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By Reading PandaPublished about a year ago 7 min read

Hikmat: A Knowledge that is related to the study of herbs, metals, and different organisms including human beings, and uses the herbs and other organic and inorganic things to create new pills and formulas for the use of mankind.

Hikmat: Hikmah or hikmat basically stands for wisdom, beliefs, and rational & fundamental causes; it is a concept in Islamic philosophy and commandments. Mulla Sadra also Known as Sadr-al-Muta’allihin (Master of Philosophy) for his methodology for truth-seeking. He was also known as the greatest and most noteworthy Islamic philosopher after Avicenna (Bu Ali Cenna). He defined hikmah as "coming to know the quintessence of beings as they really are" or as "a human’s becoming a logical world parallel to the detached world".

Hikmah or Hikmat can be applied to every aspect of our practical existing lives. For example; A person might have to undergo 40-50 years of rigorous learning and through many trials to become a very knowledgeable and wise person, or he might have to work for 16-18 hours every day and be a very hard worker; but then again if the knowledge and hard work are not supplemented with hikmah or wisdom, the consequences would be terrible, to say the least!

Hikmah or wisdom is said to be applying the correct knowledge at the right time to a specific problem. It could be with one's thoughts, upbringing, associates and relatives, one's family, and work, or applying it to the learned knowledge to understand and create new information and data or on a mutual basis with one's governance or rulership. There are absolutely no restrictions to the application of hikmah or wisdom in any aspect of one’s life!

The concept or scope of hikmah does indeed become humble and unassuming when it is associated with the Hikmah and Wisdom of the All-Mighty Lord of the Worlds. In fact, one of Allah the Almighty's Noble and Exclusive Attributes, that is, He Alone is the Al-Hakeem (The Wisest!). Whatever is linked with Almighty Lord is based on His Hikmah, so then be it His Wonderful Creation, His Decrees, His Books, His Messengers, His Instructions, His Guidance, or His Dominance. Whatever and whoever is not associated with Almighty Allah is bound to be devoid of Hikmah and wisdom, and therefore would have nothing but unawareness, stupidity, and falsehood!

The Unani system of medicine is a great healing art as well as science. It treats a person as a whole, not as a group of specific portions. It is aimed at treating the body, mind, and soul. This system is based on the Hippocratic theory of four humors viz. blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile.

In Unani medicine, conditions are often treated with herbal formulas containing a variety of natural substances.

[The Unani system of medicine is based on a well-known ‘Hippocratic’ theory of ‘Four Humors’ viz. Blood, Phlegm, Yellow Bile, and Black Bile. The Hikmat is not only a great and unsurpassed medicinal art but also contains a profound science in itself. It treats a being as a whole and is aimed not only at the body but also at the mind and soul.

Hakeem or Physician (Ancient and Modern times): In Ancient times ‘Hikmat’ was one of the most respectable and earnable professions, a Hakeem pronounced as (Hah-keem) or also spelled as Hakim not only called as a medical practitioner who understands medicine or understands about the anatomy of humans and other living organisms but also knows how to deal with different kind of diseases and structural fractures in human beings and many other living organisms, or how to clean and fill up the wounds, etc, Likewise In today's era the Hakeem's are still exists but there is little knowledge left of those ancient Hakeem that’s why there are not many ancient practitioners left in today’s era but still they are very respected in society although they are not asked much for their medical assistance because of the modern medicines and as well as the latest way of producing medicines. In today's era, Hakeem is also known as a physician or doctors just the only distinction is that there is a difference between Modern Physicians and Ancient Physicians known as Hakeem.

Difference between modern and ancient physicians: The Modern Physicians and Ancient Hakeems or Physicians both although are physicians walk on entirely different paths, First of all, the modern Physician follows science and doesn't support superstitions what's more, the way of their deal with the patient is through scientific researches and theories which are approved scientifically whereas, a Hakeem denotes a herbal medicine especially the Unani medicines and relays on the generational studies about different and all kind of organisms and non-living things and try to find useful information through studying or comprehending the knowledge left by predecessors and come up with the new solution.

Difference between ancient and modern medicine: In hikmat, there are different divisions and levels of medicines, and uses of different materials based on their hot and cold properties, unlike modern medicines which are based on chemical formulas and different element ratios, etc.

Divisions and Nature of Medicines in Hikmat: According to the many books related to Hikmat the division and level of medicine’s nature are as follows:

Main divisions of medicine: Moderate medicines & Immoderate medicines.

Moderate medicines are those medicines which after intake don’t affect the conditions of a body or the nature of that person and even after continuous intake won't affect the mental/spiritual and physical conditions at all.

Immoderate medicines are those medicines which after intake affect the mental and physical conditions of a person and based on the severity of the body condition the immoderate medicines are divided into four orders/levels or subdivisions.

1) 1ST level Immoderate medicine: If taking this level of medicine in small amounts doesn't affect the body mentally or physically but after taking it in large amounts although it produces a small side-effect it still won't affect any organ and the body much it’s called as 1st order immoderate medicine.

2) 2nd level Immoderate medicine: If taking this level of immoderate medicine in a small amount affects the body but after intake, it in a large quantity won't cause any kind of destruction or instability in the body is called as 2nd order immoderate medicine.

3) 3rd level Immoderate medicine: After taking this level of immoderate medicine taking in a large amount affect the body and causes any serious consequence or destruction in the body or its organs but it won't cause death is called 3rd order of immoderate medicine.

4) 4th level of immoderate medicine: If the intake of this level of immoderate medicine in large quantity will cause serious consequences and even the death of the patient and it's approved as deadly it's called 4th order immoderate medicine.

Nature of medicines: On the basis of books related to Hikmat the nature of medicines is divided into five major categories which are as follows:

1- Hot medicines, 2- Cold medicines, 3- Dry medicines, 4- Wet medicines & Neutral Medicines.

The above-mentioned categories of medicines are also divided into four ranks or orders from 1st order to 4th order except wet medicines have two orders and lastly, moderate/Neutral medicines have only one rank which is based upon the degree of a similar element present in each medicine the higher the element naturally present in the medicine the higher its order will be; for example, if the nature of medicine is dry and hot then the rank of this medicine will be according to the degree of dryness and hotness present upon its nature. The 1st order/rank medicine means that it has the highest degree of element nature in it while the 4th order/rank means that it has the lowest degree of element nature in it and is extremely stable to use even in large quantity or even for a lifetime.

The followings are some examples of different product ranks in Hikmat for each category:

Hot medicine:

1st order hot medicines: Linseeds, Fumitory, Ashes & Gram, etc.

2nd order hot medicines: Acanthus seeds, Balsam or Sap, Soda, Salt, Saffron & honey, etc.

3rd order hot medicines: Mint, Radish, Old Wine, Holy Basil Seeds, Mistletoe & A dusted or scorched Hairs, etc.

4th order hot medicines: Butterfly (Dried), scorched things, Garlic, Onion, Milk Plants (Produces milky white sap), & grapes Vine, etc.

Cold medicine:

1st order cold medicines: Guava, Pomegranate (Sweet), Plum, Bamboo Leafs, Watermelon, Crepe Jasmine, & Pure Copper.

2nd order cold medicines: Pomegranate (Sour), Opium Poppy, Indian Gooseberry, Psyllium Husk, Melon, Pear, Pumpkin Seeds, Raw Olive, Red Sandalwood, etc.

3rd order cold medicines: Ice, Black Poppy Seeds, Tobacco, White Sandalwood, Yellow Sandalwood, & emeralds, etc.

4th order cold medicines: khorasan’s oregano, Jimson 'sweed or Devil's trumpet, & Roots of Fumitory, etc.

Dry medicines:

1st order dry medicines: Walnut, Indian Gooseberry, Guava, Saffron, Honey, Carrot Seeds, Pomegranate Seeds, Barley flour, Black Currant, & Madagascar Periwinkle, etc.

2nd order dry medicines: Ebony Wood, Khorasan’s Oregano, Olive, Ice, Desert Eggplant, Cinnamon, scorched woods, & Bitter Gourd, etc.

3rd order dry medicines: Oregano, Butterfly, Mustard seeds, Mistletoe, White and Black Cumin, Copperas & Antimony, etc.

4th order dry medicines: khorasan’s Oregano, Opium Poppy, Grapes vine, Desert's Butterfly & Purging Croton, etc.

Wet medicines:

1st order wet medicines: Pomegranate (Sweet), Guava, Fig, Spinach, Almond (Sweet), Mercury, Watermelon, Melon, Pine Nuts, Turnip & Radish, etc.

2nd order wet medicines: Watermelon, Pumpkin seeds, Sago, Carrot, Poppy Seeds, Pumpkin (lengthy one) & Beech Tree, etc.

Neutral Medicines:

Moderate order medicines: Garnet, Rubies, Silk, Mithridates, & Jujube, etc.

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    RPWritten by Reading Panda

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