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A vivid love story,

yes, I'm in love.

By Grace AmechiPublished 10 months ago 3 min read
A vivid love story,
Photo by Mayur Gala on Unsplash

My people, I have found the bone of my bone!

Here's how it all began - My best friend and her boyfriend decided to drag my single ass out of the house for the first time in ages. Their reason? I’ve been single for wayyy too long and it’s time for me to get back into the game.

I've only been single for 6 months.

Moving on.....

Their grand plan to initiate me into the social world was to invite my very reserved self to a hangout in Landmark Beach. It was a rubbish plan but I didn't protest for two reasons; I was slowly turning to a hermit and two, I get to play dress up a little and not interact with anyone since she and her man are going to be the only people I know. That's what I thought anyway but we neva reach that part yet.

We got to the beach looking all beachy then I started to say Hi to a few people and was almost done speaking to the third person when I turned and saw him and..


He's the most handsome man I have ever laid my eyes upon; Tall, handsome, light-skinned but beyond that, he had the sweetest and warmest smile. You know those types that reach the eyes? Yes, that's the one I'm talking about.

Omo, I had to focus on getting a single word out because your girl was mesmerized. I finally said my name and we shook hands and, oh my days, the attraction was instant. For a second, I thought I was living in a Wattpad novel because what is this sudden shyness and muteness?

Anywayyyy, group discussions started and from time to time, I’d notice him staring a couple of times or we'd make eye contact. I was feeling him and I knew he was feeling me too because - have you seen me? Lol.

Eventually, games ended and everyone was just doing their thing. My werey best friend left me to go and play love with her man and soon enough, I found myself by myself. With nothing better to do, I decided to respond to texts when I heard someone sit next to me. Heeiii! *cue the increased heartbeat*

He smelled so incredibly nice, but I chose not to dwell on that too much. I finally had the chance to talk to him alone, and I wasn't about to blow it. So, let me share how our conversation went:

Stranger: Heyy, hope I’m not interrupting anything?

Me: (chuckles) No, you aren’t. I was just trying to respond to some messages since I have nothing better to do.

Stranger: Alright then, I’m "S" and it’s nice to meet you. I really like your outfit by the way.

Me: Oh, thank you, I’m Grace and it's nice to meet you. I’m quite glad I came out today, I can’t remember the last time I enjoyed myself like this.

S: (smiling) I’m happy to hear you’re having a great time.

(Bla bla blaaa, let’s forget small talk and get to the good part)

S: You’re really interesting to talk to and if it's okay with you, I’d like for us to hang out next weekend. Just give me your number and we’ll pick it up from here because I know you need to leave soon.

At this point, I was screaming and fangirling so hard, but I managed to keep my cool. I gave him my number, said goodbyes and then he hugged me for what felt like hours.

He didn't let go completely so we just stood there,

Looking at each other..

Wanting to say so many things but couldn't, not yet anyway..

So we just stared and stared and... Wait, you still dey read?


Imagination wan finish all of us 💀💀

Better go and sleep.

End of story. Lessons?

One, amebo will not finish you.

Two, and on a much more serious note, don’t be a vivid imaginator like me. You won't always get what you desire by sitting at home like Rapunzel and waiting for the opportunity to tell you to let down your hair. Go out there and get it!

P.S: "S" is a real person and he's not aware of my existence since we've only spoken once.

Until next time, dreamers! 😉


About the Creator

Grace Amechi

I'm your go-to girl for relatable stories with a little humour razzle-dazzle.

I'm happy you're here <3

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    Grace AmechiWritten by Grace Amechi

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