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Ignoring obstacles and crossing bridges of courage

Overcoming Obstacles with Courage: A Bridge of Unity

By Beck_MoultonPublished 11 months ago 2 min read

One day, two good friends decided to cross a large iron bridge over treacherous terrain together. The bridge spans a swift river, the sound of water like thunder, the scene is frightening.

The two best friends held each other's hands and firmly grasped the iron lock railing of the bridge. They clung to each other, trust and friendship dissolving a trace of fear. They were determined to take one step forward with determination.

When people around them saw them crossing the big iron bridge smoothly, they couldn't help but ask curiously, "How did you do it? After all, this bridge is treacherous and the water is as loud as thunder, few people can successfully cross it."

Both friends were surprised, and one of them replied, "I can't see, I can't sense the treacherous terrain of the bridge."

The other friend also went on to say, "I can't hear, I know nothing about the sound of water."

The crowd listened and couldn't help but ponder. They began to realize that in this world, those things that are seen as favorable conditions are not always the key to success. Instead, our senses and external observations can often become a burden to us, binding our courage and confidence. And these two friends were able to cross the big iron bridge with ease precisely because they were not limited by their sight and hearing and were not distracted by external fears.

This little story touched everyone present deeply. They began to reflect on their own internal disturbances and fears, and thought about how to transcend their limitations. They realized that the attitude and inner courage to deal with challenges and dangers is the most important thing. No longer allowing themselves to be bound by their fears, they decided to bravely face the various trials in their lives.

The story also spread throughout the city. People began to see people with disabilities in a new light, recognizing the fearlessness and courage they possessed. People became more tolerant and respectful of physical incompleteness, and re-examined their own attitudes toward life's difficult issues.

Since then, the Great Iron Bridge has become a landmark with a profound meaning. Everyone who came and went would stop and think about the meaning of the bridge. People began to realize that the difficulties and challenges in life are not insurmountable, it is how we face and cope with them. The bridge left many traces of the soul, everyone who passed by can feel the courage and perseverance.

The main characters of the story have also become heroes in the city. Their brave actions and positive attitudes inspire people around them and push the whole society to move forward in a more inclusive and tolerant direction. People began to pay attention to the needs of the disabled community, provide more support and facilities, and strive to create a barrier-free and friendly environment.

The two friends also gained more growth and insight from this experience. They learned the importance of mutual dependence and trust, and they saw the strength and infinite possibilities within themselves. They no longer defined themselves as handicapped, but pursued their dreams and goals with a positive attitude.

Over time, this story became a shining sight in the city. People gathered on the big iron bridge, sharing stories and spiritual insights with each other. The bridge became a symbol of friendship, courage and hope, and everyone who stepped on it was able to find the strength and courage to overcome the difficulties and challenges of life.


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