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World News Wednesday

Week of 12/16/2020

By Morgan LeePublished 4 years ago 3 min read
World News Wednesday
Photo by Daniel Schludi on Unsplash

Welcome to World News Wednesday! This is my first post in a series I am starting to give you news that is not only from mainstream media.

COVID-19 Vaccine Being Distributed

The world has been hit hard by this pandemic since the start of the year. More than 73 million cases and 1.6 million deaths have been reported.

In the past 2 days the United States has started giving vaccines, following the UK, and more countries are expected to start vaccinating in the coming months. Although there is an end in sight, the pandemic is far from over.

Germany has started a Christmas lockdown due to steadily rising case numbers and deaths. The lockdown will put an end to Christmas caroling, parties, glühwein stalls, and drinking outdoors will no longer be allowed. Germens will be facing strict restrictions that will continue through the new year. Unfortunately, Germany is still waiting for approval to use the COVID-19 Vaccine.

Paris Fined For Employing Too Many Women

By Stephen Leonardi on Unsplash

Back in 2018 Paris City Hall appointed 11 women to top positions and only 5 men. The Civil Service Ministry imposed a fine for breach of a law aimed at ensuring gender balance.

Anne Hidalgo, Paris Mayor, has recently dismissed the 90,000 euro fine as “unfair” and “absurd.” The law was passed in 2013 to provide women with better opportunities to acquire high-level jobs in civil service. It requires a minimum of 40% of each gender to hold high-level positions. 11 women to 5 men is only 30% of men employed in senior jobs which instituted the fine.

In Paris city hall, 47% of all civil servants in senior positions are women.

Shipwreck Off Coast Nova Scotia

By NOAA on Unsplash

A scallop vessel has sunk off the coast of Digby, Nova Scotia. The ship was unable to navigate two meter waves and powerful winds. Six crew members are missing after an emergency signal reached search and rescue at 6:00 a.m. on Tuesday. A large search effort was sent out to Delaps Cove, Nova Scotia where the distress signal originated from. Debris were discovered from the scallop dragger owned by Yarmouth Sea Products. Two life rafts were found ashore but so far no survivors have been found.

The Star Of Bethlehem

By Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

A rare phenomenon is occurring in the night sky as we are nearing Christmas, they are calling it the star of Bethlehem. It's official name is Great Conjunction, it is the time Jupiter and Saturn will appear at their closest, only a tenth of a degree apart.

This once in a lifetime star will appear on December 21st but you can watch the two planets near closer to each other throughout the week. The planets will appear to merge shortly after sundown just over the horizon depending on your position. Look to the west and southwest about an hour after sunset. The brightest star will be Jupiter and the other is Saturn.

Conjunctions do not happen often, give or take 20 years between occurrences, these two planets have not had one since 2000. It will be the first time the plants have been this close since 1226 so you won't want to miss it.

Arson Suspect Charged with Murder

By Arny Mogensen on Unsplash

On July 19, 2019, a fire allegedly set by Shinji Aoba killed 3o people at Kyoto Animation in Japan. Japanese prosecutors have now charged him with murder, in one of the country's most violent and deadly crimes in years.

Shinji Aoba was captured and detained after the fire but has been recovering from severe burns. His injuries were so extensive that has only been conscious since August. Aoba is the main suspect in the fire that was started by breaking in, spreading gasoline and, lighting it. A possible motive for this horrendous crime was the animation studio stealing his work but these claims have been denied.


This data is provided by Wikipedia, The New York Times and JHU CSSE COVID-19 Data. Learn more about this data.


About the Creator

Morgan Lee

Morgan Lee is a multi-talented writer with a curiosity for exploring all topics from health and wellness to technology and politics.

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