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Five Tibetan Warrior Syllables

A toning sound meditation for releasing negativity

By Spirit PathPublished 4 years ago 4 min read

The Five Tibetan Warrior Syllables is an ancient practice using your voice to tone seed syllables.

The Ah-Beginning at the forehead and imagining white light, you begin tone to the Ah sound. While doing this with each breath, imaging that white light clearing out everything in your mind.

The Om-Moving down to your throat chakra, see a red light shinning out from your throat while toning to the Om. This bring clarity and assists you in speaking your truth and hearing your truth.

Hung-Hung is focusing on the heart chakra while toing to the sound of Hung. Imagine blue light while your heart is filling with compassion for yourself and others.

Ram-Next we move our attention to the sacral chakra located just below the belly button. This color is also red and is where all the emotions are held. Imagine releasing all low vibrational emotion that no longer serve you. Begin to focus on higher vibrational energy and emotions and bring that into the body while toning to the sound of Ram.

Dza-The last sound is Dza and is located at the base of the spine, the root chakra. This color is green and is where we connect the spirit realm with the physical realm and manifest what we want to bring into our mend, body, spirit. Tone to Dza while imagining all that you have cultivated and plant that into the 3D world.

I learned this sequence of syllables while studying sound therapy. One of my assignments while in school was to incorporate a minimum of 20 minutes a day of some form of sound meditation. I was learning many chants, mantras, and toning syllables from all over the world so I would see what mantra called to me. One morning I was sitting on my bedroom floor, preparing myself for my daily practice of 20 minute sound meditation. I chose the Five Tibetan Warrior Syllables. I got my drum and began toning to Ah while focusing on the white light to clear out my mind.

As I kept toning from head to throat, throat to heart, and so on I was taken to a memory that I have visited many times before. It was a traumatic memory of me as a small girl, sitting on the floor of my living room while my dad was completely intoxicated. I was a silent, frozen witness to my dads drunken ramblings and belligerents. My fathers power over me was heavy, I could not move for fear of being seen.

As I stated, this was a familiar memory and one that had brought with it a lot of trauma. Though I have gone back and done inner child work and forgiveness, and felt relief, it was a memory that was painful when ever it showed back up. However, as I kept toning and seeing this scene, I started singing the Hawaiian forgiveness pray, Ho opono pono. With my eyes held shut I sang and watched this traumatic scene change before my very eyes. For the first time, I saw my little girl self get up off the floor and start dancing to the music.

I had never seen this little girl move and in an instant a wave of awareness rushed over me. As I sang, I'm sorry, please forgive me, I love you, thank you to the beat of my drum, I began to feel that little girls emotions. It was not her surface fear that I tapped into either, it was her deep shame of not being able to protect herself. This was something that she was not consciously aware of, this was buried deep inside and hidden. Simultaneously, I was feeling my fathers true emotions too. I felt the pain that he must have been in. I felt the pain of his heart ,and how ashamed he felt for not being able to be any other way. I felt his true self and the weight that he carried for being out of control. I felt that if he could have he would not want to be compromised to the point of traumatizing his little girl.

Tears streamed down my face as a great release was occurring. I have had many emotional releases through my healing journey with various energy healing techniques, and it has brought great peace to those memories, but this was profound. The clarity of the vision that I got was amazing and beautiful. What I didn't know at the time, but do now, is that experience released that little girl in a way that the memory lost all power over her and me. The memory has never come back. I can imagine it, but that little girl is no longer stuck on the floor anymore.

Sound is not the only way to have these deep emotional healings and releases, but it is one a way. Sound is a amazing thing, I feel like the vibrations that the toning, chanting, or singing evoke, go where they need to go to heal instinctively. I wanted to share my experience because I am passionate about mine and everyone's ability to release trauma and heal deep wounds. In this healing we raise not only our vibration but the vibration of all. And, that permeates through out the Universe into infinity.


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    Spirit PathWritten by Spirit Path

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