults, so the kidney in children does not preserve water as well,
  • the immune system of a child who helps fight infections is not fully developed, which increases the chance of contracting a disease that causes diarrhea and vomiting,
  • children often do not feed and do not consume fluids when they feel sick, they depend on those who take care of them to feed and hydrate them.

Newborns, children, and the elderly should be closely monitored for the initial symptoms of dehydration, each time they develop conditions that cause diarrhea, vomiting, or profuse sweating.

The early signs of dehydration at any age are: dry mouth and sticky saliva, decreased amount of urine, and change in urine color (concentrated urine) but also distracted behavior or very irritation.

Here are some essential measures that can prevent dehydration:

  • avoid alcoholic beverages with a high caffeine content;
  • avoid carbonated drinks that cause bloating and thus no longer allow the consumption of a sufficient amount of water; avoid direct sun exposure without a hat and UV protection of the skin;
  • spending as much time as possible in well-ventilated interiors and in the shade.


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