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Daily reading for January 30th, 2023

Don't be so quick to anger

By Jason Almirez-TaglianettiPublished about a year ago 4 min read

In this series, I’ve been performing a daily tarot reading to learn to read the tarot and write about it here. I use the very traditional Rider-Waite-Smith deck to learn from as it seems to be the easiest to interpret and read. Not to say that other cards don’t speak to me. But I’ve found that it’s pretty easy to read the Rider-Waite-Smith tarot. The goal is to learn the cards and then move on to another more appealing deck later in my journey. For now, the Rider-Waite-Smith is my go-to.

Today’s reading will be a three-card reading. Single-card and two-card readings can be a lot of fun, but I feel like I should challenge myself more and grow in my study. For me, a three-card reading is a great one because it doesn’t take a lot but gives enough to chew on and think about. So let’s dive right in.

I shuffled as I always do and continued to do so until three cards fell out. The first two cards took a while to fall out. The last one fell out as a pack of cards and was the first one I saw when it landed on my desk.

Our first card is the knight of swords. He’s quick to action. Rushing in to save the day maybe. Quick on the draw, ready at a moment’s notice. He’s someone you definitely want on your side when things get tough. But he might also be that friend that gets into fights all the time because of a quick temper. Things can go from zero to sixty really fast with this guy. This is our situation card. Something is happening that either needs swift action. Maybe something isn’t right at work and you need to step in and correct the situation. Or perhaps a quick course correction is in order on life plans. Whatever it is, something needs to change quickly. It could also be about quick tempers. Sometimes things get us so frustrated that we jump into anger and rage before we even know that that’s what we’re doing. And what do you do about that? The 8 of cups has the answer.

In the 8 of cups, we see a man walking along a stream. It’s rocky and jagged. Not an easy walk. He is alone. He might not be lonely though. The moon is full in the sky. The moon is a feminine energy I have read in some places that the moon could suggest a warning or caution. But I see the moon as a guide here. Helping this man walk a path that is not easy. This card is full of emotion too. The stream the man is following is not pretty. It’s a rough, jagged river with lots of rocks. But this card is about taking the time to be by yourself. To reflect on what has happened. To go inside and calm down. To quiet oneself. This is usually the best to solve a blow-up of emotion like what we see in the knight of swords

And our takeaway card is the tower. The tower can be an alarming card to get in a reading. The tower is on fire, getting hit with lightning, and people are falling out of it to their death. A pretty grim card. But just like all the cards in the tarot, these things are not literal. But what it does suggest is that if we were to let our emotions get the best of us, our lives would collapse around us. When we allow anger and animosity to run our lives that we could soon find our lives in ruins. Everything we’ve worked on and built will collapse faster than you could possibly imagine. This reading is a reminder to take it easy, don’t be so quick to anger. Otherwise, you will find your life in ruin. It’s not an easy reading to have on a Monday morning. But our takeaway is simply to breathe. Be kind to yourself and others around you. As they are also just trying to do their best in this world.

I hope you enjoyed today’s reading. I know it’s a heavy message but sometimes there’s no way to sugarcoat it. There are things we need to hear. And readings like this one can certainly help us understand things better. If this resonated with you, take some time to think about things. Think about what happened, how you reacted, and how you might have done it differently. Be like the guy in the 8 of swords and take some time. Do not beat yourself up over it though. That’s just as bad. If you can reach out and apologize, do so. If not, apologize to yourself. The universe will hear it and know where to direct the energy. Be kind to yourself today and remember that we are all human. We all make mistakes. This is one you can learn and grow from.

If this reading didn’t resonate with you but you know someone who might need to hear this message today please share it with them with love and kindness. Thanks for reading and have a great day!



About the Creator

Jason Almirez-Taglianetti

I'm an intuituve tarot reader studying the tarot and writing about my journey. To purchase readings please visit my livelogue site.

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