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20 Ways To Stay Healthy, Fit and Safe for next Winter

Health is important!

By Andrej ValachovičPublished 4 years ago 7 min read

“As the season’s change so may some of our health and safety concerns.

The winter season can be hectic as many of us are preparing for and attending holiday celebrations. The weather is cooler, days are shorter, and many of us may find it hard to get enough physical activity. The snow and ice can create hazards that can make walking, playing and working outdoors a little trickier. It is also flu and cold season and many of us will come down with the flu or catch a cold. Throughout the winter, it is important that we continue to stay active, eat healthy, and take care of our families and ourselves.”[1]

It may be easier said than done to stay healthy during winter, but it can be accomplished, and it is a lot better doing it, than to try to recover from any illnesses or injuries.

Nevertheless, I am here to help you as I am myself doing my best to be healthy this winter.

Please see below a list of 20 ways to stay healthy this winter.

1. Wash your hands

This is the time of the year where washing your hands often is not an option.

One of the first things I do when I enter the house after taking off all that winter gear is to head straight to the bathroom and wash my hands, before touching any other surfaces in the house.

As you already know, you wash your hands before having or preparing any meals; wash your hands before you leave any bathroom; wash your hands before greeting others if your hands have been in contact with your runny nose, the facial tissue you have been using, etc.

It is suggested that soap and warm water be used all the time, and wash your hands for at least twenty (20) seconds.

2. Stock up on vitamin C

Stocking up on vitamin C does not mean over doing it. It means ensuring your body has the required amount of vitamin C that is said to help fight colds and flus, among other health benefits.

I do this in a very simple way, by eating citrus fruits such as oranges every day, or as often as possible during winter, especially the organic ones.

Some individuals use supplements and vitamins purchased in stores to ensure they have sufficient vitamin C in their bodies.

I always like the natural options because they are always better for the body.

The ultimate goal is to ensure you are in overall good health.

You may want to use Daily Complete to help maintain positive health.

Learn more about Daily Complete HERE.

3. Stock up on vitamin D

The same principle applies for vitamin D as was explained for vitamin C above.

The easiest and most natural way to get your daily intake of vitamin D is to get at least 30 minutes of sunlight each day.

If sunlight is sparse such as the long periods of grey sky in Ontario, Canada and the usual short days, you may want to get help by using Daily Complete.

4. Eat food

Do ensure you are eating your regular balanced meals to sustain your health, especially fruits and vegetables. Always go for organic options when possible.

If you are in a hurry and might have to miss breakfast or one or two meals for the day, then you may want to use Trimbar which is the most known organic meal replacement healthy, energy and protein bar. It may keep you filled up for up to four (4) hours while providing you with nourishment.

Eating food doesn’t apply to winter only, but right throughout the year.

5. Get sufficient sleep

Getting sufficient sleep goes without saying. This is because, not getting enough sleep can help to weaken your immune system and so make you more susceptible to illnesses.

6. Get active during winter

This is basically conducting physical activities such as walking briskly with your dog, doing stretches, running on a treadmill, etc. You may view Paula’s Youtube videos for ideas and inspiration.

Some winter specific activities you may do are tobogganing, snow shoeing, skating, skiing, etc.

7. Drink fluids

It may not be noticeable but the body dehydrates and especially in dry cold weather. So always keep your body rehydrated by drinking water, organic milk, freshly made orange juice, etc., or by eating juicy fruits like oranges, watermelons, and so on.

8. Dress for the winter weather

Dressing for winter means preventing wind and water from reaching your body, and ensuring you are keeping warm.

“Wear warm clothing, such as a toque, scarf and mittens. Cover exposed skin. Dress in layers and choose an inner layer of fabrics that pull moisture away from your skin. The outer layer should keep the wind out (for instance, a windproof or waterproof jacket). In very cold weather, include a fluffy middle layer to trap heat (for instance, a fleece liner). Take extra socks, toque and mittens in case yours get wet. Wear appropriate footwear that fits properly (like insulated waterproof shoes or boots). Since it gets darker earlier in winter, wear brightly colored clothes or a reflective vest.”[2]

9. Stay motivated

Whether we have New Year’s resolutions or not, we all have a goal or several goals that we would like to achieve. These intentions may be wanting to earn more money, wanting to purchase a house, may be you want to get fit, just to highlight a few.

One sure way of achieving your goal(s) is to stay motivated. This may be easier said than done, but it can be accomplished.

A few steps in staying motivated are:

Make sure you know exactly as possible what is it you want to achieve.

Know and write down the things you would need to do to achieve this goal.

Start the things you would need to do one step at a time.

Review your progress as you go along and make changes, updates and/or adjustments as is necessary.

Celebrate your small and big accomplishments as you complete your goal, or as you get closer to it.

10. Prevent illnesses or recover quickly

Strengthening your immune system is the best way to prevent illnesses. The basic way of doing this is by eating food especially fruits and vegetables, drinking water, exercising and being in a clean environment.

Nevertheless, some of us do contract the flu or cold at some point, and it is best to get rid of it as quickly as possible. This is because some illnesses may lead to more serious conditions such as a fever, bronchitis and pneumonia.

For example, some may use in store products to help prevent and recover from colds, but I prefer the more natural ginger and garlic boiled as a tea or eaten raw. I may even add some honey just to improve the taste.

Usually, if illnesses aren’t getting better after 24 hours, or it seems they are getting worse or painful, you may want to go to the doctor, as you may have an infection such as a chest infection.

11. Prevent injuries or recover quickly

Winter time is icy, windy, slippery and cold which are great conditions for injuries. So be very careful, if you don’t have to go outside or drive, then may be it is best to stay indoors.

Try not to fall, and do not overwork or strain your back when shoveling, among other things.

12. Get light

Getting light and especially sunlight, is very important for your overall well-being. Not only does sunlight helps the body to produce vitamin D, it also helps to prevent Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).

SAD is a type of depression that occurs during the same season. Sunlight or light therapy (usually special lights that are used indoors at specific times and amounts to simulate sunlight) is mainly used to cure SAD.

13. Avoid white flour and sugar

White flour and refined sugar are known to cause weight gain, affect moods, impact energy levels, and can act against your immune system. So avoiding white flour such as white bread, and sugar such as refined sugar, will help to keep you healthier.

For example, use whole grain bread instead of white bread, and use fruits in your juices instead of sugar.

14. Stay away from individuals with colds, flus, etc.

This may be challenging to do if you take public transport, your house is filled with individuals, at work you are among many colleagues, you have children who are ill, etc., but if you can, stay away from individuals who are coughing, sneezing, etc.

15. Clean surfaces

Cleaning surfaces is a good way to avoid the spread of the flu, colds, etc. such as using antiseptic wipes to clean phones, door handles, desktops, etc.

16. Control cravings

Most cravings are carb cravings which are sugars and starches (eg. pasta, bread, etc.).

To help control these urges, consume protein rich food, stick to an eating plan, or you may use Boost Tea.

For example, if you are craving chocolate, what you probably need is magnesium in your body. So you may eat nuts or seeds instead of chocolate.

17. Ensure carbon monoxide and smoke detectors are working

Because you will be home more and the windows are kept closed most of the time, it is even more important that your carbon monoxide and smoke detectors are working as they can save your life.

18. Stay in contact

The holidays and winter time is when many individuals begin to feel lonely, depressed and have suicidal thoughts. So stay connected with friends and family via phone, Facebook, Whatsapp, Skipe, Snapchat, text, visiting each other, and so on.

19. Moisture your feet

Boots and socks can take a toll on your feet. So moisture them to avoid dry and cracked skin that may become infected.

20. Relax

Now is the time to relax more, enjoy life and have peace and tranquility. Go ahead, do your yoga, meditation, read a good book, have tea, or do mindful activities.

Thanks for reading this articel!


About the Creator

Andrej Valachovič

Moto: "Choose a job you love, you will never have to work a day in your life!"

About me:

Hi there, I'm Andrej and I'm 22 y.o. My hobbies include editing videos, working out and gaming. I studied at graphic design school and I love games!

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