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8 Methods to be More Mindful Each Day

To be mindful is better than mindless

By The Breatharian BloggerPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
8 Methods to be More Mindful Each Day
Photo by Motoki Tonn on Unsplash

Mindfulness is a technique that can be used to focus one's attention and achieve a greater level of clarity and peace of mind.

There are many benefits to practicing mindfulness, including reducing stress, improving mental and physical health, and increasing focus and concentration.

It can be helpful to think of mindfulness as training your attention muscle.

Just like any muscle, the more you use it, the stronger it becomes.

1. Write Down your dreams first thing in the morning

By carolyn christine on Unsplash

There's something about writing down your dreams first thing in the morning that helps you to be more mindful each day.

It could be the act of putting your thoughts into words, or it could be the process of reflecting on your dreams that helps you to be more present in the moment.

Either way, taking a few moments each day to write down your dreams can be a helpful way to start your day with a more mindful attitude.

2. Set an intention every morning

By Sage Friedman on Unsplash

Setting an intention each morning helps you to be more mindful each day.

By taking a few moments to focus on what you want to accomplish or achieve, you are more likely to be successful in your endeavors.

You may also find that you are more present and aware throughout the day when you have an intention in mind.

3. Journal 5 - 10 minutes a day

By Hannah Olinger on Unsplash

Journaling is a great way to become more mindful each day. It allows you to take a step back and reflect on your day, what you’re grateful for, and what you can improve on.

It’s a great way to release any pent-up emotions and clear your mind before bed.

Just 5-10 minutes of journaling each day can make a big difference in your overall mindfulness.

4. Practice active listening

By Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Practicing active listening is one way to be more mindful each day.

Active listening is a type of listening where you not only hear what the other person is saying, but you also make an effort to understand and respond appropriately.

This type of listening requires you to be fully present and in the moment.

It can be helpful to practice active listening in your everyday interactions with others.

When you are truly present and listening to someone, it can help you to be more mindful of your own thoughts and feelings.

Additionally, being an active listener can help to build strong and meaningful relationships.

5. Check in with your emotions throughout the day

By Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

It's important to check in with your emotions throughout the day so that you can be more mindful.

This means being aware of what you're feeling and why you're feeling it.

It can be helpful to keep a journal so that you can track your emotions and see patterns over time.

Checking in with your emotions can help you to be more in touch with yourself and your needs.

It can also help you to better understand and respond to the emotions of others.

6. Set aside 15- 30 minutes to be without TV or other Distractions

By Jed Villejo on Unsplash

Setting aside a small chunk of time each day to be without TV or other distractions can help you to be more mindful.

It allows you to focus on your thoughts and feelings, and to be in the present moment.

This can be a great way to reduce stress and anxiety, and to increase your overall well-being.

7. Eat away from screens

By No Revisions on Unsplash

In today's digital world, we are constantly bombarded with screens.

From our phones and laptops to TVs and tablets, it's hard to escape the constant stream of information and notifications.

While screens can be a great way to stay connected and entertained, they can also be a major distraction.

If you're looking to be more mindful each day, one of the best things you can do is to eat away from screens.

This means turning off the TV while you eat, putting away your phone.

Instead, focus on your meal and the people you're sharing it with. This can help you to be more present and aware of what you're eating and how it makes you feel.

You may even find that you enjoy your food more when you're not distracted by screens!

Remember: Food is information and information is food.

8. Practice Gratitude

By Alora Griffiths on Unsplash

The more grateful you are, the more mindful you will be of the good things in your life.

Gratitude helps you to appreciate what you have, instead of always focusing on what you don’t have.

When you are grateful, you are more likely to be present in the moment and to savor the good moments as they happen.

Gratitude also helps to reduce stress and anxiety, and it can even improve your physical health.

So, if you want to be more mindful each day, start by practicing gratitude.

Thanks for reading! I trust you will use these methods to be more mindful each day.

Much love

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About the Creator

The Breatharian Blogger

Here to inspire you on your journey. ✊🏾

Connect with me on IG @jromeshaw

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