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Dietitians Offer Simple Strategies for Detoxifying the Midsection

Make your waistline smaller by using these expert-recommended weight-loss strategies!

By Andy W.Published 2 years ago 4 min read
Dietitians Offer Simple Strategies for Detoxifying the Midsection
Photo by Clark Tibbs on Unsplash

It can take a long time and a lot of effort to get rid of abdominal fat. In comparison to other parts of the body, reducing belly fat is more difficult. It's crucial to know why this is the case. 

"There are three types of fat: triglycerides (the fat that circulates in your blood), subcutaneous fat (the layer right below the skin's surface), and visceral fat (commonly known as abdominal fat or belly fat)" a Simply Good Foods Company nutritionist explains. "Excess visceral fat puts your health at risk since it lies beneath the muscles of your stomach."

Additional hormone and chemical overproduction from visceral fat has been linked to a wide range of health problems, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and colon cancer. It's this visceral fat that's to blame for the additional weight you may be carrying around your middle.

Erin Palinski-Wade is a qualified dietitian and consultant for MyFitnessPal in New Jersey. She explains that because stomach fat is so close to our important organs, the body tends to accumulate and resist "losing" it. "It seems logical that the body would want to "keep" it around because it provides a simple source of fast energy for organs."

This fat can be hard to shed without making continuous lifestyle changes, according to Palinski-Wade, who cites anything from stress to sleep deprivation to growing older to a diet high in simple carbohydrates as possible contributors.

Here are eight ideas to help you slim down your midsection if you're having trouble doing so. Keep reading to learn more about how to eat a healthy diet. Dietitians offer advice on how to lose belly fat as you get older. Read these tips to help you lose belly fat:

By Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

1. To begin, take a few deep breaths.

"Regardless of your weight, you may experience an increase in fat storage in your stomach as a result of stress hormones. "Palinski-Wade is of the opinion that "if you're looking for a quick approach to relieve stress, simply practice 'belly breathing'—inhaling through the nose, holding for a few seconds, and then expelling through pursed lips like you're whistling. Stress hormones can be reduced by slowing down the heart rate as well as calming the body.

2. Increase your protein intake.

As a registered dietitian nutritionist, women's health expert, and CEO of The Women's Dietitian, Cory Ruth, MS, RDN, explains, "protein helps trigger the release of leptin, which makes us feel fuller for longer and can delay calorie consumption, leading to more belly fat accumulation."

Adding more protein to your diet can be as simple as making protein-rich smoothies in the morning with Greek yogurt or protein powder, then having grilled salmon or chicken for lunch, lentils or black beans for dinner, and hard-boiled eggs and roasted almonds for snacks.

3. Reduce the amount of sugar you consume.

One or two tablespoons of blood sugar at a time is all that your body can manage; anything more than that has the potential to be stored as body fat, adds Heimwitz.

4. Instead of soda, try sparkling water with a squeeze of lime in it.

"A rapid buildup of abdominal fat is a risk when simple sweets are consumed regularly. As a result of insulin resistance, excess insulin in the bloodstream encourages even more fat storage in the abdominal area, which can contribute to weight gain" Palinski-Wade claims this.

"Drinks like soda are the most common source of added sugar in the diet, accounting for more than half of all added sugar consumed. You may get the same delightful carbonation as soda without the additional sugar by switching to sparkling water with a splash of juice."

5 . Take a walk every day.

Ruth claims that "a brief, brisk daily stroll helps decrease cortisol levels." You can lower your risk of obesity by taking just a few minutes of exercise every day," according to the American Diabetes Association.

6. Don't eat as many carbs.

According to Heimowitz, "you start losing belly fat because your body burns fat for fuel when you cut back on carbs, especially refined carbs such as white bread, rice, bagels, pasta, cookies, candies, and chips"

7 . Make a food diary.

While Palinski-Wade believes that losing belly fat doesn't have to be difficult, she emphasizes the importance of being consistent, especially when it comes to eating choices. "When it comes to eating, many of us go about our daily routines without ever noticing it. It's easy to notice how your diet affects your energy, temperament, stress, and even sleep quality when you keep a food diary."

By Francesca Hotchin on Unsplash

8. Lemon water is a good choice.

When it comes to reducing stomach bloat, "lemons are recognized diuretics," explains Ruth. "Upping hydration, on the other hand, can help keep your appetite at bay, which means fewer calorie intake and less belly fat."


Did you know that the best way to lose weight is by drinking Okinawa flat belly tonic? It has a unique taste, and it will help burn calories just as effectively. In fact, some folks are losing up to 33.5 lbs of fat in just 30 days by simply drinking this tonic daily before 10am. To get more information about this weight loss method, please click here.

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About the Creator

Andy W.

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