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Are eggs in the morning good for you?

What do you know about eggs?

By Phil HolzerPublished 2 years ago 6 min read

Eggs, supposedly, are the most popular tonic.

The nutritional value of eggs is known to be very high and they play an important role in the growth and development of children. The main nutritional component of eggs is protein, which is of high quality, and the fat content is on the low side.

They also contain minerals, amino acids, and other substances. If eggs are eaten properly, these nutrients can be absorbed normally by the body. Eggs are rich in lecithin and can be eaten to enhance memory and improve immunity.

So, what are the benefits if you eat a poached egg every morning? And what are the benefits for the liver? Find out together below.


How much do you know about eggs?

[Core benefits of eggs

Egg whites.

1. moistens the lungs and improves the pharynx: egg white has the effect of moistening the lungs and improving the pharynx, and can treat symptoms such as sore throat from fever, irritation, and full cough.

2. Clearing heat and detoxification: Egg white is cool and sweet, and can clear heat and detoxify the body. It is good for treating jaundice, swelling, and poison, burns, etc.

3. Enhance immunity: egg white can repair damaged cells and renew proteins so it can enhance immunity and improve the immune system.

4. Promote growth and development: egg whites help to metabolize fat and starch, promote growth and body tissue development, and phosphorus is a major element in the composition of bones and teeth.

5. Good for the skin: egg whites can make the skin whiter and more delicate, due to their rich content of protein and acetic acid.

Egg yolks.

1. They provide the body with vitamins such as vitamin A and vitamin D. These vitamins form the raw material for many enzymes and co-enzymes in the body and are very important for regulating metabolism in the body.

2. It provides the body with minerals, such as iron and zinc, which are also very important for the regulation of metabolism.

3. It provides the body with cholesterol, which forms the raw material for cell membranes and many hormones, and thus allows the body to metabolize more smoothly.

What are the calories in an egg?

The calorie content of an egg varies depending on the size of the egg. The average egg weighs between 40 g and 70 g, with a raw egg of around 50 g containing around 70 calories. Hard-boiled eggs contain about 78 calories and scrambled eggs about 95 calories.

A fried egg also contains about 90 calories, while the yolk of an egg contains about 55 calories and the egg white contains about 17 calories. The yolk contains about 180 mg of cholesterol and the whites have more minerals and vitamins.

What is the shelf life of an egg?

The shelf life of eggs is 40-60 days at a temperature of 2-5°C. This is 15 days at room temperature in winter and 10 days at room temperature in summer.

Exceeding the shelf life can have an impact on the freshness and nutritional content of the eggs, and even deterioration, such as sticky shells, loose yolks, and stench.

It is of course possible to put them in the fridge, where they can generally be stored for around 30 days. It is best to buy eggs less often, as it is not good to store them for long periods.


What happens if I eat a boiled egg in the morning after some time? Advice: for those with a bad liver

1. Provides nutrition

Eating eggs in the morning keeps you in good spirits all morning and provides nutrition. Because eggs are a well-rounded food, most people's bodies are adapted to them.

With a controlled intake of eggs to meet nutrient requirements, you will find that the whole person is refreshed. You are less likely to suffer from poor conditions and fatigue due to a lack of energy and nutrients.

As you can see, if you want to maintain normal life activities and avoid nutritional deficiencies affecting the health of the organism, you can eat eggs properly. Therefore, you can eat one egg a day in the morning.

2. Protein supplement

By eating an egg every day, you will be able to get more protein and amino acids into your body. Unlike other ingredients, the nutrients in eggs are particularly easy to absorb and they are a high-quality protein component.

Most importantly, eggs are more affordable than other high-protein foods and do not put any financial pressure on people.

3. Good for brain development

Eggs are rich in iron, iodine, and vitamin B 12, making them excellent brain food. Iron helps to produce red blood cells that carry oxygen to the brain.

It can make you alert. Eating a hard-boiled egg in the morning is good for the brain and is good for brain development and memory.

4. Increases satiety and is good for weight loss

Some people who want to lose weight will reduce their intake of other staple foods and increase the number of eggs they eat each day because eggs can increase our sense of fullness.

This is because eggs can increase our sense of satiety and ensure adequate nutritional needs, so for those who want to lose weight, eating eggs should be one of the most secure methods.

5. Delays aging

People often do not eat eggs, because they lack nutrition, coupled with the cruelty of today's office environment, making them early to become gray hair, sagging skin, obviously in their prime, but the overall feeling to people is dying.

People who eat eggs regularly, on the other hand, are farther along in aging than others due to the high water content of the nutrients in eggs. At the same age and in the same working environment, people who eat eggs regularly will think of being younger than others.

Slowing down the aging process

6. Protects eyesight

Eggs are not only rich in high-quality protein, but the yolk is also rich in lute and Xanthippe, elements that are not to be underestimated. They play a good role in protecting our eyes, effectively protecting our eyesight and reducing the chances of cataracts.

Once in the body, these substances prevent damage to the eyes from UV rays and also boost the body's resistance and immunity.

The benefits of eggs for the liver are recommended.

The liver is the largest detoxification and metabolism organ in the body and is also known as the "human scavenger". The liver removes toxins and waste from the body and maintains physiological balance.

People with a poor liver or those suffering from serious liver disease can, under the advice and guidance of their doctor, insist on eating an egg every day as it protects the liver.

Eggs are rich in comprehensive nutrients and contain a wide range of vitamins, steroids, and other nutritional elements needed by the body to replenish the body's nutritional requirements promptly.

In particular, for people with fatty liver who have some damage to the liver, a moderate increase in the intake of high-quality protein is beneficial in promoting liver repair and regeneration. Eggs also increase the amount of plasma protein in the body and enhance the metabolic and immune functions of the body.

In addition, the egg yolk contains a certain amount of lecithin and lecithin phosphorus, two egg white substances that maintain the normal function of liver cells and can maintain the metabolic activity of liver cells, and help in the recovery from hepatitis. Therefore, eating eggs to protect the liver is very effective.

bodyhealthlongevity magazine

About the Creator

Phil Holzer

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