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4 Ways to Save Your Sleep

Lack of sleep is a lot of people have appeared, especially in the summer weather is hot, itself is more difficult to fall asleep, this is the common cause of lack of sleep in summer

By yong Published 2 years ago 5 min read

How does morpheus inadequacy improve

1. Get up early: There is always a lack of sleep. It can be adjusted by getting up early. Today, young people who wake up early can do very little. They can adjust their schedules slowly, and they can improve in a gradual way.

There is always a lack of sleep, which can be adjusted by getting up early

2. Ten o 'clock extra meal: some people eat a big breakfast in the morning, but at about ten thirty, the stored glycogen is basically used up, at this time we can give yourself extra meal, extra meal can make people's physical strength gradually recover, this time the lack of sleep will be alleviated.

3, sitting: sitting in a bad posture for a long time, it is likely to let everyone's mental state is affected, this will increase the sense of fatigue, everyone whether sitting or standing, need to keep the state of waist, relax the shoulders, this will let everyone's energy better.

4. Sing while bathing: Singing while bathing releases endorphins in the body, which leads to a feeling of happiness and happiness in the brain, which can quickly reduce stress. Therefore, if you are not getting enough sleep due to stress, it is recommended that you try singing while bathing.

Causes of insufficient sleep

1. Spiritual factors

Some scholars believe that some personality traits are more likely to suffer from insomnia, such as nervousness, anxiety, perfectionism, and impatience, also known as neurotic people. They are more sensitive to the stimulus of the environment, the response to the stimulus is also more intense, the spirit is not easy to relax, thus causing insomnia. Sleep is a very sensitive activity, as long as there are some things to worry about, or emotional excitement, it is easy to make people insomnia, a lot of people's insomnia is started by some stressful events.

Some scholars believe that some personality traits are more likely to suffer from insomnia

2. Environmental factors

Too much noise, too much light, too hot or cold, too much humidity, and unfamiliar surroundings all contribute to poor sleep. When external conditions can be improved, insomnia will naturally improve.

3. Biological clock

Scientists have done quite a bit of research suggesting that everyone's daily routine is controlled by a biological clock. Even if you put a person in a room that doesn't see the sun, doesn't know, doesn't have a clock, that person will still want to go to sleep at a certain time and get up at a certain time, and that's what the circadian clock is for. Insomnia is often caused by physiological clock disorders; Inappropriate behavior that compensates for insomnia at night (such as napping during the day) can throw the circadian clock out of whack, making insomnia harder to treat. Other some people insomnia because of environmental relations, its sleep time and physiological clock conflict caused by.

4. The influence of drugs

There are many medications that can interfere with sleep. Well known, for example: some cold medicine ingredients can make you drowsy (antihistamines); A little wine can make you sleepy; While tea, coffee, etc. (containing caffeine) have a refreshing effect. Others include: sleeping pills to help you fall asleep; Some psychotropic drugs have sedative and hypnotic effects; Some antihypertensive drugs and asthma medications can interfere with sleep.

There are many medications that can interfere with sleep

5. Physical factors

Some people are born with a low need for sleep, perhaps just three or four hours a day. Some people have to sleep ten hours a night. The average person sleeps about seven to eight hours.

What to eat if sleep is insufficient

Lotus root starch

Lotus root powder has the functions of clearing heat and cooling blood, tonifying spleen and supplementing qi, and has a high iron content, which is a good food for supplementing iron and nourishing blood in daily life. The lotus root powder is mixed with honey and it becomes a delicious snack. Lotus root powder has better relieving effect on patients with insomnia and blood deficiency.


Lily has extremely high medicinal value, with nourishing Yin and clearing heat, nourishing blood, calming the heart and calming the mind, invigorating the spleen and nourishing the stomach. Dried lily can be stewed into soup, which can better relieve the symptoms of virtual restlessness, insomnia, dreaminess and trance. Especially women, appropriate consumption can also beauty.


Oatmeal is rich in calcium, iron, zinc, phosphorus and other minerals, and rich in dietary fiber. On the one hand, it can promote the excretion of cholesterol, improve blood circulation, and promote wound healing. On the other hand, oatmeal can promote the production of melatonin, so as to cause sleepiness and promote sleep.


Milk is a good source of calcium in daily life, containing tryptophan and peptide substances, can play a calming, nourishing qi effect. Suffer from neurasthenia, menopause syndrome, insomnia, before going to bed to drink a small cup of warm milk, can better help insomnia sleep peacefully, improve sleep quality.

Milk is a good source of calcium for daily life

Red jujube

As we all know, red dates have a significant effect of nourishing Yin and Yang. Because of their exact health keeping effect, they can be boiled into Tremella red date porridge, lotus seed red date soup and so on. Red dates have the effect of nourishing blood and calming nerves, tonifying deficiency and replenishing qi, etc. Patients who are easy to wake up from dreams can drink red dates porridge appropriately.


Millet is rich in tryptophan in grains. Tryptophan can promote nerve cells to secrete 5 hydroxytryptamine, can regulate nerve function, contact fatigue. And millet can regulate the comments, after drinking millet porridge, there will be a significant sense of satiety, but also by stimulating the secretion of insulin, to improve the tryptophan level, improve the effect of sleep.

Conclusion: The above has introduced how to improve sleep deprivation. If there is always insufficient sleep, it will affect people's normal work and life. Therefore, we should have a good sleep in life, pay attention to our eating habits, and avoid staying up late for a long time.

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