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What Is a ENFP Relationship?

An ENFP relationship can be the best thing to ever happen to you—or the worst. To figure out how to make it great, you need to know what a dating an ENFP really means for you and your partner.

By Skunk UzekiPublished 6 years ago 6 min read

If there's one thing that's really become popular lately, it's the Myers-Briggs personality type studies circulating the net. Of the 16 different personalities out there, the ENFP personality type might be one of the most heavily misunderstood.

ENFP's are often called "Campaigners" because they are extroverted, caring, intuitive, and childlike in nature. They are idealistic in the keenest sense of the word, and this can make them the best or worst partners you'll ever meet.

If you have a partner who has an ENFP personality type or are an ENFP person in a relationship, congrats. You're in an ENFP relationship. But, what does that really mean?

Being in an ENFP relationship can easily mean that at least one partner tends to be treated like gold.

ENFP personality types take relationships extremely seriously, and that means that they tend to prioritize their partners over themselves. Since ENFPs are known for being unusually empathic, caring, and nurturing individuals, those who manage to find themselves in an ENFP relationship are very lucky.

In a healthy relationship, this often means that you can expect a lot of affection and attentiveness given to both sides. Most of the time, ENFPs end up in long term relationships because they are so good to their partners.

But, there's a dark side to all that wonderful treatment.

Of course, there's a downside to this. In many cases, the kindness of an ENFP tends to be taken for granted—or worse, actively sought out by people who look to use and abuse partners. This can put ENFPs in many bad relationships.

If they aren't careful to screen who they date, ENFP personality types will end up linking up with someone who just doesn't appreciate them or treat them well. This, in turn, tends to seriously hurt ENFPs and in many situations, ENFPs will struggle to leave abusive relationships because they tend to feel so deeply.

The good news is that most ENFPs grow wise to the signs they're being taken for granted, and that means that they typically will "grow out of" accepting bad treatment from a partner. So, if you do end up making the mistake of treating an ENFP badly, don't expect them to just accept it.

An ENFP who is happy with a partner will often actively encourage their partners to follow their dreams.

If you're looking for a cheerleader, then you need to get into a relationship with an ENFP. ENFP relationships are notoriously good for people who want a partner that encourages personal development and goal-setting in their lives.

You never have to worry about getting grief for your dreams if you're with an ENFP. Generally speaking, an ENFP will cheer you on as you set out to achieve your dreams—no matter how outlandish the dream may appear to be.

There is a catch with this, though. ENFP partners will expect you to root for them too!

Being in a long term relationship with an ENFP means you can expect a lot of love and affection.

By definition, an ENFP relationship tends to be extremely loving. Even with difficult personalities, ENFPs tend to do what they can to come up with compromises and make them smile. They love public displays of affection precisely because of their warm, nurturing personality.

If anything, they can be too loving—and often get accused of being clingy as a result of their need to be affectionate. If an ENFP feels neglected, by all means, they will end up resorting to clingy and needy behavior as a way to say they want attention.

Best choice of action? Be an attentive, communicative partner and you won't have to worry about a neglected ENFP clamoring for time.

A downside of being in ENFP relationships is that you may find it hard to actually have a normal conflict.

ENFPs don't just hate conflict; they loathe it. In a healthy relationship, this means that ENFPs will use their communication skills to ensure that both they and their partners have their needs met. That doesn't sound too bad, right?

Well, in an unhealthy relationship, it gets very ugly. ENFPs will be much more likely to ignore their own needs and let thing simmer until they snap. Or worse, they may end up getting passive-aggressive to the point that a breakup ensues.

On a similar note, ENFPs can't stand criticism—regardless of who is giving it. So, you may need to nudge them to talk when they feel like something is not up to par.

If your partner is an ENFP, you will probably have to be the "down-to-Earth" one.

ENFPs are notorious for keeping their heads in the clouds, and having an unorthodox outlook on life. They are not going to be able to focus on things like scheduling oil changes on their cars, or worrying about all the little minutiae of life.

This can be a good thing. An excited ENFP is a breath of fresh air, and that's why ENFP relationships can often be very thrilling. However, this also means that they tend to be best paired with someone who's practical enough to keep them grounded.

ENFP relationships may also bring out your reckless side—or infuriate very traditional people.

With the very artistic, creative way that ENFPs see the world, it's not that surprising that a lot of them have reckless streaks. They have a wild streak that can make them great to bring to parties... until they guzzle all the vodka, puke, and pass out.

People who are very into being responsible will often find relationships with ENFPs to be incredibly infuriating. If an ENFP doesn't have their shit together, it's very possible their partner will turn into more of a parent figure than a lover.

Believe it or not, a lot of ENFP breakups ensue because their partners stop being partners and start sliding into that "caregiver" role. Thankfully, this is preventable.

If you're in a relationship with an ENFP, make a point to watch out for this. If you are an ENFP, please wise up about your maturity level; your relationship depends on it.

The good news is that you can always depend on an ENFP for sex to sizzle.

In the bedroom, few lovers can beat the ENFP. They are seductive, creative, and very passionate lovers who do whatever they can to make sure their partners are happy. They don't need a guide on how to be better in bed, but in many cases, they'll read it anyway.


Because they're amazing lovers and always want to improve their skills. That's why. They're open-minded people who love to flaunt their sexuality to the lucky person who ends up being their partner.

Introverts need not apply.

ENFPs are one of the most extroverted personality types out there, and that means they gain their energy from hanging out with people. They are major fans of the adage, "the more, the merrier" and can be downright gregarious when they cut loose.

Though it is possible for an ENFP to end up dating an introvert, the truth is that this rarely works out. In many cases, ENFPs will want their partners to attend parties with them—and this will leave the introvert feeling like the odd one out.

Lord knows that one of the easiest ways to make an ENFP unhappy (outside of criticism and conflict) is keeping them from partying. So, it's often best to avoid dating these guys unless you're willing to boogie down from time to time.

"Compliment, compliment, compliment," is the motto of almost all ENFP relationships.

ENFPs basically exist on a healthy diet of food, water, and compliments. If they feel starved for praise and affection, they will have no issue fishing for compliments. If you still don't praise them, they will probably start acting out—or may even get depressed.

The easiest way to make sure you have a happy ENFP is to compliment them at least once a day. Do this, and they will shower you with affection in return.

Overall, you really only get what you give in ENFP relationships.

ENFPs need a lot of love and affection—but have no problem giving it back in return. They will nurture you and be fiercely loyal to you, but you have to be worth it in order for them to keep you around.

Dating an ENFP is not easy, but it's very rewarding. The question is, are you up to the challenge?


About the Creator

Skunk Uzeki

Skunk Uzeki is an androgynous pothead and a hard partier. When they aren't drinking and causing trouble, they're writing articles about the fun times they have.

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    Skunk UzekiWritten by Skunk Uzeki

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