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As Gemini Arrives

it's a time to remember you're not alone; call that Geminus

By Risci CallesPublished 3 years ago 7 min read
As Gemini Arrives
Photo by Alyssa Stevenson on Unsplash

I went ahead and asked my oracle cards of reiki to give an impression of what this Gemini Season stores and holds- they pretty much said, intuition is key; you know what you need do with to bring the balance you seek, the mention of an old friend came up and that can be the nostalgia mentioned later on but this "past" they spoke of made it seem like it may come in different forms for anybody.

"As we nestle in with the spirit of Sun as Gemini energy comes along, let us bring in the spirit of Spring; great opportunity- it all appears, most definitely but, if and, when nostalgia sets in then a set-up it may seem to be."

Let's try and ground our throat chakras these next 30 days, come one come all;

Testing the words of what One's got to say.

Everything best comes into play when the moment of wander meets with cognizance of truth and the stability of intuit has overruled self doubt.

If seamlessly done, it all comes together and catapults you, not only, where you want to be but where the soul needed you to go.

Speak with the mind and soul but with ego aside, speak when there is no need to battle with mouth and chest- if you already find yourself in a space where you may not have to watch your tongue as much, know that you may be stepping into a grander version of yourself this Gemini Season.


Gemini is an air sign ruled by Planet Mercury. #ASTROFunFACT Yes, exactly, that Mercury- the one that spins so fast in its obit that it'll have moments where it speeds up so rapidly the planet begins to appear like it's going backwards in comparison to Earth and it's orbit; hence, Mercury Retrograde.

This #GemSZN we'll experience Mercury going into retrograde within the 30th of May and passed June 21st. But before we begin to draw circles around us to invoke protection or wear our sombreros upside in order to match the chaos the world constantly throws at us, let's remind each other that

This is what being a Gemini is all about!

Welcoming the calamity with caring arms-

Okay, well... maybe not "caring arms" but definitely open ones. These Geminis are ready to engulf the torrents of havoc that are on standby, ready to be flung like gold from a ruler to the poor. Except the only thing rich about this, is Life laughing- at either your dance through terror or downfall from destruction.

That's the duality of Gemini, not being well-liked but adored; being open but not having to unfurl one bit. In the same way one can show sympathy but feel no emotion, it's the reason "Captain Save 'Em's" and "Maybe I can fix them" exists.

In the same sense where the story that says "the universe created you so you could create the universe" lives.

It's hard to say such things as that, but it's as it seems. It was the best way to analogize what it means to be a Gem.

AND I, [!]

The world lives for your reaction and when you give it one that's worth fighting back against, that's when we begin to realize we are nothing more than The child of This World- wonder; what does a child do when they're amidst their adolescence? Shout at their parents, scream to their ruler; out at authority.


  • Gemini is third in the Zodiac wheel- representing young teenage life and early adulthood

Depending on when the rebel begins- it starts or ends with never-halting screeches at the elite and prestigious. A cry for a rise and revolt against the business modeled-establishments but not know what to do once checkmated and won, the boards become yours; do you become a tyrant and win repeatedly or never play again for fear of losing over more?

There are many reasons as to why someone may want to continue to fight- to either win or just because they've got an overload of might. Another brawl, isn't what's needed but the world that owns this game of life can and will, throw a rumble your way- with no hesitation in sight and nothing doubted more than twice.

Some people just can't lose, whether they care for it to happen or not and others will always strive for a win because life hasn't allowed the luxury of losing.

Remember this #GemSZN is your shot to be free from your own captive and be life-adaptive.

When we get a cluster-jam of unchained and unsheathed events, we begin to become prepared for evasion and those desolating occasions.

Gemini was welcomed in amidst our Spring with a Virgo Moon, and it'll end with us entering Summer with the Moon in Scorpio. And sandwiched in between it all, is a gift of a Sagittarius Supermoon.

All this means is, when we entered into Gemini season with the Moon in Virgo, you may have already known what your stance was on this life and planet, where you wanted to be and go- it may have looked like you writing and crossing off a whole to-do list or having the spontaneity to clean your room or work space. Either way, you may or may not have known where you were going but you were definitely set on getting somewhere. As we exit the season, it'll be a no brainer of where you'll end up- it's completely up to you and how to approach this new life that awaits for your arrival.

This Sagittarius Supermoon will be like a dimly lit mirror formed from a puddle that shows the reflection of your most deep desires. That way when we come to end with the Moon in Scorpio you'll come to an understanding with the phrase "all is right with the world," you'll likely to have stepped into the path to your highest self; final-boss status, by this time you've likely to have arduously cleansed anything from blocking your final transformations, spiritually speaking so-to speak.

This #GemSZN will have you wanting to pick up trash, got you knowing you've got to take out the garbage and end with you dusting and clapping your hands together in satisfaction of a job well accomplished.

As you, the Gem of our realms and raconteurs of ineffable words, we can think about the worldly phrases in life; recall back to a phrase that speaks of a "double-edged sword." If we say that this double edged sword is a delegate to life and if we think back to another phrase, "the pen is mightier than the sword." We can say that 'the pen' is words and it is mightier than life, 'the sword'- meaning words, spoken, written or thought, come into fruition unto the physical world.

These phrases engulf the meaning of a Virgo, Scorpio Moon and the double edged sword has Gemini written all over it; this new understanding is the Sagittarius Supermoon- encompassing it all creates the experience.

It'll be a grand time to manifest the utmost wants and desires, if aligned with your highest self and path; you just might get it within an eye's blink.

To put it simply, If done correctly. it concludes that manifesting for the life you're meant to live and speaking into existence what you want when there, will have the outcomes tenfold.

There's always a moment in time where one can really begin to see when, where or maybe why and how, one side of the sword will always appear to be a little more sharpened and honed. That's when you begin to notice that life may not be double-edged at all but just one giant, big knife.

Life gave us so we could bring light to life, and in that same breath more rose to morose. The dual diremption that #GemSZN has will have you questioning yourself and yet, make you wonder why doubt would ever be thought to ponder on.

Stay powerful.

Stay connected to your source.

Stay mindful.

This #GemSZN brings

  • luck to fellow sister signs Taurus and Aquarius, the polar-op Sagittarius, and dexterous Scorpio.
  • love to Pisces and Sagittarius- whether it be a newfound suitor or they're their own grand palatially, self serving solicitor
  • a little more moolah to Taurus, Virgo, Pisces, Cancer and Capricorns- more than what they've accumulated or are used to, perhaps a new source of income, as well.
  • Leo's and Aries, a standstill for a moment too long where it'll appear like a millennia has gone by, just know that if you give attention to the synchronicities of your life, you might find it more successful and helpful than you'll realize.
  • Expected travels to Gemini's, Aries, Sagittarius and Aquarius.
  • Libras will experience some sprinklings of each venture in all mentioned from above except one- and yes, it is likely that this is the one is could miss; please think about that if needed


Famous Gemini Suns are Ice Cube, Kanye, Angelina Jolie and Adrianna Lima

Well-renowned Jim Carrey is a Gemini Moon

Otherworldly, Rihanna and Willow Smith happen to be Gemini Risings

Try and focus on your manifestation energy and meditations on the days of Mercury and Venus [Wednesdays and Fridays] throughout this Gemini trip, during the 8 and 20 o'clock hour.

Still confused about these Gemini times? Just wait 'til Cancer season comes up!

[A reading like this wasn't set to sound ominous or mysterious because nothing but most-good comes from what's said above; just a fun, little summary of what's to come.]


About the Creator

Risci Calles

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