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What Is Shadow Journaling? Plus 10 Journaling Prompts

How Journaling Can Help You Heal Yourself.

By Isbah StudioPublished 12 months ago 3 min read
What Is Shadow Journaling? Plus 10 Journaling Prompts
Photo by Carli Jeen on Unsplash

Therapy is expensive. Sometimes, we are too busy to go therapy. Sometimes, we do not have the means to get therapy. Therapy is not the sole way for one to heal themselves. A powerful exercise known as Shadow Journaling, if done right, can make an immense impact on our mental health. I know it sounds cliché. Too good to be true. How can journaling improve one’s mental health? How can scribbling away in a notebook solve real problems? Believe it or not, it actually does. There are countless articles, studies, and testimonials backing up with practice. In therapy, we spend time answering questions and discussing with the therapist. Shadow journaling works in a similar regard, only in writing.

What Is Shadow Journaling?

Shadow journaling stems from the term Shadow Work. In many spiritual communities, Shadow Work is the practice of working with one’s mind to uncover repressed feelings, doubts, traumas, fears, and then facing these negative emotions to overcome them. Shadow journaling works in the same vein. In this practice, you will be journaling about deep and repressed thoughts and emotions, in effort to unbury them, and overcome them.

Shadow journaling often involves deeply, thought-provoking, prompts. Similar to how a therapist asks probing questions, these prompts operate on the same principle. You then answer these prompts unhindered to uncover facets of yourself that you typically hide or may be unaware of.

Therapy Through Writing

Another reason why shadow journaling is effective because of the act of writing itself. When you sit there and actively scrawl pen across paper in silence, it creates a meditative effect. It relaxes the mind and body, relieves tension, and lowers stress levels.

Writing also removes the pressure of having to conversate and verbalize your deepest traumas to a therapist. Speaking to another person, let alone a mental health professional, can be very daunting. Very often, many people are not completely honest or as detailed with their therapists in fear of consequences and being judged.

Another benefit, is that by putting words down on paper, you have a track record of your progression and journey. You can flip back and see what your headspace was like a few weeks ago. You can read through your entries and see how your perspectives changed and grew.

Often, we do not even remember how we felt about something a while ago. We forget the thoughts we had that drove our decisions. Physically seeing that journey in writing can help you analyze yourself deeply.

Grab a journal and pen. There is really is nothing to lose by just trying. If you practice shadow journaling consistently, even for a few minutes a day, you will see the positive changes build up steadily.

Shadow Journaling Prompts

1 — What would you tell your past self right now?

2 — What would do you wish you could know about your future self right now?

3 — Describe any recurring negative patterns. Why do they occur and what triggers them? What do you need to do to stop the cycle?

4 — Reflect on a significant failure or setback. What did you learn and how did you grow from it?

5 — What fears do you hold regarding your life? How are they holding you back?

6 — What insecurities do you struggle with? How is that limiting you?

7 — What self-sabotaging behaviors do you exhibit? What fears are driving these behaviors?

8 — Write about a time you betrayed your own morals and values. What was the outcome and what did you learn?

9 — What are the most common critiques you receive? Who in your life is a constant critical voice? How does this impact you?

10 — What is a situation in your life that is truly out of your control? How can you negotiate and navigate through that situation?

Hope these prompts helped! Shadow journaling can be a very emotional process. Writing out these deeply repressed thoughts and feelings requires courage. It is very tough to face oneself.

I wish you the best of luck on your journey of healing!


About the Creator

Isbah Studio

Isbah is from the Atlanta Metro Area. She has always had a passion and a knack for writing. In Uni, she studied Neuroscience. Now, she works as a professional copywriter. She loves reading books, illustrating, and working out.

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    Isbah StudioWritten by Isbah Studio

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