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When they break our hearts

Today I am more foresighted and I do not fall in love so easily, what's more, I learned to love with measures

By creatorsklubPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
When they break our hearts
Photo by Eric Ward on Unsplash

Hello my friends... Today we will talk about a topic that surely all of us, or almost all of us, have suffered at some time: when someone breaks our heart...

The story

I always thought that a bad love was something that could touch others, but not me.

I have always been very sure of myself, I am an educated woman with a lot of world, and I can choose who I want... A bad love for me? No, never. It would never happen to me. But yes, it did.

Everything was perfect, I met the perfect man, attentive, gentlemanly, everything I had dreamed of in life was him. I was getting into his world, I was no longer myself, his voice spoke for me, his hands moved for me, everything he did seemed perfect to me so I adopted a passive attitude in the relationship. ç

I let myself be carried away by the love I had for him, I liked everything, I was very happy, I didn't know about the bills, I didn't know anything about anything... Why, if he did everything for me?

One day I looked at myself in the mirror, I realized that I didn't go to the beauty salon much anymore, what was the point? It wasn't necessary, he always told me that I was beautiful.

I looked at my body, it was no longer the same, I was not the same in my work, my way of dressing changed completely, and that woman so sure of herself became the one who asked if I had to buy something, or if any garment fit me... it was no longer me.

It was him who got so much into me that I was no longer thinking, I had him so much on top of me that I did not react, until I started to wait until very late for him to arrive, every day he was late for a different reason.

If I asked why it took him so long to arrive, he would reply that it was because of work. Our life as a couple was null, he no longer came home every day, he no longer called, and if I asked him he would say "Ah, I'll call you right away", or "I'll see you tonight...", and I would stay there, waiting hour after hour for him to call, but that blessed call never came.

I cried, I destroyed my life thinking that I was doing something wrong, because suddenly I didn't see that perfect man anymore...

By Dev Asangbam on Unsplash

One day I went out in my car and in front of a traffic light there was my ideal man with a girl in a tight hug. I felt that the world was slipping out of my hands, I stopped the car, the first thing I thought was to go there and tell him what he deserved, but I didn't do it because something of that polite girl remained in me.

So, I went home to cry for a week and I didn't receive any call either, I saw that my bank account was almost at zero, that my hair was horrible, that he had stopped loving me and everything in me was darkness.

With my heart in pieces I started working again. Little by little I fixed my accounts, I went back to the hairdresser, I went back to dressing pretty, although with the heart and the grief I was dragging.

I prayed to God to let me forget that failure and little by little calm came into my life. I began to go out with my friends, I returned to my normal life...

When everything seemed to be behind me, one day he showed up at my door. Worn out, and visibly affected... his new girlfriend had left with her ex-husband and I saw him so badly that it brought me back to life.

Yes, as you read, "Ah," I said, "do you see how bad it is when your heart is broken? Right now I have visitors, new friends, and you can't come in, I'll send your things to your house and I've never seen you..." Uff, I said so many things... but I went into my house and when I looked at myself in my mirror I knew that no matter how bad you have it, you can get through it.

I was still with a broken heart, but I was getting better, the truth is that I was glad he went through what he was going through, because all that time he cheated on me with that woman I did not see anything outside of him.

Today I am more foresighted and I do not fall in love so easily, what's more, I learned to love with measures, I give everything by halves, the day I find that ideal man my heart will tell me and I will give everything without measures because that is love, give everything until it hurts.


About the Creator


I write about tips and strategies for enhancing life. Some advice and insights because life is already to hard to be alone on it!

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    creatorsklubWritten by creatorsklub

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