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Grain in Ear is coming! There are four principles and eight tips to keep in mind

Grain in Ear, prevent bitter summer, health is particularly important. Grain in Ear after health to follow the four principles, wet and disease prevention!

By yong Published 2 years ago 7 min read

1. Rule of health -- Don't turn on the air conditioner when it's hot

Chen Yunbin, a senior national public nutritionist, wrote in Health Times in 2015 that when Yang qi is at its most vigorous, our body's new cells metabolize very quickly. At this time we do not rush to close the doors and Windows to open air conditioning cooling, best try to open the Windows of the home, let the sun come in, let the fresh air circulation. Especially the frail elderly, if the weather is hot, to make full use of this season, if the weather is too hot to stand, try to cool down through other ways, such as fans, cleaning and other ways. 1.

2. Principle of diet -- Food should be clear and tonifying, and bitter summer is not bitter

Grain in Ear bitter summer began, people often have no appetite, affecting diet, excessive consumption of cold drinks, will also cause spleen and stomach damage. Therefore, in the diet above, one is light, two is to avoid cooling, three is bitter summer "eat bitter".

Summer diet should be less meat and more vegetarian, should eat more vegetables, fruits and grains. In fruits and vegetables, the "melon family" is especially respected, such as bitter melon, winter melon, watermelon, cantaloupe and so on. In the "five flavors" of Traditional Chinese medicine, summer corresponds to bitter taste, which mainly enters the heart meridian. Therefore, most bitter food has the function of clearing heat and relieving heat, drying and dampening Yin. After grain in Ear, eat some bitter food appropriately, such as bitter melon, lotus seeds, lettuce, etc., which is of great benefit to the human body. As the saying goes, "Eating bitter summer is not bitter". 2.

3. Sleep rule -- Sleep late, get up early, and take a nap to catch up

From grain in Ear to summer solstice this period of time, we should comply with the seasonal characteristics of short nights and long days, do not adhere to the dogma of early to bed and early to rise, coupled with the hot climate, many people are difficult to fall asleep early at night, might as well be appropriate to do a late night. Since the days are long, we simply go to bed late and get up early.

But in summer, when the daytime is longer and sleep is easily disturbed, a proper nap can be of great benefit to the body. Nap time is generally appropriate for 20 minutes. For office workers, if they cannot nap, they can close their eyes for 30 minutes. 2.

4. Exercise principle -- Exercise moderately, sooner or later

Grain in Ear to the summer solstice, although not the most unbearable hot dog days, but the temperature has risen, especially at noon. Sweat is the fluid of the heart, so sweating at noon is the easiest time to break your heart. For those who love exercise, it is recommended to exercise properly in the morning or evening when the temperature is cooler.

Exercise must ensure adequate drinking water, sweating too much, can be appropriate to drink light sugar salt water or mung bean brine soup, do not indulge in cold. 2.

Grain in Ear is coming! There are four principles and eight tips to keep in mind

Health Times Information graphic

Grasp the timing of health preservation, remember the 8 "one"!

1. "One soup" -- Water chestnut soup

During grain in Ear season, the damp and hot qi gradually worsens, so the diet should pay attention to regulating stomach qi. Chi Xiaoling, chief physician of liver disease department of Guangdong Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, recommended a water chestnut soup in Health Times in 2012 to strengthen the spleen, nourish Yin and clear heat.

Water chestnut half jin, coix seed 30 grams, 30 grams of lily, first with warm water to coix seed and lily soak, water chestnut skin wash from the middle cut. Then add some water to boil and simmer for 45 minutes. 3.

2. "Yi Shui" -- Mulberry water

After grain in Ear, damp and heat will lead to dampness and heat in the spleen and stomach, and the heart fire is heavier and affects sleep. Drink a cup of mulberry water before going to bed, and the effect of tranquilizing is good.

Mulberry water is simple and easy to make. Take 100 grams of fresh mulberry and add 300 milliliters of water. Boil it first and then cook it for 10 minutes over low heat. Mulberry water taste sour and sweet, drink also more refreshing. 3.

3. "One fruit" -- cherry

Midsummer moon, to nourish the mind. Chen Yunbin, a senior national public dietitian, wrote in Health Times in 2015 that summer qi is linked to heart qi, and the reason why we grow fast in summer is driven by the Yang qi of the heart. And the cherry can be said to be the "fruit of the heart", can fill the heart, keep painstaking efforts.

Cherries can not only smooth the blood, but also warm the Yang heart. In addition, cherries also contain a lot of iron, iron deficiency anemia people eat cherries also help. (4)

Grain in Ear is coming! There are four principles and eight tips to keep in mind

Health Times Information graphic

4. "Yi Gruel" -- sweet potato porridge

"Sweet potato porridge is the most popular summer porridge." Wu Xiaojing, deputy director of the Prevention and Treatment Center of Yinchuan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Ningxia, wrote in Yinchuan Evening News in 2016 that sweet potato porridge is a good way to fight the heat and humidity in summer.

First of all, people sweat a lot in summer, drinking sweet potato porridge can supplement the water loss of the human body;

Secondly, sweet potato porridge is easy to digest, suitable for summer due to damp heat caused by the spleen and stomach discomfort, poor appetite and other conditions;

Finally, sweet potato porridge has a good effect of dispelling dampness and heat, and sweet potato contains a lot of dietary fiber, which helps to clear the stomach, defecate and detoxify, and is good at fighting against summer evil. 5.

5. "Yi Yang" -- nourishing the mind

Summer health care should pay special attention to the maintenance of heart qi, prevent heatstroke. Yang Li, a professor at the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, wrote in Health Times in 2016 that nourishing the mind and clearing the heat recommended three leaves: lotus leaf, bamboo leaf and mint leaf.

You can make tea with three leaves (each 3 grams ~ 5 grams) or choose one of them (lotus leaf, bamboo leaf with 5 grams ~ 10 grams, mint leaf 5 grams can be). It has a very good effect of clearing the heart, nourishing the mind and relieving the heat. 6.

6. "One health" -- spleen

After grain in Ear, the heat is gradually increasing, and the damp heat is more harmful to the spleen and stomach. It is easy to appear dry lips and tongue, and loss of appetite. Strengthening the spleen should be placed in an important position. Guangdong Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine nutrition department dietitian He Yingxi 2015 in the Health Times recommended a summer medicated diet with heat, spleen and dampening effect - white gourd lotus leaf lentil water pot duck.

For 2-3 people, prepare 500g of winter melon, half a piece of fresh lotus leaf, 30g of lentils, 30g of pearl barley, 300g of teal and 50g of lean meat. Cut lotus leaves into thin pieces or small pieces; Cut wax gourd into pieces; Wash lean meat and cut into pieces; Duck cut into large pieces to remove blood water, add all materials, add appropriate amount of water, simmer gently for 1 hour, add salt to taste. All landowners

7. "One supplement" -- potassium supplement

Sweating in summer, the loss of potassium is fast, to be properly supplemented, can be ingested from the daily diet. Foods with more potassium include:

Grain buckwheat, corn, sweet potato, soybean and other potassium elements are higher;

Banana has higher potassium content in fruits. Vegetables such as spinach, amaranth, cilantro, rape, cabbage, celery, green onion, green garlic, lettuce, potatoes, yams, fresh peas, edamame contain high potassium elements.

Grain in Ear is coming! There are four principles and eight tips to keep in mind

Photo by Kou Xiaowen, Health Times

8. "Sleep" -- take a nap

Grain in Ear to summer Solstice solar term is a year of Yang gradually floating, Yin hidden stage. Ningxia Yinchuan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine treatment not disease center deputy director Wu Xiaojing said in yinchuan Evening News in 2016, to pay attention to sleep nap, help the Yin and Yang of the gas shun, in order to comply with the transition of Yin and Yang of this solar term.

Zi shi refers to 23:00 in the evening ~ 1:00 in the morning of the next day, when Yin qi is at its peak and Yang qi is weak; Sleep when the most can nourish Yin, sleep effect is also the best.

Noon refers to 11:00 ~ 13:00 at noon, at this time Yang qi is the most abundant, Yin qi weakness, qi and blood flow into the heart; Sleeping at noon is conducive to raising Yang.

Go to bed at night should not exceed 23:00, between 11:00 and 13:00 should be "nap" for a while, to half an hour to an hour is appropriate.


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