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Can yoga burn fat?


By Thomas E. BurgePublished 3 years ago 3 min read

Yoga is a very common form of exercise. Many people practice yoga, and many people practice yoga for weight loss, but few people know whether yoga can really lose weight, so let’s learn about yoga here. Can you lose fat? Who can't practice yoga?

Can yoga lose fat?

Yoga can lose weight, but the principle of yoga to lose weight is different from general fitness activities. General fitness exercises achieve the goal of reducing fat and slimming by increasing calorie consumption. Yoga is different. Yoga reduces fat by regulating the human endocrine system and accelerating metabolism. You need to pay attention to the methods and methods when you lose weight. Generally, a healthy and effective method is to carry out appropriate exercises and control your diet. Yoga is also a relatively common way of exercise. Practicing yoga can also be helpful for weight control and weight loss, but it is also necessary to pay attention to the duration and intensity of the exercise. Under normal circumstances, continuous exercise is required to increase the body's energy consumption, especially to increase the fat consumption and reduce the glycogen reserve, which will help to control weight and lose weight. At the same time, we also need to pay attention to the diet, eat too much, pay attention to the rationality of the diet structure, and avoid obvious food shortages.

Who can't practice yoga

After entering middle age, the ligaments and joints are degenerated, and the muscles are relatively stiff. For those who do not have strong muscle protection and support, they are forced to practice difficult yoga movements. This is undoubtedly a huge problem for the already fragile cervical and spine." "Challenge" can easily lead to muscle strain and dislocation of the vertebral body. Unless you have been practicing yoga since childhood, your body has good flexibility.

Patients who already have osteoporosis, especially women with severe osteoporosis. Due to the decrease in bone hardness and the increase in fragility, a little carelessness during yoga practice may cause compression fractures or vertebral body ruptures.

For patients with cervical and lumbar spondylosis, if they practice certain movements of yoga, such as the plow pose, it is easy to cause a herniated disc or the original condition is more serious.

In patients with cardiovascular disease or obesity, if the movements are violent, such as doing handstand movements, it is likely to increase the burden on the heart and cause discomfort.

Can yoga reduce belly fat

Doing yoga can reduce belly. Yoga is a very healthy aerobic exercise. If you insist on doing it for more than 45 minutes a day, you can burn a lot of fat in the body, especially visceral fat and body surface fat. It has a significant effect on belly fat, which is very suitable for women. Belly fat for weight loss. Practicing yoga regularly, as long as you stick to it, you can achieve good results. You can properly massage the abdomen, you can reduce the intake of fat, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, maintain a happy mood during daily yoga practice, maintain the intensity of exercise, lose weight more thoroughly, and prevent rebound. Avoid drinking, smoking, and unhealthy lifestyles during yoga practice, especially insomnia, all of which hinder weight loss.

Can yoga be taught at home by myself?

can. Pay attention to the following points before self-study yoga:

1. Know the precautions before doing yoga and strictly follow them. (There are a lot of precautions on the Internet. Take your time to read it.) For example, before yoga, you must have an empty stomach, warm up, and follow.

2. People who do yoga strains are ignorant people who pursue beautiful yoga movements, and they don't understand the importance of step-by-step yoga. Yoga has two contents: breathing and asanas (actions). As long as you stick to the movements, one day you will do beautifully. The breathing is all in your own feelings. The calmer the mind, the better the breathing.

3. Good yogis in the club will constantly emphasize breathing and gradual progress when giving lessons to students. A bad yogi will make students pursue movements instead of breathing.


About the Creator

Thomas E. Burge

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