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Great Affirmations and Where To Find Them

A guide to improving your life and reality through powerful affirmations.

By Phillip WoodfordPublished 7 years ago 4 min read
Reality is what we perceive it to be 

A useful tool in facing the hurly burly of the world is the affirmation. Every day we are exposed to hundreds if not thousands of messages from every imaginable place. Your boss, a co-worker, an advert on TV or even a past event all have messages that affect how you view yourself and the world around you. Some of these messages are not positive for you and will hold you back.

You must decide if you want to have your confidence, your self-image or what is possible for you to achieve, decided by other people.

Affirmations are positive messages used to confirm yourself, your reality and creating your own path. You are aiming to create a way of dealing with the negativity that you face both from the outside world and yourself. Think of your mind like a computer, in order to make it work better and be more secure, you need to regularly update it. Affirmations are like the updates your computer receives. Unlike your computer, you need to create the updates on your own or find ones that suit your aims. This could be anything from being more confident to losing weight, to changing they way you view the world.

According to the Law of Attraction, affirmations can also be used to attract what you want into your life. Money, love, and your dream house can all be achieved through confirming their existence in your life. By filling the current lack of say your dream house and feeling its abundance through affirmations, you can attract your dream house. Affirmations according to the law are used to confirm the existence of that you desire and draw it to you through raising your vibrations. Everything has a vibration and like attracts like, if you feel you lack it you will not attract it.

Whilst the jury is still out on the Law of Attraction, what cannot be denied is the usefulness of affirmations in creating your reality and the possibilities they have for you having control.

The following will guide you through how to create affirmations that can really affect your world.

Affirmations: The Creation of Your Reality.

You can sculpt your reality too.

First things first, your affirmations need to be positive. You already get enough crap from other people, so you don't need to add any more! You should not use words like "no" or "won't" or for that matter, words and phrases with negative meanings e.g. "give up" or "lose." Similarly, it is important to avoid verbs, doing words, that suggests there is an absence of something.

The aim is to create images in your subconscious mind to achieve your goals. The subconscious is responsible for the underlining processing of how you see reality. These simple grammar features are to allow your subconscious mind to focus on the positive that you want. With that said it could be suggested that the use of words and phrases with negative meanings can be dependent on context create a clearer picture of your aim or desire.

More grammar! It is recommended that your affirmations are in the present tense. Your words should describe the now, not the future and not the past. You can’t change the past and the future is in front of you. The present tense allows for your subconscious to get going on it right now!

As it is your reality that is being affected, your affirmations need to be for you. You know what is best for you and what you need in your life. Thus, you cannot create change for another person. Another aspect of your affirmations is that they need to comfortable for you and right for you. The details of your affirmations need to be to the point and precise. By using vague words you will bring vague results, so it is important to be clear with what you want and need. It is also important to avoid words that compare, comparatives for you grammar fans, so words like more, less, and wealthier.

Finally, you need to keep your affirmations positive and plausible whilst being persistent. Positive feelings create the energy and passion needed for change. Your brain is a chemical factory, so when you feel good about something it reinforces the affirmation and helps you get closer to your goal. However, your brain is also tied to the physical reality; as a result things like the ability to fly or regrow a bald patch are not very likely and thus your brain will create resistance to ideas that you are trying to affirm. In contrast, affirmations that are plausible and are perception based (for example that you are confident in social situations) create less resistance with your skeptical brain.

Like any thing practice makes perfect, and so repeating your affirmations trains your subconscious into viewing the world through your affirmations. Repartition also helps you ignore the negative messages you receive, and allows you to take action that in turn forwards you towards your goal.

Examples of Affirmations

I am losing 10 kg and I am becoming healthier everyday.

I am confident talking to people I do not know yet.

I can handle any situation with confidence and authority.

I can feel the positive changes in my life as I reach my goals.

I live in abundance and plenty.

I am so happy when I spend my 50k on a new car.

Earning money is easy for me.

I attract love into my life all the time.

I am not the product of my past, but who I choose to be.

spiritualityself care

About the Creator

Phillip Woodford

I write therefore I am, or something like that. My areas of interest are social justice, and philosophy.

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