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So You Want to Be A Pirate

Here's How

By Richard WeberPublished 2 months ago 9 min read
So You Want to Be A Pirate
Photo by Raimond Klavins on Unsplash

Research: Put on your eyepatch, get your reliable telescope, or just use the zoom feature on your smartphone to set out on a mission to learn everything there is to know about pirates. Explore the depths of the internet, but use caution to avoid becoming lost in the sea of conspiracies concerning the haunting of abandoned ships by pirate spirits. Recall that not every treasure is made of gold and silver; occasionally, it's just a humorous pirate meme hidden deep within the internet. If you're feeling very daring, consider solving ancient pirate maps while donning a large pirate cap; the added difficulty will make you feel like a real swashbuckler searching for lost online riches. Just be cautious when it comes to internet thieves attempting to take your digital treasure!

Skills in Swimming and Sailing: Hail to the landlubbers! Make sure you can swim like a sea snake and sail like a drunken sailor trapped in a hurricane before you head out on the high seas! But do not despair—there is still hope, even if you end up submerged in the bathtub like a cannonball. Practice your strokes in a kiddie pool and act as though you're trying to get your rubber ducky out of the jaws of the dreaded Kraken. And for sailing skills, assemble your crew and set out on a risky journey in an improvised raft constructed out of pool noodles and duct tape across the dangerous waters of the neighborhood pond. Recall that an authentic pirate can maneuver over the roughest seas with only a paddle and a parrot perched on their shoulder to provide guidance. All right, my friends, batten down the hatches and get ready to make a splash—literally!

Put Together a Crew: Hey, hehe! Without a reliable crew at their side, no pirate worth their weight in doubloons sets sail. But worry not—locating a crew will be as simple as robbing a tavern of its barrel of rum! Look for scallywags who share your love of mischief and appetite for adventure. Have recruitment auditions at the neighborhood bar, where would-be crew members can prove their mettle by belting out sea shanties and proving they can down grog without passing out. Always keep in mind that diversity is essential. Your crew should be as diverse as the goods you aim to loot, with sailors of all sizes, shapes, and species (parrots are especially welcome!).

Once your motley crew is put together, make sure to give each member a fitting pirate title, such as Official Ship Mascot, Quartermaster, or First Mate (since every ship needs a cat to keep the scurvy rats at bay). Rally your crew, haul up the anchor, and get ready to embark on an adventure over the seven oceans! With your dependable group of outcasts by your side, there's no obstacle you can't overcome, no treasure you can't take, and no bar you can't empty!

Obtain a Ship: Ahoy, landlubber! Without a ship of their own, what good are pirates? But worry not, my friends—getting a vessel appropriate for pillaging could be as easy as snatching a kiss from a curvaceous woman—or not! These days, obtaining a spacecraft would take a little more delicacy than straight stealing. Look through the classified ads first to find a seaworthy boat, but watch out for con artists—you don't want to wind up purchasing a leaking dinghy from a sea serpent with a slick tongue! If purchasing is beyond your means, think about taking a more inventive tack, such as convincing a buddy who owns a boat to become a member of your pirate crew in return for a cut of the loot. In the event that everything else fails, you can always use the bathtub! All you need is some toy boats, a rubber ducky for a figurehead, and your imagination to be cruising the high seas in no time! As a pirate, you know that what matters most is the size of the treasure chest you bring back to port, not the size of your ship, so raise the mainsail, weigh anchor, and set course for adventure!

Navigational expertise: matey, ahoy! As any astute pirate will tell you, navigating the high seas is just as important as finding a nice bottle of rum. But worry not—learning how to navigate can be as easy as following the stars or as difficult as figuring out the hidden clues on a treasure map. Start your voyage by learning the ancient skill of celestial navigation, which involves using constellations like the Big Dipper to lead you through the darkest nights as you plot your course by the stars. And don't worry if the stars are hidden by clouds or the light from a far-off bar—you have access to modern technology! Invest in a reliable compass to guide you, or even better, download a navigation app to your smartphone and let technology take care of the heavy lifting. But keep in mind, my friends, that no matter how sophisticated your navigational aids are, nothing beats plain ol' fashioned intuition and a fair dose of pirate luck. Thus, me buckos, set sail with boldness and let the winds of fortune lead you to riches beyond your wildest expectations!

Discover Fundamental Maritime Laws: Scallywags, avast! It would be prudent to review maritime rules before venturing out onto the open seas. Even the most ferocious pirate must adhere to some form of order, or else they run the risk of walking the plank right into Davy Jones' clutches! Start your study by poring over the antiquated books of maritime law, which include guidelines and procedures as complicated as a ship's rigging in a storm. Acquire knowledge of the distinction between starboard and port, as well as the rights and obligations of a ship flying the flag of your preferred country and the international rules of the sea. Remember, ignorance is never an acceptable defense when facing the wrath of the law! And keep in mind, my friends, that although piracy may be looked down upon in civilized society, there are still basic standards of behavior that even the most brutal pirate have to abide by. Therefore, be careful not to raid ships at random, honor other sailors' rights when cruising the high seas, and most importantly, never—I repeat, NEVER—mess with a pirate's parrot. You really don't want to see what occurs when a pirate upsets his bird companion!

Acquire the Required Tools: Beware, scurvy canines! Without the necessary equipment to withstand bad weather and loot the riches of the seven seas, no self-respecting pirate would set sail. But worry not, my friends—assembling the required supplies will be as simple as locating a bottle of rum at a pirate's tavern—that is, extremely simple! Start by gathering supplies worthy of a swashbuckler's expedition, such as crates of salted beef, barrels of rum, and hardtack biscuits that can be used as cannonballs in an emergency. Remember to stock your treasure chest with all the necessities for a pirate, such as eye patches, tricorn hats, cutlasses, and pistols. A pirate's budget, however, is as tight as a ship's riggin' in a storm, so make sure to choose your purchases carefully. To keep your ship in good form, spend money on high-quality ropes and sails, but don't go overboard with ostentatious decorations and ornaments—after all, what matters most is the treasure you bring back to port! Now assemble your crew, loot the neighborhood market for provisions, and get ready to embark on an incredible journey! With the correct gear and a little bit of pirate fortune, you can conquer any ship, find hidden riches, and weather any storm!

Practice Your Combat Skills: Scallywags, avast! A sharp sword and a quick wit are just as important to a successful plundering expedition as a robust ship and a faithful crew, as any seasoned pirate understands. But worry not, my friends, for the art of battle is just as much about skill as it is about strength. With enough training, even the weakest landlubber can become a true buccaneer and wield a cutlass! Start your training by using a wooden sword or a reliable stick to practice your swashbuckling techniques. Keep in mind that it's not about the size of your weapon, but how you wield it that matters! There are no rules in a pirate's duel, so learn to parry and stab with the elegance of a dancin' seadog and don't be afraid to use some creativity in your strikes! If you're not like swords, don't worry—there are plenty of other ways to protect yourself when sailing the high seas. For those close confrontations with rival pirates or the occasional sea monster, brush up on your hand-to-hand combat skills or learn the art of pistol-fighting and cannon-blasting. Above all, bear in mind that the best defense is a strong offense. Therefore, my friends, always alert and never let your guard down because danger can be found around any corner on the high.

Write a Code: Hey there, fellow mates! Respectable pirate crews understand that a code of behavior is just as important to a successful journey as a strong ship and favorable winds. Don't worry, though; making your own pirate code is as easy as raising a Jolly Roger on a bright summer's day! Gather your gang and head for the closest tavern first, because no pirate code is worth its salt if it is penned on an empty stomach! After a few tankards of grog have dampened your whistles, get together and devise a list of regulations that will guide your crew's conduct while at sea. A good pirate code should combine whimsy and pragmatism in equal measure, so make sure to include clauses about sharing the loot, allocating responsibilities on board, and resolving conflicts among crew members amicably and quickly. Remember to include some rules about appropriate pirate behavior as well. For example, raise your glass whenever you wish someone a successful voyage, never take rum from another pirate without their permission, and never, ever play cards with a pirate who has a hook for a hand! With a strong pirate code to guide you, no adventure, no treasure, and no storm too fierce can stand in the way of your swashbuckling success! So hoist the colors, me hearties, and let the world know that ye sail under the banner of honor, integrity, and a healthy dose of mischief!

Think About the Repercussions: Hail, ye scallywags! Even the most courageous pirate may find himself in hot water with the authorities if they are discovered having their hand in the metaphorical treasure box, so think carefully before you set sail on the high seas in search of adventure and loot. Think about the destiny of those who came before you, such as the legendary Jack Sparrow, the terrible Captain Kidd, and the notorious Blackbeard, all of whom were ultimately brought to punishment by the long arm of the law. It's also important to keep in mind that being a pirate involves more than just the excitement of the chase and the possibility of undiscovered wealth, despite the allure of gold and fame. Consider carefully the dangers you are taking, the lives you are jeopardizing, and the repercussions you will face if you are discovered. After all, there is no prize so valuable as losing your life or your freedom. If you are resolute in your pursuit of the pirate life despite the perils, then may the winds be at your back, the stars in your favor, and the rum never run out! For with a clear head, a strong heart, and a dash of pirate luck, nothing can stop you from realizing your destiny as a true buccaneer of the high seas—no obstacle is too big, no enemy too terrifying, and no storm too violent!

Our journey together comes to an end as the sun sets and the briny sea air whispers a lullaby. But have no fear, my friends—despite the fact that our time at sea may be coming to an end, genuine pirates' passion for adventure never dies!

So may your compass always point straight, your sails always full, and the treasures of the world always within your reach, whether you're sailing into the sunset or charting a route for new vistas.

Me mateys, fair winds and following seas to all of you! May your days be full of exciting adventures and your nights be illuminated by a thousand stars till we cross paths again on the shores of destiny. Until we meet again, my dears, may your travels become legendary!


About the Creator

Richard Weber

So many strange things pop into my head. This is where I share a lot of this information. Call it a curse or a blessing. I call it an escape from reality. Come and take a peek into my brain.

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