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How an attitude of gratitude can change your life

Begin adopting LOA in your life

By TestPublished 6 months ago 3 min read

I am a student of the Law of Attraction. It started back in 2010 when I was hired as an expert on the topic after finishing my Master's Degree in Metaphysics. One of the most important things I have learned in all these years is that having an attitude of gratitude can make major changes in your life -- but only if you believe what you're saying, and only after you let go of anything (or anyone negative) that is holding you back.

You may be happy to know that there is proof that a positive attitude and practicing thankfulness can make a huge difference in your life -- making your life happier and, according to Harvard Health, it can even help you better your health.

Bringing Happiness Into Your Life

This is the easiest area in which an attitude of gratitude can change your life because all you have to do is start practicing gratitude journaling. The more you focus on the positive things in your life, the more positive things will come -- that's the Law of Attraction, after all. Even if you don't want to keep an actual journal, you can start and finish each day with a few things you're grateful for.

Now, we know that some days will be harder for you to come up with things that make you smile or things you're grateful for, but you can go with simple when you need to. Perhaps one day you will have a very distinct list of things you're oh so grateful for, like getting that recent promotion at work, having your best friend come help you when you were in need, and more of the like. Then, there may be days when you struggle to come up with something happy -- maybe you lost your job or lost a friend. Go with the basics. Express your gratitude for having a roof over your head, hot water for a nice warm and relaxing bath, and electricity by which to write in your journal.

Bringing Health Into Your Life

Without even taking a gander at a study, we all know that when we're happy we tend to feel better, both mentally and physically. There's a reason for this. Less stress!

Stress is a killer -- it can cause issues with heart health, it can lead to anxiety and depression, and it can also kill relationships. Stress has a way of adding weight to our waistlines too. By focusing on the positive things in your life, you give stress nothing to grow on.

Of course, we all face stress from time to time. The way to deal with this is to recognize what is causing us stress, and then turn it around. Stressed about a deadline? You have a couple of choices: Get an extension or schedule more time to work on the project and get focused. The choice you should avoid is dwelling on it. Don't look at the negatives -- If I focus on this project it will be out of my way, rather than, this project is never going to get done and I will lose my contract.

Attracting Better People Into Your Life

Lastly, by better diving into the positive things in life, you'll begin to notice those who live in their negativity and toxicity and it may begin to be difficult letting them stick around.

We suggest talking to these people before you let them go. Ask if there's anything you can do to help them see things in a more positive light. Share with them the benefits of gratitude. But, we all know you can lead a horse to water, but you can't force it to drink. If these negative people prefer wallowing in their misery, don't let them bring you back down. Set boundaries. If they can't respect your boundaries, move on.


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