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Calibrate Weight Loss: How to Reset Your Metabolism

Calibrate Weight Loss Program

By Anita BeharaPublished 2 years ago 6 min read
Calibrate weight loss Programme

Calibrate Weight Loss: How to Reset Your Metabolism

No matter how hard you try, you just can’t seem to lose weight. You diet, you exercise, but nothing seems to work. It doesn’t have to be this way! In fact, simply recalibrating your metabolism could help you get back on track toward your weight loss goals – and it’s not as difficult as you might think! Here’s how it works and how to do it.

Calibrate is a new diet program designed to reset your metabolism for a long period.

As per the organization's website, individuals lose a normal of 15% of their body weight in 1 year. Individuals can return the money in question in the event that they don't lose 10% of their body weight in the wake of finishing the program.

The Problem with Traditional Diets

Traditional diets are difficult, if not impossible, for many people to follow because they require a lot of willpower. They also often leave you feeling hungry and deprived. Calibrate is different in that it’s designed with your metabolism in mind. It has no hunger pangs and its nutrient-dense formula helps you shed pounds without feeling like you’re starving yourself.

What Is the Calibrate Weight Loss Program?

in 2020 Calibrate was founded by former investment banker Isabelle Kenyon .The Calibrate weight loss system is a three-phase, individualized diet and lifestyle change program for people with metabolisms that have become unbalanced. This program is designed by a team of experts including a physician, a registered dietitian, and an exercise physiologist.

The program teaches how to re-calibrate your metabolism and get your body back on track. When you are not in the right state, it can be difficult to lose weight and maintain weight loss. Studies show that even if you exercise more than someone else and eat less food, those with balanced metabolisms will usually end up lighter. It’s time to turn things around. Find out how does calibrate weight loss system work? And how much does calibrate weight loss cost

There are many ways imbalances occur but studies show that when people try a metabolic reset, they generally see faster results. That’s because it retrains their bodies how to use the nutrients they consume properly. An expertly crafted formula called Dinitrophenol (DNP) was introduced into North America for this purpose.

The Science behind the Calibrate Program

How does the Calibrate weight loss system work? The Calibrate program is a new, innovative weight-loss system that was designed by a team of scientists and dietitians. The Calibrate weight loss program is based on the theory that it takes at least two weeks of eating a low-calorie diet for your metabolism to recalibrate itself. Once this happens, it starts burning more calories because your body has become more efficient with how much energy it uses. In other words, your body gets better at burning calories after you reset your metabolism with a low-calorie diet - so you can then return to eating more food (mainly healthy) without gaining weight!

Pros and Cons of the Calibrate Program


  • This type of diet program is designed to help you lose weight and reduce your risk of obesity.
  • The program was created by three leading doctors in the medical field. - It helps you rewire your metabolism and fuel yourself with the right kind of food.
  • This includes medicines and lab work that may be covered by insurance.
  • Eligible for a Flexible Spending Account (FSA) or Health Savings Account (HSA).
  • Does not restrict or eliminate any food item.
  • Guarantees 10% weight loss and offers a full refund.
  • Promotes gradual changes in diet and lifestyle.
  • Includes personal support from a health coach and initial meeting with the doctor.
  • As long as you're committed to eating well and exercising regularly, then it should work for most people.


  • can be expensive.
  • Requires one year commitment.
  • Uses trainers who are not health care professionals.
  • Not suitable for those not meeting the eligibility criteria.
  • Requires members to self-administer injectable drugs.
  • Uses drugs that may be associated with side effects and weight gain.

How to Implement the Calibrate Program

Calibrate is a weight-loss program that teaches you how your body uses food and tells you when you are hungry or full. The system consists of a calorie calculator, an eating guide and a fitness plan.

Does Calibrate weight loss system work?

With the help of the tools provided in the program, it can be easier to eat well and exercise and achieve your goals.

How much does Calibrate weight loss system cost?

On average, you will pay around $5 per day for the Calibrate weight loss program. However, there is also a free trial period with no purchase necessary before enrolling into the program.

Your membership includes:

• One-on-one biweekly video calls with Calibrate Coaches

• Access to courses focused on food, sleep, exercise and emotional health

• Continuous access to medical and support teams

  • Tracking tools and online resources on the Calibrate app

• Welcome Kit, which includes Smart Scale and Orientation Tool

• 30 minute virtual visit with the doctor to review the lab results

To lose weight, it is important to understand how your body reacts to certain foods and how this impacts caloric intake. Understanding what different foods do to your metabolism can help you make better choices when deciding what to eat. For example, carbohydrates increase blood sugar levels while protein lowers them. When blood sugar levels drop after consumption of carbohydrates, hunger increases while consumption of protein maintains these levels which keeps hunger at bay.

Final Thoughts on the Calibrate Weight Loss Program

Losing weight is not easy, and it can be even more difficult if you’ve been unsuccessful in the past. The Calibrate program offers a weight loss system that has helped many lose weight and live healthier lifestyles. The key to this program is resetting your metabolism so you can lose weight and keep it off. And the best part of this program? It is backed by dietitians who have been in the industry for over 20 years! Dietitian Debra Moffat, RD/CDN states I have seen clients struggle with their weight all their life and they’re doing everything right but they just can’t seem to get rid of those last 10 pounds. I think a lot of times what happens with people is that there might be some underlying reasons for why they are struggling with their weight such as food sensitivities or gut issues like leaky gut syndrome. So I really love how the Calibrate program takes care of all these things from start to finish because it includes specific meal plans and personalized nutrition coaching support too. Along with tracking your progress through an app, they also offer social media support groups to help encourage members. If you want to learn how you can shed those last 10 pounds once and for all then this program may be perfect for you!

The price point on the Calibrate weight loss program is approximately $150 per month. There are three different packages available which range from $150-$350 depending on how much weight you want to lose each month. The great thing about them being monthly packages means that it's affordable to fit into any budget! Plus, the longer you commit, the lower your rate becomes per month because of their pay-in-advance discount policy. With little to no effort put forth other than following their carefully crafted meal plans, users of the Calibrate system have lost upwards of 80lbs in under six months time. Dietitian Margaret Weber shares how she was successful at her weight loss journey using the Calibrate system; I found myself eating better, feeling better and less bloated. Weber continues to say The team at Calibrate were amazing throughout my whole journey. With testimonials like these, it's clear to see why others are turning towards the ever-so popular weight loss program

weight loss

About the Creator

Anita Behara

Hey everybody! I blog on everything and anything that spikes any hint of interest in me! I basically write to keep an account of my thoughts and feelings, if you feel that you can relate with my thoughts then please keep on reading more.

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