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67 Activities/Mindful Things to do During Covid-19

Many are having to self-isolate and the government is encouraging social distancing

By Paige RodenPublished 4 years ago 6 min read
Image from Pinterest

It is a very scary and uncertain time for many. With self-isolation and social distancing, many people will struggle with the lack of interaction as well as the potential cabin fever associated with having to stay indoors for a prolongued period of time.

I decided to come up with 67 things to do during this period - some will depend on what you are exactly allowed to do, but my aim is simply to provide ideas for things to do and to look after both physical and mental health.

I've also tried to make sure a lot of them are free as I know there is a lot of uncertainty surrounding jobs and pay, however some do have costs, so please adapt the ideas to your own circumstances.

1. Make new playlists/listen to new music

2. Go for a walk/jog/hike, in safe areas if you're allowed to do so

3. Try yoga/meditation

4. Give gardening a go if you have a garden and again if it is safe

5. Read books/online material/Kindles

6. Stay in tune with the news, but don't overdo it as this couild end up being detrimental rather than helpful. Perhaps limiting to twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening, is an optimal amount

7. Online shopping/online window shopping. Save things to wish lists or if you can and want to, buy a few treats

8. Try out new apps that aid mental health, such as Headspace. They often have a basic version for free

9. Look for new recipes with the food you already have

10. FaceTime friends and loved ones

11. Have a social media detox, follow accounts that make you feel good and remove ones that perhaps don't make you feel as good

12. Stretch for up to 45 minutes

13. Give home work outs a try, or see if there are couple/partner workouts if you're having to isolate with a friend or partner. Make sure you wash your hands before and after

14. Try new hairstyles/make-up looks

15. Run a bath/have a shower and include things that make you feel extra comfortable, such as shaving, exfoliating, hair masks etc

16. Paint your nails

17. Rearrange furniture or an entire room

18. Organise important paperwork/files you've always been meaning to store away properly

19. Explore your attic if it is accessible and safe, see what's up there (I found some interesting things in mine)

20. Have a deep clean. Map out in each room what you want to clean/tidy

21. Put down fresh bedding

22. Go youTube deep diving (with a limit though, an hour or two maximum)

23. Make a list on Netflix/any similar streaming service of the films and shows you'd like to watch and pick one each day

24. Online gaming, again with a limit

25. Declutter, whether that be clothes, shoes, toys, or anything that you feel could be decluttered

26. Have a nap

27. See if there is a new hobby that is affordable that you could start, with tutorials and advice available online, for example knitting

28. Paint/draw/sketch

29. Plan to watch a sunrise/sunset from the window

30. Journal/write. Write what has made you happy each day, write down your feelings, write creative pieces

31. Give upholstering a go if you have the means to do so where you're staying

32. Groom - pluck your eyebrows, shave nose hair, whatever you do that makes you feel groomed and fresh

33. Take pictures

34. Find quizzes/games online - YouTube has plenty of games such as "Guess the Song/Guess the Film etc" or things like "Name all 50 states" can be fun as well as educational

35. Have a film day; get blankets and get cosy, this is particularly good with ones that have multiple films such as Harry Potter

36. Catch up on washing

37. Board games, or see if you can make your own game depending on what you have/how many of you are in the household

38. Contact a helpline - there are several available that run a call system or offer email and instant messaging. It's really important to talk to people

39. Vaccuum/mop the floors

40. Write letters or emails to friends and family, or send via messenger

41. Make budget sheets/track your finances

42. Set timers to apps so you reduce your time on your phone/social media

43. If you have an Echo or something similar, see how many odd things/tricks you can get it to do or say

44. Set goals and targets, and review how your year has gone so far and note what you have achieved

45. Try out online courses in something you are interested in. Many are free/very low cost

46. Try out an old school work out, from the 80s or even further back, the more flamboyant the outfit the better

47. Check your important goods are working and in order - boilers, fridges and freezers, washing machines etc

48. Look at what medicines/essentials you have and see if you are missing anything. Do NOT panic buy or stock pile, just try to arrange getting only what you need

49. Find wholesome stories/videos; pets being rescued, good deeds being done in your community, surround yourself in positivity and see what good is happening nearby

50. Rest/work on your sleep. Many phones have ways to track your sleep quality now too that can help

51. Pet and play with your pets

52. Put together a pile of things you'd like to sell/donate, but have them ready for when it is safe to do so or if possible find a means to do so, e.g. sending in the post, deliver outside people's doors. Sites like Gumtree are offering information on how to do so safely but make sure it follows guidelines with social distancing

53. Go through your phone and have a cleanse - add full names to contacts, delete unused apps, save photos to a PC or laptop if you're low on space, pick a new background

54. Make a DIY facemask

55. Clean all your shoes, relace them if needed

56. Debug your laptop/get rid of old files you no longer need

57. See if you can volunteer online. There may be messaging/email services you can get involved in

58. Check in with people. See how they are doing, see if there are things they may need that you could help with

59. Listen to podcasts about topics you're interested in

60. Stay in touch with work and colleagues, make sure you're aware of any updates and information

61. Finish home improvements if you are able to

62. Go on a virtual tour

63. Listen to the goverment's advice and try to follow it as much as possible

64. Start a blog

65. Make your favourite meal if you are able to

66. Try the Wikipedia game; starting on one page, get to a chosen topic in as few clicks as possible, e.g. 'Jesus - popcorn'

67. Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated

This list isn't exhaustive and if you have other ideas that are doable and safe then go for it. It's important to take Covid-19 seriously and look after your health. Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. Please stay safe.


About the Creator

Paige Roden

Twenty-five year old postgraduate trying to navigate some strong feelings about certain topics. Huge mental health advocate and lover of horror films

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