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A duck that lays a golden egg

A comic story of the duck that lays the golden egg and the farmer

By Barnabas PayamPublished 12 months ago 5 min read

Once upon a time, on a quaint little farm nestled in the countryside, there lived a hardworking farmer named John. He had a small but contented flock of animals, including a cheerful and peculiar duck named Daisy. Now, Daisy was no ordinary duck, for she possessed a magical ability to lay golden eggs.

John had always been an honest and kind-hearted man, but the sight of those shimmering golden eggs filled his mind with dreams of untold wealth. He thought to himself, "If Daisy can lay one golden egg a day, imagine the riches I could amass!"

Unable to resist the temptation, John decided to capture Daisy and take her to a secret chamber in his farmhouse, where he would have complete control over her golden egg-laying abilities. He built a lavish golden cage, thinking that Daisy would be safe and secure within its confines.

However, as days turned into weeks, John's greed began to consume him. He became impatient, demanding that Daisy lay more golden eggs each day. He no longer cared for her well-being or happiness, only the riches she could provide.

One evening, as John was greedily counting his golden eggs, he noticed something peculiar. The eggs had lost their luster. They were no longer golden but rather dull and ordinary. Panic filled John's heart as he realized that his insatiable greed had drained the magic from Daisy's eggs.

In his desperation to regain the golden eggs, John pleaded with Daisy, "Please, dear Daisy, lay another golden egg! I promise I'll take better care of you and appreciate your magic."

But Daisy, who had grown weary and saddened by her mistreatment, looked at John with disappointment. She had been a loyal and giving duck, but his greed had blinded him to her true value. With a heavy heart, Daisy refused to lay another golden egg.

John realized the error of his ways. He understood that his pursuit of wealth had cost him the very source of his fortune. Regretting his actions, he opened Daisy's cage and set her free. He vowed to change his ways and make amends for his greed.

From that day forward, John treated Daisy with kindness and respect, acknowledging her as a cherished member of the farm. Although the golden eggs never returned, Daisy's presence brought joy and harmony back to the farm.

John shared his story with others, teaching them about the dangers of greed and the importance of appreciating what they already had. His newfound wisdom and humility inspired the community, fostering a spirit of gratitude and compassion.

As for Daisy, she thrived in her newfound freedom. She no longer laid golden eggs, but she reveled in the simple pleasures of life—the warmth of the sun, the coolness of the pond, and the loving companionship of her fellow farm animals.

And so, the tale of the duck that laid the golden egg and the farmer serves as a timeless reminder that true wealth lies not in material possessions, but in appreciating the magic and beauty that exists within and around us.

Once upon a time, in a small countryside farm, there lived a hardworking farmer named Mr. Thompson. He had a humble duck named Daisy, who was known for her beautiful feathers and friendly quacks. But what made Daisy truly special was her remarkable ability to lay golden eggs.

Mr. Thompson couldn't believe his luck when he discovered Daisy's extraordinary talent. Every morning, he would eagerly collect the shiny golden eggs that Daisy laid. With each egg, his excitement grew, and he began dreaming of the fortune he could amass from Daisy's incredible gift.

Word of the golden eggs spread like wildfire, and soon people from neighboring villages and towns came to witness the extraordinary duck. They marveled at the dazzling eggs and showered Mr. Thompson with praise and envy. The farmer became the talk of the region, and his farm became a popular tourist attraction.

Driven by his newfound wealth, Mr. Thompson's greed began to take hold. He started dreaming of even greater riches and desired to possess all the golden eggs Daisy could lay. Impatient and eager for instant wealth, he hatched a plan to speed up Daisy's egg-laying process.

One day, Mr. Thompson decided to take Daisy to a renowned scientist, Dr. McQuackerson, known for his eccentric inventions. He begged the scientist to create a contraption that would make Daisy lay more golden eggs. Intrigued by the challenge, Dr. McQuackerson agreed to help.

The scientist worked tirelessly, creating a device that would stimulate Daisy's egg production. He attached a contraption to Daisy's nest, hoping it would increase the frequency of her golden egg-laying. Mr. Thompson, consumed by his greed, eagerly awaited the results.

However, as days passed, Daisy's health began to deteriorate. The strain of the contraption took a toll on her well-being. Her once bright feathers dulled, and her friendly quacks turned feeble. Mr. Thompson realized that his pursuit of wealth had come at a great cost—the well-being of his beloved duck.

Filled with regret, Mr. Thompson removed the contraption from Daisy's nest and sought the help of a wise old farmer in a nearby village. The farmer told him a valuable lesson about gratitude and contentment. He reminded Mr. Thompson that the golden eggs were a blessing, not something to be exploited.

Determined to make amends, Mr. Thompson nursed Daisy back to health, providing her with a loving and caring environment. He vowed to protect her and appreciate the golden eggs she provided, without pushing her beyond her limits.

As Daisy regained her strength, her feathers regained their luster, and her quacks grew cheerful once again. Mr. Thompson no longer saw her as a means for wealth but as a dear companion who had brought him unexpected fortune. He shared the golden eggs with the local community, spreading joy and generosity.

From that day forward, Mr. Thompson and Daisy lived a simple and contented life on the farm. The golden eggs served as a reminder of the importance of appreciating the blessings one has, valuing the well-being of others, and finding happiness in the simplest of things.

And so, the story of the duck that laid the golden eggs and the farmer became a tale of humility, gratitude, and the true meaning of wealth. It taught people that sometimes, the greatest treasures are not made of gold but are found in the relationships we cherish and the simple joys of life.


About the Creator

Barnabas Payam

I write my writings humorously, poetically and artistically about the changes in the spiritual condition of human beings to live peacefully and cheerfully.

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    Barnabas PayamWritten by Barnabas Payam

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