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Daily Tarot Reading 08152019

What do I need to know today?

By Shari MalinPublished 5 years ago 3 min read

Queen of Wands

What should I know about today?

The Queen of Wands in this position suggests you may be feeling blocked today. This may be making you unable to feel the joy of living. Perhaps you feel you are 'going through the motions' and wondering when you will feel alive again. You may also be feeling 'dark' inside—but this does not mean the light is not there. It is just dimmed, so trust it will brighten again.

Feeling blocked from joy

The Queen of Wands represents vitality and the spark of life. She has fire in her belly and believes that life is for living. This card represents the life energy in all of us which cannot be destroyed, though may be hidden or asleep. Somewhere deep down inside us we all have this aliveness—the sort that made us want to get up in the morning when we were children. The Queen reminds us that this vitality is the source of our energy and inspiration. Therefore, we should turn to it when we want to make positive changes in our life.

Four of Wands

How should I approach this day?

This card asks you to take pleasure in your creativity and to take advantage of the chances to engage in new and exciting ventures and activities. To do this you will need to break free of any restrictive patterns of negative thought, whilst still being alert to your common-sense. Try to differentiate between voices of caution and voices which hold you back unnecessarily. This will help to make you feel more positive and hopeful about life. You would be wise to take advantage of your exuberant energy while you have it, harnessing it for your positive pursuits.

Take pleasure in new ventures.

The Four of Wands is the card of the excited little child, exploding with enthusiasm and the simple joy of being alive. It is a card heralding new ventures and new beginnings in our lives. It represents the chance we have to let go of our limitations and allow new doors to open for our enterprising spirit to flourish. We can, however, be swept away on this tidal wave of delight and do not always remember to balance our excitement with the more cautionary voices inside us, which are important for keeping stability in our lives.

The Hierophant

What is the true potential of this day?

This card suggests you will find yourself benefiting from a conventional or traditional approach today. This may feel for a while as if you are wearing a straight-jacket and that your creativity and spontaneity are becoming stifled. Provided you can find a way to integrate your own unique voice, this feeling of being trapped will lessen. Remember to appreciate the benefits of both the Hierophant's way and your own, individual approach. You can then take the best of both worlds.

Will fit in better

The Hierophant or High Priest is a wise man and a teacher. He is an excellent adviser but is an orthodox thinker, so if you go to him with a problem he will give you a good answer but won't be able to think laterally or imaginatively. The essence of this card is about doing things in a conventional way and following traditional wisdom. The Heirophant asks, 'The conventional way has been tried and tested and it works. Why try to reinvent the wheel?' In this age of individualism where people often want to do things their own way, the message of the Hierophant is probably not a very popular one, but yet is still worth listening to. There are times when it is better to fit in and go along with the crowd—and sometimes being different can be more trouble than it's worth!


About the Creator

Shari Malin

I’m a writer living and working in the Atlanta area.

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