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5 Health Products For Vegans

Healthy, strong, and vegan friendly

By Damien JustusPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

People decided to make the lifestyle change of going vegan for a myriad of reasons. These reasons range from environmental justice to personal health benefits. No matter what the reason you have chosen to be a vegan is, you know just how hyper aware you have become from making this change. Going out to eat becomes a mine field of potential mishaps that could leave your stomach cramping all night, and you find yourself looking for the closest health food store wherever you go. Dealing with all of these extra stressors can be disheartening, but there are options out there available to you right now that can help improve your health even further and are one hundred percent vegan. Here are five great health products you can utilize starting today.

1. Powder Supplement

If you are a vegan athlete looking for a way to easily ingest protein and other necessary nutrients in order to support your athletic goals, then you should consider using a powdered supplement. Companies like Power Life by Tony Horton offer great vegan options for those wanting to up their muscular growth and reach their full potential. A powdered supplement typically comes in a large, rounded bottle with a screw on lid. You can ingest this powder in a number of ways. One popular way is to scoop the recommended amount into a protein shaker bottle, add some water or almond milk if you want it to be creamy, and shake it up then drink it. This is a quick and easy way. Another more complex but equally rewarding way to ingest powder supplements is to throw your favorite fruits and veggies into a high speed blender, add some liquid, flax seed meal and blend it up into a drinkable smoothie. You might find that you have ingested all of your vitamins and minerals in one fell swoop.

2. Animal Pal

As a vegan, you probably have a deep love and appreciation for animal life. You completely swore off eating any animals or animal byproducts. Now that you have done your part to keep them safe and healthy, you should let them do their part for you. Adopting an animal as a pet is a great way too reduce anxiety, stress, depression and more and actually can increase your cardiovascular health! Animals are absolutely amazing, and having a furry friend to be there for you no matter what can further support your choice to go vegan.

3. Vitamin B12

It is pretty much common knowledge at this point that vegans may have an issue getting enough vitamin B12 in their diet. Humans used to get this vital nutrient by ingesting soil from their freshly farmed food. Now that the agricultural revolution has separated us from that so much, many people get their B12 from meat. Vegans obviously don't eat meat, so they need to take a supplement of some kind. B12 supplements come in tonics, pills and even spray bottles. Take your dosage once a day and continue being a healthy vegan.

4. Yoga Mat

Yoga mats are typically made of rubber or a synthetic material which makes them completely vegan friendly. They also provide an easy to roll out and store away avenue for exercise. Therefore, investing in a yoga mat is a great way to make yourself consistently exercise. Its hard to back out of a workout when the only thing you need is your body and that small, vegan mat.

5. Vegan Omega-3

Omega-3 is a fatty acid that is vital for mental health. Vegans can get it in pumpkin seeds and berries, but may find it easier to take a supplement for this nutrient like they do for B12. These are widely available in pill form.

Staying healthy as a vegan has never been easier than it is today. As the vegan consumer base grows, so do the health products that are made to fulfill that need. Health is something you should never take for granted but instead consistently work to bolster with supplements and exercise. These five vegan health products can help you grow your health and overall wellness as you continue on your vegan journey!


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