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From Fat to Fit

A note to my sister

By Christina Jackson BryantPublished 4 years ago 9 min read
From Fat To Fit My Weight Loss Journey

A story I wrote for my sister.

My story

I’ve struggled with weight and the D word “diet” ewww for a very long time. Stepping on that stupid scale everyday. I tried every D word possible and they work for a minute and then stop or they don’t work at all. I would get discouraged then binge eat and then feel bad about. That would make me depressed and stress which causes cortisone levels to rise and that causes belly fat. So it was a lose lose cycle. I even signed up for weight loss surgery and was on the final step of it. I decided not to do it because it’s costly and I lost some weight and no longer qualified, but not enough to be healthy. I tried pills and diet fads, I mean I tried EVERYTHING except treating my body right. Having SLE Lupus and Fibromyalgia didn’t help either. Steroids, pain meds, psych meds, etc. I was on over 30 pills a day including insulin pills and shots. It was really bad and I was hospitalized for weeks at a time every month! I know some of yall remember. Notice I haven't been in the hospital as much. I even developed sleep apnea!

I started researching what makes us “fat” and what causes our metabolism to slow down. There is a hormone called leptin. Basically it helps to regulate energy and inhibits hunger. The FAT hormone basically. The hire the leptin the fatter you get. Exercise and healthy eating drastically and permanently reduces this hormone. I use to have hypothyroidism not it's just a little under active, so what Im telling you I've lived and did all of the research for you LOL. If you learn to control your leptin hormone you will control your weight. Just that easy.( If you want more info on leptin hormone and what causes it to rise and fall let me know and I will send you the article.)

How to lose weight naturally

The way that I started out losing weight is first I had to detox my body of all of the bad stuff. You don’t want to eat a 5 star dish on top of a garbage pile so you have to get rid of all of the garbage you’ve been ingesting. In order to keep weight off and lose weight you have to change the way that you look at food. Food is not for comfort it’s to sustain life and give you energy. And it doesn’t have to taste bad either. It has to become a way of living. That’s the hardest part of maintaining a healthy weight is to convince yourself that THIS IS NOT A DIET! This is a healthy lifestyle choice. You also should understand how our body works on a molecular level. Knowing what organ does what and what it needs to thrive. The way that we grew up eating is that of a slave and poor way of thinking that was passed down from generation to generation.. We had to eat what was given then had to eat what was affordable and those weren’t always good things. Like starches and sugars and bad fats like pork. What I did was research what foods help in making us NOT want those foods anymore that changed how my brain craved those foods by introducing new foods into my diet. Foods that people in other countries and native Americans eat. This nation is overweight because we are taught to eat food on pure taste alone.


Once a week drink one teaspoon of activated charcoal and psyllium husk (can be found in Whole Foods, GNC, even online) in 1 glass of water. Preferably in the morning to get rid of the chemicals that’s been collecting in the body and add fiber.

For 1 week let your diet consist of mostly liquids (if you can’t go the entire week eat fish and raw leafy greens NOT BROCCOLI 3 of those days 2 times a day) Doing this will help you soften your bowels and get rid of the waste without adding more waste.

Drink matcha green tea 3xs a day. Green tea accelerates metabolism and helps lower leptin (which is basically the fatty gene the opposite of high metabolism) it also helps fight disease causing radicals that cause cancers

Drink water drink water drink water drink water AT LEAST 8 glasses per day. This flushes out your kidneys and the fat. Add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice (fresh squeeze). One of those add 1 teaspoon of bentonite Clay to it, this helps aid in digestion and also binds to chemicals.

If you don’t have a juicer you should really invest in one and a blender.

Juice kale greens, apples, pineapples, beets, carrots, and any other raw veggie or fruit. Add less fruits to your juicing because they do contain sugars which can also contribute to weight gain.

No juicer? That’s ok you can cook your veggies NO SEASONING freeze your fruits and put it in a blender and you’ll have a nice healthy smooth! Add peanut butter or protein powder and even some dark chocolate and you will have next to no cravings.

Drink vegetable broths with very little sodium but you can add spicy peppers for flavor.

I also did a colonic enema once a week with this.

After your detox

Lay off of MEATS DAIRY POTATOES AND WHITE RICE (if you feel like you need meats eat fish like salmon and mackerel they are high in Omegas which are good for you and if you need “milk” do unsweetened almond or coconut milk. Milk has puss and blood and antibiotics and it’s not meant for human consumption) they put all types of chemicals and antibiotics which cause disease and inflammation and helps store fat and raise leptin levels. Let me explain what leptin as explained by Wikipedia:

Leptin (from Greek λεπτός leptos, "thin"), “the hormone of energy expenditure”,[a] is a hormone predominantly made by adipose cellsthat helps to regulate energy balance by inhibiting hunger. Leptin is opposed by the actions of the hormone ghrelin, the "hunger hormone". Both hormones act on receptors in the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus to regulate appetite to achieve energy homeostasis.[6] In obesity, similar to resistance of insulin in type 2 diabetes, a decreased sensitivity to leptin occurs, resulting in an inability to detect satiety despite high energy stores.[7] In humans, many instances are seen where leptin dissociates from the strict role of communicating nutritional status between body and brain and no longer correlates with body fat levels:

§ Leptin plays a critical role in the adaptive response to starvation.[56][57]

§ Leptin level is decreased after short-term fasting (24–72 hours), even when changes in fat mass are not observed.[58][59][60]

§ Serum level of leptin is reduced by sleep deprivation.[61][62]

§ Leptin levels are paradoxically increased in obesity.[63]

§ Leptin level is increased by emotional stress.[64]

§ Leptin level is chronically reduced by physical exercise training.[65][66][67]

§ Leptin level is decreased by increases in testosterone levels and increased by increases in estrogen levels.[68]

§ Leptin level is increased by insulin.[69]

§ Leptin release is increased by dexamethasone.[70]

§ In obese patients with obstructive sleep apnea, leptin level is increased, but decreased after the administration of continuous positive airway pressure.[71][72] In non-obese individuals, however, restful sleep (i.e., 8–12 hours of unbroken sleep) can increase leptin to normal levels.

Basically it is was controls hunger and fat and metabolism. If we learn to control our leptin intake we can help control our weight.

Add cinnamon, garlic, and spicy peppers, black pepper, cayenne pepper, chili powder, etc. to your diet they help with weight loss and I find that they help with cravings and boosts metabolism.

Eat lots of berries and citrus fruits. We keep them around for the kids and good for snacks.

Add turmeric to your teas and foods.

Eat lots of nuts and seeds and beans especially ALMONDS (they contain calcium) hemp and sesame seeds. Researchers noted in their findings that omega-3’s naturally help lower leptin, which in turn, leads to naturally faster metabolism.

Use hemp, flaxseed, coconut oil, and olive oil to cook your foods. They taste better, lighter, and healthier for you. They are also great for skin nails and hair. I also ad these to my hair regimen!!

Eat 3 small apples or pears a day! It helps with sugar cravings and assist in metabolism.

Eat citrus fruits! They help slim the waistline and these fruits aid our fat burning efforts and boost metabolism. Diets rich in vitamin C ensure insulin balance, but more importantly reduce instances where insulin spikes and we crave carbohydrate-loaded snacks during our day.

Eat WHOLE grains they stabilize insulin levels and you won’t crave sweets as much they also give you energy throughout the day.

Garlic! I add garlic to EVERYTHING! It helps with weight loss and I just like the taste of sautéed garlic in olive oil with some peppers and a little salt!

CHEW GUM (sugar free) YES CHEW GUM! It helps in weight loss especially in the face and neck AND it helps with cravings. I don’t know about you but I sometimes just want something to chew on so I noticed when I’m chewing gum I don’t think about eating as much. Especially when I’m cooking and “taste” the most food…LOL

I know that this seems like a lot but it’s worth it. I lost weight I felt GOOD, and wasn’t in as much pain as I use to be (little to none actually). I stopped eating like this for a month and it was back to feeling sluggish and tired and sick and in pain. That’s because we are putting artificial things and chemicals in our bodies, which are activating cancer cells and fat cells, and multiplying them at a super fast rate. Of course we are going to feel sick and tired. Our bodies are fighting hard to keep us alive. Everything we put into our bodies gets into our blood stream which in turn goes to our brains, hearts, muscles, bones, skin…..well you get the picture. Notice I didn’t say exercise LOL. There isn’t anything wrong with exercising but it doesn’t have to be a routine. You can dance and walk so that’s good enough. If you want to exercise you you do overhand claps, go for a walk, sex 😉 all different kinds of things.

Reverse metabolism and control Leptin:



Reduce stress


Get plenty of rest

Drink water drink water drink water

Fasting days depending on your health

Reduce meat, dairy, sugar, white bread intake (to damn near none or NONE)

Put up a goal board in a place where you can see it everyday and a pic on the mirror

Visualize your goal. Put an old picture of yourself when you were your ideal weight or someone you admire who is at your weight goal. Imagine you’re that weight buy clothes at the size you want to be and hang them up next to your other clothes where you can see them. Literally see yourself at that size.

Scales are not your friend! They lie! Muscle weighs more than fat

Juice your fruits and veggies and drink these teas Matcha Green tea, black teas

Being vegetarian pescaterian or vegan doesnt have to be gross and mundane

Don't rush take your time for yourself nothing happens overnight. Look at it as an exciting new journey to a better you.

Meat causes mucus and disease and diabetes meats and dairies cause mucus

Become obsessed with healthy fitness challenges and follow health coaches they are great motivators and motivation

Never ever starve yourself because your body will eat muscle for food and you will become weak and disoriented and binge eat and all that hard work is for nothing

Snack as often as possible and bigger meals very slowly

Start looking at your body as a holy temple your a GOD and gods only eat what helps them to survive

Eat for life not live to eat

If you visualize a more healthy you that's what you will get

Eat slowly and enjoy your food

Intermittent fasting is AWESOME. Meaning never eat before 12pm or after 9pm. Start by Sustaining from eating for 8hrs then another day try 10hrs then try 12hrs a different day. This way your body will send a chemical to your liver to burn fat for fuel. Then eat a lot of healthy fats after the fast like avocado. Only healthy vegan/vegetarian or pescatarian foods. Your body will learn to burn only fats. Be wary of your medications. I’m not suggesting stopping them BUT look up natural alternatives before you turn to synthetic drugs. They can cause weight gain. Start switching out your meds with natural things. (I have to say by law consult with your Dr 😒🙄 first blah blah) I didn’t though but do what’s best for you.


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    CJBWritten by Christina Jackson Bryant

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