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Hoot Mon Dieu! Top 10 Reasons Why Owls Are Plotting World Domination (and They're Winning)

Why Those Feathered Friends Might Be Our Future Overlords

By Richard WeberPublished 2 months ago 3 min read
Hoot Mon Dieu! Top 10 Reasons Why Owls Are Plotting World Domination (and They're Winning)
Photo by Ahmed Badawy on Unsplash

Hey squirrels, get over here! It's not only about capturing mice anymore, those silent flight and huge, mesmerizing eyes. For millennia, owls have been quietly strategizing their ascent to prominence, and now that they have the internet at their fingertips—or, more accurately, their talons—they're closer than ever. Not convinced by us? Here's why you need to be really impressed—or at the absolute least, extremely afraid:

Stealth Superiority: People rely on old-fashioned satellites and shaky CCTV. Owls? Their 270-degree head swivel, unparalleled night vision, and silent flight are all impressive features. Imagine attempting to conceal a covert military facility from a being capable of hearing a pin drop through a brick wall and seeing you blink from a mile away. Shake yourself.

The Mastermind Network: In the animal realm, owls are the best information brokers. Their global dispersion of species allows them to develop an innate communication system that rivals that of the CIA. That juicy rumor you heard at the playground? Likely an owl agent providing intelligence.

Sleepless Society: Owls are at their best when we are stumbling around in the dark, wide-eyed, and defenseless. Their ability to function with little sleep gives them a clear edge in a world where continuous operation is becoming more and more necessary. Imagine yourself feverishly pressing the snooze button, and an owl-headed CEO discussing a merger. Who will, in your opinion, get the better deal?

Weaponized Cuteness: Don't undervalue the power of those lovely owlets—they are weaponized cuteness. With their wide eyes and awkward attempts to fly, they have penetrated social media and are using their feathery allure to manipulate our emotions. You may find yourself enthralled with a video of a newborn owl one moment and then supporting a petition to ban sporks because, according to the owl, they pose a threat to national security the next (don't ask).

The Ultimate Technique of Intimidation: Has an owl outside your window ever started humming and startled you to sleep? It's enough to make you doubt everything about your life's direction and send shivers down your spine. Imagine, now, if an army of owls were deployed strategically all over the world, and they let out a symphony of coordinated hoots to create widespread fear. dominance of the world? More like an existential crisis brought on by the world.

Hackers by Nature: Not only are those piercing yellow eyes attractive. Owls are incredibly perceptive, which makes it easy for them to understand intricate patterns. They can decipher codes better than firewalls and encryption because they are nature's ultimate codebreakers. Passwords to your banks? What is your Social Security number? Now all owl property.

Masters of Disguise: Put away your expensive spy gear. Owls have the ability to camouflage like feathered chameleons. Be it a coat rack or an especially sullen houseplant, they'll be sitting right next to you, listening in on your discussions while they work out their grand scheme.

The Quiet but Deadly Approach: Owls are the bird kingdom's ninjas. They are stealthy predators that strike with unparalleled ferocity and rapid speed due to their noiseless flying. With your keen claws and a stealthy takedown technique that has been refined over millennia, who needs missiles?

An Unparalleled Air Force: Suppose an owl-piloted drone fleet, stealthy and incredibly agile, with night vision capabilities, dropping — well, whatever owls drop, which is presumably something frightening like pellets and small mammal bones. Yes, that's a terrifying possibility that we don't even want to consider.

Patience is the ultimate weapon. Owls are experts at the long game. For millions of years, they have quietly observed, adjusted, and changed. As we argue over politics and resources, they are developing a long-term plan for world dominance. And to be honest, they will undoubtedly prevail if they have that much patience.

And that's it for now, people. The night is coming, and the owls are carrying it with them. Hey, perhaps owl overlords won't be all that horrible. At least the issue with the mice will be resolved. Just keep in mind that the owl might not be searching for food the next time you hear it hooting outside your window. It could be evaluating you.

(Disclaimer: The content here is entirely satirical. This post was written without causing any harm to owls. Most likely.)


About the Creator

Richard Weber

So many strange things pop into my head. This is where I share a lot of this information. Call it a curse or a blessing. I call it an escape from reality. Come and take a peek into my brain.

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  • Deasun T. Smyth2 months ago

    This is pretty funny. Nice 😁👍🍁.

  • Hahahahhahahahahahhaha gosh this was hilarious! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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