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Something is about to start... what do the cards say?

A three-card reading for February 15th, 2023

By Jason Almirez-TaglianettiPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Welcome friends. I help that you’ve had a fantastic valentines day. And that you’re well-rested and ready to go about your day. Let’s jump right into the reading today.

Our situation card, the Page of Wands, shows a young person; there is a little bit of androgyny in this card. I’m not sure if it’s a female or male energy today. They stand in a barren landscape. There are three mountains in the background. When you see three of anything, it’s intentional. It’s the universe’s way of saying, “pay attention. Something important is happening.” The Page is holding a single flowering wand and wearing a yellow tunic, boots, and a cape. Yellow is an optimistic color. A single feather resembling a flame adorns their hat. The suits of wands are connected to the element of fire. Wands are also about actions and creativity as well. The flowering wand indicates life. The wand is not just a dead piece of wood You might plant it, and a tree might grow from it. This card comes up when something is happening. A project that is just starting. Something new and exciting is beginning to take shape. But it’s not off the ground yet. Like the Page inspecting the wand, This project is in a stage where things are being checked out, like a pre-flight check. People are examining it to see if it’s ready to go. It might be ready to go, or it might not be.

Our advice card is the Knight of Cups. This card shows a knight on horseback; two hooves are off the ground, indicating that he’s moving. He’s going slow, but he’s on his way. He is sitting up proud and string holding a cup out. The wings on his helmet suggest he may be a messenger. However, in this position of our spread, this card may be more about the movement than anything else. This card tells us to be like this knight. To stand up straight and tall. To be strong. And to start moving. You’ll begin to slow and strong at first, and that’s a good thing. That’s what you want. You don’t want to rush into this project. At least not right now, at the beginning stages of it. This card tells us to move forward but to do so slowly and steadily. Starting slow and steady, things will not be as turbulent as they could be. The river in this card is small but steady, emphasizing the horse’s motion. You don’t want to give yourself more than you can handle at this stage.

Our last card, our takeaway card, has been facing down this whole time as I’ve looked at the other two cards in our spread. I started doing this recently because, Often, the takeaway card would distract me from the other two cards, like reading the last few pages of a book to see how it ends before you’ve read the first page. But like any book, the ending doesn’t make much sense unless you know how the characters got there.

Our takeaway is the King of Swords.

The king of swords shows a great king sitting on his throne. He carries a sword in his right hand. His left hand is empty and rests at his side. You’ll notice the throne he sits on is renting on the ground, which is a good sign that he’s grounded and balanced. He’s a good king. The swords are all about our inner thoughts and our intellect. They connect with the element of air and can represent our higher selves or our ideals and aspirations. In this case, I feel this card is asking us to listen to our higher selves today. To rise above whatever situations happen and to be our best. To be the best version of ourselves today. It can only lead to good things.

Thanks for reading today. If you enjoyed this, please leave a few claps or a comment. If this resonates with you, also let me know in the comments. If it didn’t resonate, perhaps, there is someone in your life who might benefit from this message today. Please share it with them.

Thanks again for reading, and have a great day!


About the Creator

Jason Almirez-Taglianetti

I'm an intuituve tarot reader studying the tarot and writing about my journey. To purchase readings please visit my livelogue site.

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