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Free Reading #13 for 2021 Mirror Dragon Tarot

Reading for 3-29 thru 4-4-21

By Victoria LaPointePublished 3 years ago 5 min read
Thoth Tarot Deck

Free Weekly Reading #13 for 2021

Each week when I do these readings I set up my reading space with black fabric (for the photo, mostly but it also allows for and smooth, calm space to focus on the cards) make sure I have undisturbed quiet time; dogs are out, husband is at work/play/store/whatever, phone is off, etc… I begin with a quick grounding meditation and settle into a centered peace to ask for guidance in choosing the cards which will be most appropriate for the week ahead. I shuffle the cards with my intent in mind and spread them in a dealer’s “ribbon spread”. Then with eyes closed, I ask for the Center card, the West card and finally, the East card, reaching out to the spread, touching the cards and choosing the one that feels most fully under my finger tip, then sliding them into their positions. Before opening my eyes I return to a calm, centered state and do my best to sense whether the three cards I’ve chosen are the most fitting for the highest and best for all involved. Only then do I turn them face up and photograph them for the reading. There are times when I see the three cards before me and groan or breathe a sigh of relief but I always use the cards I’ve selected ”blindly”.

That said;

This week we have three cards from the Minor Arcana. What this tells us is that we’re likely dealing with the resulting success or fallout or simply the details surrounding whatever major life lesson we’ve been dealing with.

The Center card for the week is the 6 of Pentacles.

The Pentacles hold energy equivalent to the Earth element. They augment the work we do by grounding us as we integrate our other, less “real life” affinities -spirit, mind and emotion-. They represent our resources; time, talent, money, energy and the physical body. The sixes generally show a mix of well balanced interplay between inner and outer, upper and lower and the will to weave the aspects of each into a workable fabric. The six of Pentacles finds us in an atmosphere of give and take. That which we do for others and for self resonates with a peaceful flow as we discover the success of collaborative enterprises. Whether it’s switching shifts with a colleague, taking over a chore for a tired parent or spouse or picking up the check in a restaurant, we enjoy an easy flow of goodwill and cooperation by embracing the sharing of ideas, tasks, money and labor. We find that working together as a team moves things along easily and in the directions we choose.

The West card is the Ace of Pentacles.

The Aces of the Tarot represent the energy of their suit in its truest form. One simply is. No question, no discussion, just the thing itself. What I mean by this is that this week we go forward with the pure knowing that our resources are exactly where they need to be. It may not seem like it, I know. There may be bills that are screaming for attention or work that’s been waiting too long to be finished but there's sense of calm too, knowing that there are higher forces in play as we work on the concept of corroboration and teamwork. The old saw, many hands make light work is firmly in place this week as we meet obligations and obstacles with confidence and the willingness to share the load and/or allow a helping hand to support us in our own needs.

The East card is the 7 of Cups.

Here we shift over to the emotional end of the spectrum. With this energy we get a chance to look at the emotions we have around the give and take that’s prevalent for the week. This can manifest in a few ways. You might find yourself wanting to party hard celebrating the successes of the week or party hard to dull the pain felt from having to ask for help. You could feel a strong desire to immediately spend a windfall on something frivolous or a deep need to give your own extra cash to someone less fortunate. You might even find the need to purge unhelpful or overly dependent folks who drain you physically and intellectually as well as emotionally. It’s a good time to discover just how satisfying it is to give of yourself or to take on a project that you might have relied on someone else for in the past. This energy often has the effect of creating a lethargic feeling, like somebody turned up the gravity. It may make us feel things are just too taxing to put in the work or even a desire to be plain, old lazy. Slug days can be very restorative to the psyche as long as we don’t judge ourselves too harshly for “not getting anything done”. This emotional slow-down can set the stage for some in depth navel-gazing and self realization. If we can accept it as that and allow the emotion to flow, we open ourselves to experience the power and direction our deeper feelings can show us. There are valuable lessons to learn about who we are and how we got there when we slow down, quiet the chaos of obligation, responsibility and duty and simply look.

In conclusion;

This week is about teamwork, the effectiveness of a well aligned use of honest give and take plus the emotions those things bring up for expression and acceptance. We get the chance to get our proverbial acts together as cooperative and interconnected beings to see how well giving and receiving assistance can be. The weekend will likely lend itself well to relaxation, quietude and the wash of emotions swirled up by our progress.

Have a collaborative week.

Light, Tory

TIP for the week: Teamwork begins by building trust. And the way to do that is to overcome our need for invulnerability.

Patrick Lencioni

For personal readings please go to www.MirrorDragon.com.



About the Creator

Victoria LaPointe

I'm an intuitive Tarot card reader. It's my day job and I love it. My journey began in 1977 when I had my first card reading. I was astounded and inspired so I bought my first deck, began to learn and I'm still astounded and inspired.

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