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A tarot reading for February 16th, 2023

Three card reading

By Jason Almirez-TaglianettiPublished about a year ago Updated about a year ago 4 min read

Hello friends. I hope you’re having a great week. We’re almost to the end of the week. Not quite Friday yet, but we’re a day closer to the weekend, so that’s good news.

Our reading for today may be a bit downer—so fair warning.

Our first card, which speaks to us about today, is the Ace of Pentacles. I recently did a video on my YouTube channel about the ace cards. Here’s the link if you’re curious. The card features a large hand coming from a cloud holding up a pentacle. The hand has a glow, indicating that it’s divine in origin. Below the writing is a garden with flowers and hedges. A path seems to go through an opening in a hedge. The sky is grey.

I’ve gone back and forth a lot over the meaning of the aces since I started reading tarot. When I started, I used to read the aces as ones. Since they are the beginning of each suit. And since the cards only show one symbol of the suit, it made sense to treat them as a “one.” But I found that it didn’t always work. The number one is about something new. In the case of the Ace of pentacles, pentacles are related to life here on Earth. It could be about new money, a new job, a new possession, or a new house or land. But the other idea I stumbled upon is the size of the pentacle in the card. This one is huge. The feeling I get is that this pentacle is The Pentacle. The epitome of what a pentacle is. This is the pentacle of all pentacles. Meaning that it represents everything the pentacles are about. This card is not so much about the “new” and about earthly things. But it’s REALLY about earthly things. And being that it’s our situation card today, I feel that it’s telling us that our day is going to be about our work or our finances. That money or our job is on our minds today.

Our advice card happens to be the 3 of Swords. The sky in this card is also grey. But it’s grey because of the rain. At the same time, the grey sky in the Ace of Pentacles is a neutral grey. So the sky plays no part in the card’s meaning. Here in the Three of Swords, the sky plays a significant role. It’s a sad feeling. I love rain, and rain doesn’t make me sad, but a cloudy day does bring people’s feelings down a little. And this card is all about that. Three swords are seen penetrating a heart. This card is about heartbreak. But because its swords and swords are about matters of the mind, this card is not so much about emotional heartbreak and more about the mental side of loss and grief. It speaks of letting go and learning to let go, as opposed to having a breakup happen to us. In this card, we’re in control of the pain we feel. But as an advice card coupled with the Ace of pentacles, this card tells us that a breakup needs to happen. For us to move on, we must let go of something. Initially, I saw this as a sign to let go of whatever worries you may have about money today. But I also see it as a need to let go of our jobs. Perhaps this is a sign that our current work environment isn’t good for us. And we need to find something else.

Our takeaway card is another Ace. The Ace of Wands. In this card, a large hand holds a single wand coming out of a cloud. Similarly to the Ace of Pentacles, it displays a very large wand for us. The wand of all wands! Wands are about action and creativity. And I see that in this card, in order for us to move into a space where we feel good about ourselves in our work that that work should be creative. And that we should take action against it. What I get from this card is that we should make moves to find something more creative for ourselves. Now I should say that this reading may have something to do with me as I’m currently unhappy with my day job and am thinking about changing my work environment. SO this may be an energy that I’m picking up. But you may also be feeling this too.

I’ll leave it on this note. The cards don’t make decisions for us. We do. In this reading, the cards tell us about something but not to do something. If you find yourself resonating with this reading today, take this as something to consider, but don’t act today. Think about it. Make your decision with time and logic on your side.

If you enjoyed this, leave a few claps. If this resonates with you, please let me know in the comments. As always, thank you for reading, and have a great day!



About the Creator

Jason Almirez-Taglianetti

I'm an intuituve tarot reader studying the tarot and writing about my journey. To purchase readings please visit my livelogue site.

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    Jason Almirez-TaglianettiWritten by Jason Almirez-Taglianetti

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