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Healing Dis-Ease

We're never offered anything we can't handle

By Christina MartinePublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Healing Dis-Ease
Photo by Luis Galvez on Unsplash

All dis-eases arise as a result of a physical, emotional, mental or spiritual blockage. Physical blockages can usually be attributed to a poor diet and lack of exercise. Emotional blockages occur as a result of stored toxic emotions such as shame, guilt, anger or jealousy. Mental blockages form because of an over-attachment to negative thoughts or the personality. Spiritual blockages are energetic traumas from the past or childhood.

When you go directly to the energy body to do healing, your thoughts, emotions and physical body transform to reflect your healed inner world. Even physical ailments or chronic conditions can arise from negative emotions stored in organs or energy meridians. Sometimes they result from past life wounds that are still present energetically and stored within cellular memory. When you go to a traditional Western doctor and complain of an ache in your arm, the doctor is only trained to look at the physical. If you go to a psychiatrist and complain of incessant negative thoughts, the psychiatrist is only trained to look at the functions of the brain. Anyone can see how this is a flawed design in our healthcare system, as illness doesn’t simply arise from one source. You are a holistic, energetic being and need to be treated as such.

A naturopathic doctor will take a complaint such as a pain in the arm and a cloudy mind and access it on every possible level. After questioning the patient and running a series of tests, she may come to find that the physical pain in the arm of a client is actually the result of stagnant energy within a particular channel, occurring because of an energy blockage in the heart which has, as a result, clouded the patient’s ability to think clearly. The depression the patient is feeling, the lack of vitality and excitement for life, cannot be directly correlated to the pain itself.

Pain is never the problem. It arises as a symptom of something much deeper: a trauma that wants to be acknowledged and transmuted through love. It can be overwhelming to face pain, to feel it fully in order to learn from it and discern why it’s there at all, but when you do, you free yourself from your own self-created prison. Even physical accidents arise to help you realign with your divine being.

In a society where children are told that feeling painful emotions is wrong or bad, it’s easy to see why most adults still don’t know how to manage their painful emotions or thoughts. Instead of questioning their pain and sending it love to help them heal, it’s unfortunately still common for them to ignore pain or stuff it deep down inside their body. More often than not, this stuffing causes blockages within the root chakra, the foundational chakra most often associated with survival and money. No wonder the majority of the world is struggling to make ends meet! Of course, when you suppress anything that wants to be acknowledged, it will find a way to rise up, but it does so in a twisted, sometimes harmful way. Illnesses occur, suppressed pain turns into outbursts of anger or bouts of depression, which most then seek to medicate and suppress even further!

This cycle has to end!

That ending can start now, with the realization that you can heal yourself by learning to show up fully in each moment, and send love to anything that occurs in your experience. Rather than viewing your pain as a nuisance, instead view it as a wise teacher here to help heal you and return to you to your own heart. Life will then begin to work for you, not against you.

What if butterflies rejected their natural metamorphosis because it was painful? They would never turn into beautiful butterflies! Growing isn’t always comfortable, but if we avoid labelling our emotions as bad, suddenly we see that they were never bad to begin with — only there to realign us with our power.

We're never offered anything we can’t handle.

Any pain can be transmuted to peace if you stop resisting it and fully immerse yourself in any sensation that is bothering you. When you do this, your pain can no longer hurt you. It becomes a sensation, not good or bad. It simply is, and is there to steer you back in the direction of the highest truth coming from your own heart, your connection to the sacred. With a release of any resistance to the present moment, no matter how painful it is, you create space within yourself to feel into the truth of what the pain is trying to show you. If you feel deeply into any sensation in the body, it will eventually lead you back to the serenity and stillness of your being.


About the Creator

Christina Martine

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