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Dental Health: What Are Good Dental Habits

Lifetime care is necessary to have shiny and healthy teeth. Even if someone has strong bright teeth, they still need to take good care of their teeth to prevent them from future problems.

By Femicure HealthcarePublished 4 years ago 3 min read
Good Dental Habits

Everyone loves to have a bright smile. And a radiant smile requires bright and string teeth. Lifetime care is necessary to have shiny and healthy teeth. Even if someone has strong bright teeth, they still need to take good care of their teeth to prevent them from future problems. It is crucial to follow some dental habits while teeth cleaning at home to keep teeth healthier. Here is the list of daily practices for oral care suggested by top dental clinics and dentists in India:

1. Avoid going to bed without brushing

Brushing teeth twice for healthy and strong teeth is not a secret. Still, many people neglect the importance of brushing and do not even brush their teeth once and end up with cavities. Brushing before going to bed helps in getting rid of the plaque and germs. Otherwise, they result in cavities.

2. Brush appropriately

Have you ever thought about how to brush? If not, one must start thinking about it. Brushing is essential, but people rarely know the appropriate way to brush. Inappropriate brushing is as dangerous as not brushing at all. To remove plaque, one must ensure to brush gently and in the circular motions. If the plaque is not removed correctly, it can lead to gum disease like gingivitis.

3. Prefer fluoride toothpaste only

Just focusing on the flavors and whitening power is not appropriate while selecting the toothpaste. It is essential to choose the toothpaste which contains fluoride. Fluoride helps in defending against tooth decay. Fluoride can fight the germs, which lead to decay. Fluoride toothpaste works like a protective guard for teeth.

4. Flossing is part of routine

Brushing without flossing is just like a monsoon without rain. Bushing regularly alone will not make any difference, one must do flossing regularly. Flossing helps in removing the food particles, which usually gets stuck in between teeth. Flossing also helps to stimulate the gums, lower the inflammations, and to reduce the plaque.

5. Drinking more water really helps

For a healthy mouth and body, water is always the best beverage. Doctors always recommend drinking water once done with the meal. Water helps to remove the harmful effects of sticky, acidic food.

6. Must visit the dentist at least twice a year

Everyday habits are essential for dental care. Even the most dutiful brushers might end up with tooth decay and cavities. So, professional help for oral care becomes more crucial. Visiting dentists in India is not given much attention. But it is advisable to visit the dentist at least twice a year for regular check-ups and clean-ups to avoid the gum disease and cavities. The dentist can also warn regarding some of the other probable oral issues which can be treated before they cause more damage.

7. Cut down the intake of acidic and sugary foods

Sugar gets converted into acid in the mouth and damages the enamel of the teeth. Acids cause cavities and tooth decay. Even the intake of teas, coffee, and acidic fruits will be harmful to teeth enamel. But this does not require to avoid such sort of food, one can avoid the consequences of such food with simple care.

8. Mouthwash is important

Not many people use mouthwash for their good oral health. People usually skip the most crucial part of mouthwash, considering it as an optional task. It is very essential as it helps in cleaning the areas where it is hard to brush, reducing the amount of acid in the mouth, and remineralizes the mouth. One must make a mouthwash routine.

9. The tongue needs the same care

Plaque not only attacks teeth but also can build-up on the tongue. Bad odor from the mouth is mostly due to the plaque. Plaque can be the reason for many other oral problems too. So, it is advisable to brush the tongue whenever brushing the teeth.


About the Creator

Femicure Healthcare

Femicure - Healthcare & Wellness facilitators who have a network of medical experts across India. The first choice for treatment seekers to visit to find a suitable healthcare provider for them.

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