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Get Rid Of Acne And Pimple Marks With Remedies

Get Rid Of Acne And Pimple Marks

By Noor Muhammad KhanPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

Wouldn't you agree when I say that every girl's worst nightmare is pimples? Not only girls, but boys also suffer from the same problem. Pimples not only ruin your face and skin, but also drive you crazy with the excessive discomfort and urge to pick them up. What's also most annoying is that they pop up when we least expect them.

When important events are coming up, such as your best friend's wedding, job interview day, or others, stop thinking about them because they will show up in a minute.

If you have tried all the medications and treatments and still don't see any positive result, here are some natural remedies for pimple marks. Don't surf the internet anymore because we already did that for you!

Take a look!

What causes pimples?

If you've been wondering what the difference is between acne and pimples, as I always have, here's a little help for you.

Pimples are a result of clogged pores. The excess production of sebum, dead skin cells and bacteria that get trapped in our skin cause our pores to get clogged and pimples to appear,

Acne is a condition that develops over the years due to the skin having oil glands at the base of a hair follicle that can cause conditions like skin lesions, such as pimples, whiteheads, blackheads, pustules, cysts, etc. If you are constantly getting acne, you should consult a skin specialist.

The following conditions trigger pimples and acne:

Puberty can be the biggest cause

Stress triggers acne

Disturbed sleep cycle or lack of sleep

Hormonal changes


Certain medications

Excessive sweating and humid atmosphere

What are pimple marks?

Acne and pimple marks can be easily identified as they are clearly different from other dark spots and blemishes. The dark spots, which have a light pink or brown color, or hyperpigmentation, are clearly seen as a result of skin damage after inflammation.

hImportant abit changes to improve acne

Living with acne and pimples is very difficult, as it can be uncomfortable and lead to low self-confidence and self-esteem. These effective dos and don'ts can help you keep acne and pimples away.

Try to maintain the best skin hygiene

Wash your face twice a day with a mild toner and lukewarm water

Do not rub or scrub your face too hard

Try to moisturize your skin as soon as you have washed your face

Avoid touching your face

Avoid heavy makeup

Use oil-free sunscreens

Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated as this will help you get clear and glowing skin

Do not stress yourself too much

The home remedies that work perfectly for all skin types

Home remedies are always the best option to try before opting for an expensive medical treatment because these remedies have the least reaction on our skin.

Here are a few good ones for you!

1. Honey and cinnamon

Honey and cinnamon are the two ingredients that are considered to be the best combination for the skin. Try to use it with a 2:1 ratio as it can be very effective in drying out those pimples. Cinnamon and honey have a drying effect on the skin and also have an antibacterial effect.

2. Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is both antibacterial and antiseptic, but remember to use it diluted 1:8. It is very strong and can irritate the skin if used undiluted.

3. Green tea

Green tea is not only good for ingestion, but it can also be a great tonic for the skin. It is full of antioxidants and also has bacteria killing properties. Green tea is very effective if we even spray it on the face or especially on the acne affected areas.

4. Cucumber ice cream

Grate a cucumber, make a paste and freeze it as cubes. These cubes can be used on painful red and inflamed pimples as it soothes them. It is an instant pain reliever.

5. Garlic

Garlic is a great ingredient that helps increase the body's ability to fight infectious germs. It is also used in many traditional medicines. Crush a clove of garlic and make a paste. Apply this paste to your pimples or pimple marks, leave it on for a while and wash it off with lukewarm water.


About the Creator

Noor Muhammad Khan

Noor is a photographer, vlogger, and medical researcher who loves to help the community around him.

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