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Bubly sparkling water

No Small Electric appliances Needed

By Faye 426Published 3 years ago 3 min read

If you are trying to kick a sugary or diet soda habit or just like sparkling water, I can’t say enough good things about Bubly water. I have purchased a lot of sparkling waters, seltzer’s both plain and flavored. They may give you a little fizz, but Bubly really lives up to its name. I’ve found that the bubbles really make me not miss soda. It comes in a variety of flavors including- mango, black cherry, lime just too name a few. Bubly is extremely refreshing.The aromatic smells really make you feel like you can taste the actual flavors.

I know you are wondering why I haven’t simply purchased one of those soda stream/ soda makers.The answer is simple, I’m a recovering small appliance and electric gadget addict. My Therapist forbids me to purchase anything else that will end up in my small appliance graveyard. Regardless of my good intentions, they get used once or twice and are forgotten faster than you can say Macy’s One Day sale.

Let’s take a tour of all the “ I’ve got to have it, and will use it everyday items in my appliance graveyard:

- Electric ice teas do electric lemonade makers. It turns out you are both a lot of work to use and clean. It’s much easier to buy a bottle when I’m in the mood for either.it’s Aldo easier to make it the ok’d fashion way in a a pitcher the way my mother did.

- Keri oh coffee maker- I adore you. Your seductive blue color gives you a permanent place in my heart. The problem is, I don’t drink coffee or tea. The Shopping Channel QVC convinced me I should have you , so I bought you on five easy payments. Which means you were delivered to my home before I had fully paid for you. Easy Pay is simply a new, modern version of lay-aWay. I used you when I had Visitors but soon realized it was cheaper and easier to buy a bottle of instant coffee to keep on hand and serve to my Special Guests.

- Martini a maker- I loved and still love the idea of you. You hold a special place in my heart and imagination. The only problem is I don’t drink, but I love you and I’m determined to use you one day.

- Nespresso machine. It rhymes with espresso so I’m sure it makes something in the coffee family. Damn you once again Macy’s One Day Sale.

- Popcorn maker- it turns out I’m a lazy ass and microwave popcorn is really easy and delicious.

- Bread Maker- it’s so much easier to buy a bag of whole wheat or multi-grain bread. Oh, I never sent in the mail I rebate. So much for being too cheap to pass up.

- Juicer/ I actually used it several times, but I realized it takes about five pounds of fresh fruits or vegetables to make about 3 ounces of juice.snot to mention the fact, that the darn things are hard to clean. I decided to stick with organic, no sugar added juice.

- Ice cream maker & Frozen Yogurt maker.it turns out it’s much cheaper and easier to buy whichever brand of ice cream or frozen yogurt is on sale. I did use the ice cream maker once or twice so of course I decided to double down a d get the Frozen Yogurt machine to keep it company in the dark cabinet. Thanks for nothing Bloomingdales Friends and Family sale. Finally, let’s not forget about those “isn’t that cute” purchases.

- Cotton candy maker, clearly purchased during one of my darkest moments.

- Hot dog roller and pop up hot dog maker. You guessed it, on the rare occasion I eat a hot dog I boil it or if it’s BBQ season it’s cooked on the grill.

Sorry I digress, this is a review of Bubly Water. It’s great, buy it, try it you won’t regret it. You’ll open a can, pour it into your glass and enjoy. No small electric appliance needed.

product review

About the Creator

Faye 426

I am a Customer Service Professional. Previously, I wrote to amuse my friends with my take on current events. This is my first time sharing my writing with strangers. My goal is to explore different categories and genres to find my niche

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