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When Commitment Culture is Cancelled There are 5 Reasons to Ensure You Love the One You Choose

Upon finishing the book, "Men Chase, Women Choose." I learned many pieces of research backed knowledge on Love regarding the brain of men and woman who seek and fall prey to it's false impersonations. The chemical differences are stark, staggering and I cannot revert my self to the prior self unbeknownst to this plethora of wisdom. Is it real?

By Dawn Dillon Published 3 years ago 7 min read
Just what is the biological process we call love, comprised of?

What do we do when we fall in love? Women revert to eating carbs the author of Men Chase and Women Choose says. A flight or fight response. This might be one of the only bits of information that I can find where a source is uncited. However, as a woman today who is baying off the love of a romantic courtship and suitor from a long distance I keep telling myself that this does not have to be the case, we can be a friendship that is platonic in nature if compatibility isn't the nature of the case. So what has been happening? Call it placebo, or what have you but I constantly dream and think of Pasta Carbonara, Anything cheesy and with a hundred individual stranded carbs and I am in thoughtful heaven. At another time I'd like to divulge the other parts of this strategem when the timing and certainty is better odds or at least resolved in the heart. That is where I intend to be in love and resolved in the heart.

So what is this certain divide in commitment? Why is it becoming more and more that we see an increase in the amount of couples unwilling to truly commit? What are the affects of a culture in decline of commitment?

Well for starters it may be devastating for single women with partners, single mothers and unmarried men with children. The instances of poverty are astounding and contribute to the culture within the necessity for Foster Homes, Adoption and loss of Paternal Rights; but how many theories have been formulated that are naturalized within the mainstream? Is commitment mainstream anymore? What can we do to experience more from our relationships? Can I accept other offers?

It seems finding yourself until you're married is the path of enlightenment from Dawn, and I buy it; learning love is a mastery, Here's Why-

1. The Genetic Spread is Chemically Designed but Inhibited

Men have chemicals that are designed to spread their genetics and ensure that their genetics remain unquestionably theirs, because women have a natural chemicals to ensure the baby lives which is best ensured by making the man fall in love. This chemical exchange is the process of being in love. The chemical testosterone is lowest in men that are married. They lose a great part of themselves by being in relationships of commitment and in exchange they ensure their children are their own. This dip in testosterone is only elevated in the morning, enabling them to go out and hunt or work, but it's not high enough to typically seek another.

2. A Micro-dose of Worth

If men are given this feeling too soon, many become questionable and think that the opportunity is too good to be true and turn down the opportunity because the chase was dull and easily gotten. Their testosterone dips, their vasopressin built no pathways, which are typically necessary for the true and lasting feelings of love. To give in to an orgasm with sex is a big step. It is strongly suggested that it be typically treated like one in order to evaluate desirable long-term relationships. It's like indulging in a massive amount of chocolate and then having none. It's better to micro-dose the chocolate, day by day, building the abundance of joy available; and this allows the woman to choose if the man is worthy.

3. Neuro-transmitters Are Ignored by those Chasing Lust; Or worse

People who are addicted to sex are not typically going to be great lovers; as far as the field of long-term relationships go. It's a high, an addiction. These people will typically hound their pursuant for the act. It will feel relentless, often this happens right off the bat. They may be in control or it may reveal aggression to not being able to choose their desired dopamine high. This is a chosen life, and it's not a reflection on you it's just something you can recognize if given the signs. Besides the compulsion it seem to take up most of their time and thoughts. Don't believe it?

Try believing this:

They do. You committed to a long-term relationship feeling with out the pathways to support it, it is awkward and most of these relationships have a screeching halt destination ahead.

They actually see their partners as less attractive after the deed is done and now they don't have to see what it would have been like. It's affectionately called 'post-nut clarity', and if you are a woman who views men as more attractive after sex this can increase the likelihood that you will say yes to sex and you might consider 'pre-bating' or the act of masturbating prior to a date or meeting up.

The incentives of successful relationships decreases from here. The science supports it. The statistics support it. It doesn't make it into the "I'm a good woman" play book, and come to think of it I don't have any regrets or feelings towards men about it either. Anything irritable after the deed deducts all the attractive points they had gained.

Maybe this leads us in to the next reason?- that delaying intercourse and the most increased habit of couple partners has clear benefits.

4. Cohabiting, Co-Dependency and Co-Contraception

Cohabitation, which typically means a very difficult time saying no to a sexual opportunity. The 900% increase in cohabitation over 50 years has translated into 33% higher divorce rates in couples than those who wait until committed marriages. This typically involves contraception which in contrast to Family Planning, has a divorce rate 50% higher than the latter. Does this mean that cohabitation has an 83% higher divorce rate? No, the numbers would fall in between! Somewhere around 45-50%.

Does this mean that cohabitation will ruin a long term relationship?

Yes, it is more likely that a separation would occur because there is not an emotional tie, a strengthened chemical pathway bond, a memory of the wedding and all the people who attended from your hand-written invitations. Living with each other and experiencing farts and all other bodily functions that go on with it prior is no substitution

The strength of the bond depends on the cherishment that you give it! When you create meaningful memories, such as a journal along the way this means it is likely you will be able to recite a memory that keeps them feeling honored and beloved before they turn tail for freedom's pasture.

5. PTSD, Desirable Sex, and Wait

Waiting for sex until a commitment may be more important for those who have experienced trauma in the past. Women who has sex that was unwanted or before the age of 16 divorced at alarmingly higher rates, rates as high as 47% of women would go on to get divorced within the first 10 years of marriage according to the CDC’s 2002 Survey of Family Growth.

The rates of divorce for a second marriage are higher, rates of divorce for those before age 23 is also extreme. The rate of divorce for those at age 35 is actually quite low. So although our brains are scientifically deemed fully developed around age 24 for women and age 28 for men, waiting until the age you are able to become a president isn't just a wives tale.

What do all these statistics mean? Formulating pathways with as many small, yet meaningful positive outcomes could impact the big ones! Waiting for the calm in the storm is the love that romance is built off of. The pursuit of giving a partner memories that matter is an honorable pursuit and those who have chased love all their life may now have the information to continue with confidence. To delay increases the chances of finding a truly ever-lasting and loving partner that is committed.

Love is blind, so be wise, be careful before you find!

At least this is what my mature and womanly brain wants to tell me.

Please, if you were interested in this article, heart me next time!

For more details on the science of love, Check out the author of a book called "Men Chase, Women Choose", Dawn Maslar, MS. She also has a Youtube channel on the topic and a Tedtalk that states her question, Is it something biological? Her books provide research on the biological process and studies on the neurotransmitters and neurochemicals including the pathways they run on that will assist in navigating a nature given path towards a less rocky road to love.

Next topic in a commitment culture series is about remaining social in the dating scene: delicately and gracefully navigating and declining or accepting multiple offers.

To be continued...

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(article image source: pexels )


About the Creator

Dawn Dillon

I have an odd background. I grew up where my backyard was big and family were in the same place state for years, but they didn't always get along so well. Long story short, not giving all the revealing details, but enjoy the stories!

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