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How I Boost My Hair Growth with the Anagen Phase

Gracie Smith

By Healthy FunPublished 9 months ago 4 min read

I have always been proud of my long and luscious hair. It was my best feature, and I loved to style it in different ways. I never thought I would lose it one day, until I noticed more and more hair falling out in the shower and on my pillow. I was shocked and scared. What was happening to me?

I went to see a doctor, and he diagnosed me with female pattern hair loss, a common condition that affects millions of women around the world. He explained that it was caused by a genetic sensitivity to a hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which shrinks the hair follicles and shortens their growth cycle. He said that there was no cure for it, but there were some treatments that could slow down the hair loss or stimulate some regrowth.

He prescribed me some medications, such as minoxidil and finasteride, and suggested some cosmetic options, such as hair transplants or wigs. I tried the medications, but they had unpleasant side effects, such as itching, irritation, and weight gain. I also looked into the cosmetic options, but they were too expensive, invasive, or unnatural for me. I felt hopeless and depressed. I hated looking at myself in the mirror. I felt like I was losing my identity and my confidence.

Then, one day, I stumbled upon an article online that changed my life. It was about best red light therapy for hair growth, a type of treatment that uses low-level laser or LED light to stimulate hair growth. The article claimed that red light therapy could increase the blood flow and the energy production in the scalp, which could help the hair follicles stay in the anagen phase longer and produce thicker and healthier hair strands. It also said that red light therapy could reduce inflammation and oxidative stress in the scalp, which could prevent further damage to the hair follicles.

The article cited several studies that supported the effectiveness of red light therapy for hair growth. For example, a 2014 study found that red light therapy increased hair density by 37% in four months in men with male pattern baldness. Another study in 2013 found that red light therapy improved hair growth by 51% in women with female pattern hair loss.

The article also mentioned that red light therapy was safe, painless, and non-invasive, and that it could be done at home with a red light therapy device. There were different types of red light therapy devices available on the market, such as helmets, caps, combs, or panels. The article recommended choosing the best red light therapy device based on the budget, preference, and convenience of the user.

I was intrigued by this article. It sounded too good to be true, but I decided to give it a try. I did some more research online and found a reputable website that sold red light therapy devices for hair growth. I ordered a red light therapy cap that fit my head size and had good reviews from other customers.

I received my red light therapy cap in a few days and started using it right away. The instructions were simple: I just had to wear the cap for 20 minutes every day or every other day for at least three months to see results. The cap was comfortable and easy to use. It had a timer that automatically turned off the light after 20 minutes. It also had a battery pack that allowed me to move around while wearing it.

I was skeptical at first, but I decided to be consistent and patient with my treatment. I took pictures of my scalp every week to track my progress. To my surprise and delight, I started noticing some changes after a few weeks. My scalp looked less shiny and more covered with fine hairs. My hair felt softer and smoother. My hair loss also slowed down significantly.

After three months of using the red light therapy cap, I was amazed by the results. My hair looked fuller and thicker than before. My bald spots were almost gone. My hairline was lower and more defined. My hair color was brighter and more vibrant. I felt like a new person.

I continued using the red light therapy cap for another three months, and my hair improved even more. My hair reached its optimal length and volume. My hair style options increased dramatically. I could wear ponytails, braids, buns, or curls without feeling self-conscious. I received compliments from my friends, family, and strangers on how beautiful my hair looked.

Red light therapy has been a miracle for me. It has restored my hair growth and my self-esteem. It has given me back my confidence and my happiness. It has changed my life for the better.

If you are suffering from hair loss or thinning, I highly recommend you try red light therapy for yourself. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Trust me, you won’t regret it.

Have you tried red light therapy for hair growth? What was your experience? Share your story in the comments below!

wellnessmental healthhealthbeauty

About the Creator

Healthy Fun

After years of exploration, I believe that health is the secret to happiness.

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