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Challenge me to write #100 things in 20 minutes?!

*Ahem* Dear Intrusive Thoughts, please be tame today.

By Thavien YliasterPublished 10 months ago 14 min read
Challenge me to write #100 things in 20 minutes?!
Photo by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

Edit: Correction of grammatical and spelling errors.

Alright, let's go on and see about this challenge that Judey made. 100 thoughts in 20 minutes? Doesn't sound too bad. Hopefully by the end of it I won't have too many thoughts that are overly similar. I got my cellphone right next to me, with the timer set.

Now, without further ado, I do think that one of the loopholes for this challenge would be the correction of grammatical and spelling errors. I know that I'm not perfect when it comes to typing, so hopefully that loophole continues on as this challenge picks up speed.

Aight, let's get going. I wonder how many different things I can tangential too.

1st things 1st. Let's make sure we set up that numbering system, and away we go!

  1. 100 thoughts in 20 minutes? That's a big list. What else is big?
  2. I know! Whales! Yeah, whales are huge.
  3. Lowkey, they evolved to a mammalian species that was on land, only to return to the water and to lose their legs evolving them into vestigial limbs.
  4. I wonder how many years would it take a mammalian species to have its descendents evolve gils again?
  5. Whales are huge, but so are trees.
  6. Trees take in a lot of carbon each year. Carbon's important and is one of the most organic molecules.
  7. Carbon credits are crazy weird. If I show proof of growing trees and trapping carbon, would I earn more carbon credits that I could later sell?
  8. If You could do that with social credit such as social media, posting stuff like that to Instagram or snapchat, would that be enough proof to the IRS?
  9. Yo, what about diamonds? Imagine how many redwoods You'd have to compress to make a huge rock.
  10. In that sense, there are kits that do grow crystals.
  11. Imagine in the future that You can buy Your kid a kit that grows sapphires and rubies. Yeah, that sounds like something national geographic would do.
  12. If they could make stuff like that in the future, they might even be able to make small nuclear reactors.
  13. Hmmmm? Hellcat, huh? Nah, it would really be a hellcat if it really had a demon core in it.
  14. Cars with nulear reactors in them would be pretty dope, but then water would become more necessary as it would be heated to turn the turbines.
  15. I wonder if we have enough lead in order to mass produce nuclear reactors. Also, how to we make sure that we won't be causing genetic mutations and having people accidentally shortening their lives trying to get more horsepower out of their nuclear reactors?
  16. Well, I can't solve those problems now. Thank goodness we don't have such items to make those problems now.
  17. Lowkey, every invention has a certain set of problems with it.
  18. Do minimalist live minimally so that they have less problems?
  19. Less shit = Less Problems, but there's obviosly a means to an end there.
  20. Now I wonder what it would be like if we would get whales to evolve their legs again.
  21. I know that there's a legend about an Orca having legs like a wolf. Makes sense for the wolf of the sea.
  22. Whales evolved for the land would have to either weigh less or have a more supportive bone structure so that they don't suffocate when out of the water, or they would have to hold their breath for a time when on land, just like beached whales.
  23. Apparently people pronounce the name of axolotls wrong.
  24. Salamanders are cute, but as indicator species, how come we don't take more care into recognizing when vulnerable species are impacted the most? Cause we're pretty vulnerable last time I checked.
  26. If animals do comprehend emotions, I now wonder at what level of sentience or higher lifeform do certain species begin to comprehend sexuality?
  27. There are species that change sexes based upon the current population at the time. Males become females and females become males. This was the plot of Jurassic Park.
  28. Dinosaurs may be extinct for now, but I wonder if we did find DNA preserved if we would use an animal like the chicken for a host, or if we would use an animal like an ostrich, eagle, cassowary, etc.?
  29. I wonder what kind of meat dinosaurs would of have? Would they be like white meat like chicken? What would make them red meat like beef?
  30. Now I'm reminded about elephants and how wild elephants have a gamey taste, but since they eat a lot of fruit, their meat tastes more flavorful albeit tougher because they got a whole lot of muscle.
  31. They made a meatball made out of mammoth meat that they cultured in a lab. Let that sink in. MAMMOTH MEATBALL.
  32. Would the mammoths we bring back actually be bigger than African elephants, or would they be like dwarf elephants?
  33. Elephants may be big, but so is the ocean.
  34. We're destroying the ocean so quickly that there's lifeforms that we'll never know even existed.
  35. There are Greenland sharks that are older than when Abraham Lincoln was alive.
  36. That's why I collect pennies. I'm never too rich that a small coin is beneath me.
  37. If You wanted to increase Your net worth quickly, but not in a get quick rich scheme, how would one go about doing so?
  38. Well, the Richest Man in Babylon advises in saving and buying oneself a house.
  39. Lowkey, I do feel poor since I'm currently living in an apartment right now. I wonder if I crunched the numbers if it really would be best just to buy a house, but a 30 year mortgage means You pay for the same house 3x times over!
  40. Houses are expensive, cars are expensive, clothing's expensive, food's expensive, medicine's expensive, why did we make living so expensive?
  41. Bartering. For the good of ourselve and those around us. No person can be everything at once. No person can be a farmer, doctor, engineer, seamstress, etc. all at once.
  42. We can manufacture so many great things and them compete against one another stating why ours are better and not the competitions'.
  43. And that's 20 minutes. Sunova Gun. Well, I'm not a fast typer. Time to record the rest of the time it takes me to finish this.
  44. I wonder how long it would really take me to finish a short story, like a legitimately published book?
  45. Sure, publishing a book might source of income for a short while, but what would be a more consistent one?
  46. Now I'm thinking about the gold mine that's underneath Casterly Rock that made the Lannister's so rich.
  47. Lowkey, Tywin was a shit father to Tyrion, but that man got to fucking business and knew how to get shit done. Tywin's a fucking G'.
  48. Gold is important not just because it's a precious metal, but because of its ability as a conductor.
  49. I like platinum, too. Hell, I even bought some. Why? Simple, it's a catalyst. It never changes when it undergoes certain chemical reactions.
  50. When certain crystal structures are made like emeralds, sapphires, and rubies, You can start with a seed crystal.
  51. Just like how all of life had to start from one initial life form or possibly a colony of life forms, did all precious gemstones like diamonds, rubies, and sapphires start from a primordial gemstone?
  52. Apparently there's a stone harder than diamond. Based on the structure of how its carbon atoms are organized the strength is increased. They're not organized in a cube like manner, but hexagonal tubes (hopefully that describes the shape well enough).
  53. Rare resources beget high prices.
  54. Ambergris is valuable, even though synthetic ambergris is made available.
  55. I do wonder if other natural resources produced from animals would also be valuable. Just being rare and difficult to obtain along with having a purpose makes for rarity.
  56. I know that baby whales put on a lot of weight in the small amount of time that they're nursing. Oh! Hello, intrusive thought. Would whale milk be valuable just based on the sheer amount of fat content it has.
  57. Then again, humans are shifting away from fats, but tend to forget about healthy fats and that the brain needs fats. Kangaroos produce two types of milk. One for fats and one for proteins. Kangaroos are fucking jacked! Imagine being kicked out of a bodybuilder competition because you were juiced up on kangaroo milk.
  58. I'll say it once I'll say it again, stuff like Silk is not milk. That's nut juice. We both know it.
  59. Lowkey though, if we have developed to the point that we can 3D print DNA and have it express things for our immune cells why haven't we as humans synthetically produced milk yet?
  60. I do know that a protein meant for curdling milk into cheese has been cell cultured for years and its actually richer. People that used to make cheese no longer have to scrape the stomach contents of baby cows anymore to obtain the protein needed.
  61. If we can 3D print, cell culture limbs, cartilage, and potentially organs, I wonder when it's going to be soon that we'll be living in the age of: first, Jaegers, and second, EVAs.
  62. If You don't know what I just referenced I talked about the giant metal robots from Pacific Rim, and the cybernetic organisms from an anime known as Evangelion. Enjoy having a few more movies to binge.
  63. Bergman's paradox is partially confusing. Polar bears are big because it's cold, but polar bears have more volume in comparison to their surface area, so that enables them to stay warmer in the arctic circle. So, there's a certain size or a golden ratio to surface area vs. volume at which an organism/species attains peak metabolic efficiency.
  64. Our bodies are basically just environments for other organisms.
  65. Just as people have purchased the purpose of honeybees to pollinate trees, imagine having to purchase the use of a microorganism that would enter the body, consume another parasite or cancer or virus, and then have it return to the seller.
  66. Lowkey, that sounds like a big pharma story.
  67. Consumerism and evolution sound sort of similar. If evolution really started to ramp up due to "eat or be eaten" hence jaws being a power driver, thus consumerism is about whether or not goods or services are desired to be consumed or not. In that sense, they're opposites. The company who's goods or services that do not get consumed are not valuable and thus they perish. Meanwhile a species will perish if all of its members are consumed.
  68. In the end we're all consumed by death. Even species that do not perish from old age can perish from predation or sickness. Viruses are always evolving trying to find ways to get in.
  69. Therefore, in order to escape death, life begets life. Some lifeforms take the act of begetting to more pleasurable levels so that the species begets more often, thus escaping death. Thus, the power of death is mitigated by the power of sex. Pretty dope.
  70. Viruses have caused genetic changes in a population before. One of the biggest changes was a virus changing the majority of mammals into placental mammals. Yet, monotremes still exist. I wonder if said virus has perished since them, or if the ancestors of the current living mammalian egg-layers had an innate immunity to said virus.
  71. I remember a friend told me that humans are 2% different from chimpanzees. He told me, "Imagine if we had species that was genetically different from us 2%, but in the other direction."
  72. We also talked about aliens too. Extraterrestrials are scary cool. Now I want to see a movie in which one species sent two groups. One was cryogenically frozen, while the other was meant to continue out the mission as they travel through space. Their experiment is not just to find other forms of life but to record and see the differences in how they evolve as they continue to reproduce. This might cause a divide in the 2nd group, as one group makes arranged breeding to not-evolve, and the other group wants to gain as many evolutionary improvements, and in the middle would be a group that doesn't care that puts love and attraction first.
  73. Wasn't that a topic years ago? People were afraid that humans would evolve into two different groups: one group would be smart and beautiful and the other would be dumb and ugly.
  74. It doesn't matter if you're smart or dumb in the end, if you act like a terrible person, ain't nobody wants to breed with you. Let me put this in words that You can understand. "If you continue to act like an insufferable bitch, you will get no bitches." puts on shades
  75. People need to be generous, but also generous to themselves. If You always giving of Yourself, You will grow to hate the neediness of others.
  76. Goodness, it's hot in here. I need to turn on the a/c.
  77. Okay, species evolve overtime as the members of a population are naturally selected based upon the environment, chance, and their traits that are advantageous. Are there species that have evolved to manually climate controlled environments? Yeah, there are animals that live in colder environments and those that live in hotter ones, but imagine one who's population has evolved to a manually climate controlled environment.
  78. People are lonely these days. How come there nobody's made an app where if people just want to be in a group together it can collect a group of consenting people to meet at a destined location. "People watching" is a very common thing to do.
  79. Yo, if "people watching" is so common, are there jobs where You can get paid for people to watch You? And I'm not talking about being a stripper or anything. Like, instead of those big flash mob things, You get paid to be at a certain location with a group of other individuals just for Your presence. Instead of a cat cafe You got human cafes.
  80. Following the loneliness route and going down the path of dating apps, how come there's not an app where it records the GPS location of the users? Those that actually meet up get their dating score improved. Those that are only on the app for attention, have their dating score decreased and eventually banned. Now I'm reminded about Naomi's article where she states that "Men love flesh." Though I think she also said something along the lines of "meat is important." Yes, be there. Flesh and blood are more valuable than false promises.
  81. Introverts get lonely. Remember that. Just because they don't like crowds of people doesn't mean they want to be isolated and treated like social pariahs. Hope I spelled that word right.
  82. Humans are a social species, but eusocial species really have their priorities set straight.
  83. Ants have tons of wars. So many that more than billions of lives have been lost. Animate that Disney. I dare You.
  84. Seahorses have exoskeletons. What would they look and feel like if they had endoskeletons?
  85. What would humans look like if we didn't have skeletons, but instead a series of tendons and muscles meant to maintain rigidity. If You're too tired, Your face would sag, literally.
  86. Sleep is important. Most people don't get enough of it.
  87. If there was a drug to replace sleep, it would be a billion dollar industry.
  88. When You go to sleep Your brain, Your neurons get scrubbed with cerebrospinal fluid. Could that process be induced by a drug while maintaining consciousness/awakeness, or how short would one need to be unconscious for this process to complete?
  89. You can separate Your hemispheres. They'll start to develop their own personalities from one another.
  90. If You can separate Your two hemisphers, if You were eye patches, can You train one side of Your brain to sleep while the other side pilots the body? I know that when I'm tired, I'll close my left eye more than my right eye when I need to stay awake. If I do this too long, I lose the ability to read until a open my left eye for a minute or two. "I FORGOT HOW TO READ!"
  91. Literacy is a superpower. If You don't think so, try to navigate Yourself through an airport or subway in a place that You've never visited before, and don't do it in one of those small airports. Do it in one that's the size of several neighborhoods.
  92. Literacy is not just a superpower, but it was one of the ways that separated the rich from the poor. That's right, money, castles, weapons, and good food weren't the only things to separate the rich from the poor.
  93. Mantis shrimp see in colors that we can't imagine. What if we genetically engineered our eyes to have their cones and we discovered that we're all different races just based on our skin tone. "You're not Black! You're heliotrope, you sick motherfucker!" "Shut up, you kaleidoscopic bitch!"
  94. Trace elements are a thing. I wonder if there are some species that collect more elements than others, making them highly profittable for some people.
  95. My thoughts on that emerged from the Occamy from "Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them." They lay silver eggs. Does that mean that they have to find and consume silver or else they won't be able to lay their eggs, or do they consume enough through their usual diet of other animals and insects, gathering in their ovaries when they get ready to lay a clutch?
  96. Now I wonder if there's a "Golden Goose" story in the Wizarding World. A goose/duck that lays a golden egg every single day is a sign of a reliable source of income, and that one should not become greedy, lest they destroy a source of their own wealth.
  97. Oil companies are growing algae and seaweed to produce natural oil. What about fish farms? There's fish that naturally produce a lot of oils/fats. Could the same thing be done to fish and other animals just for the production of natural reproducible oils.
  98. If whales are removed from the ocean, their waste is removed as well. Meaning that algae blooms and krill populations decline. The giants feed the smalls, as the smalls feed the giants.
  99. In Game of Thrones the dragons are said to eat so much meat that their bones turn dark due to iron. This makes their bones more durable, and highly coveted to make bows with. Wouldn't it also make their bones more magnetic? Imagine that being a way to kill a dragon. "We dropped that bitch out of the sky once we turned on our electromagnet. After cranking up the juice a bit more thing had a heart attack."
  100. What animals are labeled as cryptids, but are really just being hidden from us? The 50/500 rule doesn't apply to every species since not every animal has the same reproductive cycle. Elephants are pregnant for more than 1 year. Axolotls can breed at the age of 6 months and produce between 200-1000 eggs. Sunfish can produce a billion eggs! The olm salamander reaches sexual maturity at 12 years of age. Blue whales start breeding between the ages of 5-15 years, and between every 2-3 years. Remember the movie "The Water Horse?" Only one existed in the world at a time. Imagine a species so rare that only a parent and child are ever capable of existing. It would either be hunted down, or fiercely protected.

And that's 1 hour 14 minutes and 48 seconds. Yeah, I had to pause a few times to make these thoughts cohesive. Well, some intrusive thoughts entered, but hopefully not too many. What are Your thoughts on some of these thoughts? Oh, if You're having thoughts about thots, You might wanna remove Your train of thoughts from that train of thots. Whether You like it or not, this is a challenge that does get one to think quite a lot. Now, how different or similar are some of Your thoughts? Let me know below.

P.S. If You're a spammer or somebody just copying and pasting generic comments trying to get that Vocal award, Your time is spent better elsewhere. Genuinely make something and do something uniquely valuable. Cause spamming and scamming doesn't add any value to anybody's day.

So, let's read a list of Your intrusive thoughts.


*Fades out to the instrumental version of Big Poppa by Biggie Smalls.*


About the Creator

Thavien Yliaster

Thank You for stopping by. Please, make yourself comfortable. I'm a novice poet, fiction writer, and dream journalist.



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Comments (5)

  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarran10 months ago

    Whoaaaaaa, that sure was a lottttt of thoughts! That's my thoughts about your thoughts. My head is spinning now, lol!

  • Cathy holmes11 months ago

    Dude! What the heck. This is way more thought out than my babble. Legged elephants walking among us. Ants have wars. What?? I want one of those golden geese, btw. First I'm gonna have more coffee and see how much more I can absorb before I forget how to read. This was great, though your timing may have been just a tad off.

  • Babs Iverson11 months ago

    Whales, elephants, and so much more!!! Fantastic list!!! Verbosity, but that's okay, it's your thoughts!!! Well done!!! Loved it!!!❤️❤️💕

  • Judey Kalchik 11 months ago

    I love the whale theme running through this. Also you’ve suggested yet another band name to me: Whale Cheese. I think they would be ska.

  • Meagan Dion11 months ago

    Wow. That was a lot of contemplative things. Awesome job!

Thavien YliasterWritten by Thavien Yliaster

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