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What Does It Mean to Cheat On Your Partner?

Why Do You Feel the Need to Cheat?

By Ameer VincentPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
What Does It Mean to Cheat On Your Partner?
Photo by Abdul Gani M on Unsplash

What does it mean to cheat, what does the act of cheating on your partner mean, and what does it mean for a relationship - a wrong step or an end? Infidelity is at the top of the list of reasons why couples break up because once cheated, it can be impossible to continue the relationship - you lose all confidence, respect, and security and no matter how much you want to get over it, sometimes you just can't…

In discussions about infidelity, about cheating in the couple, the one who is cheating is always the innocent and innocent victim of the betrayer's unforgivable mistake. But what is the other side of the coin - why does he deceive the other, what leads him there: is he a superficial man without a heart or did he not love his partner?

On the one hand, it would be too simple to be like this: the deceiver is innocent, the deceiver is the devil in person! But this is not often the case: cheating on your partner may not be a sign of indifference and lack of feelings, but a reaction to unmet needs, dissatisfaction, an unhappy relationship that you can't give up. So what does it mean to cheat - the reality is much more complex than the simple equation you cheat = you don't care…

What it means to cheat:

From person to person and from couple to couple, cheating can be perceived differently: for some, a kiss with someone else is cheating; for others, opening up emotionally and forming a connection with someone else is wrong; for many, having sex with someone else is misleading cheated, whatever the gesture itself. And when the other partner feels betrayed, hurt, loses confidence - it means that he feels cheated, even if his partner has not made a practical physical gesture with someone else.

The cheater can thus refer to various acts - it is important how that act is perceived by the partners: if it is a moral violation of what the couple means if it causes suffering and mistrust if it affects the relationship between the two, it is insulated; whether it was a kiss, a sexual act or a platonic but intimate relationship.

What does it mean to be emotionally and morally deceived? It means, therefore, any gesture of betraying the partner's trust and anything that hurts his feelings. It means that you flirted, you kissed someone else - even if you stopped before things took you to bed, you had that temptation and so you were morally wrong, practically only half.

It means that you went to bed with someone else - in this case, practically and morally, you were wrong - even if it was just pure physical attraction. It means that you have formed an emotional connection with someone else, an intimate, close, and attachment connection, a connection that you feel you have to hide from your partner, because it is not as innocent as you would like to believe - it is a betrayal. emotional and not physical, which often hurts more than just a physical betrayal.

You are cheating on your partner when you are looking for something you need from the relationship outside of the couple: love and physical pleasure; appreciation and attention; listening and communication.

To put it bluntly, cheating means either physical intimacy - making love to someone else; or emotional intimacy - forming an intimate relationship with someone else, a relationship that is more than a friendship.

What does it mean to cheat on your relationship? Why can you feel the need to cheat?

You don't love - honestly, the easiest thing is to cheat, to give in to temptation, when you don't have genuine feelings of love for your partner. Sure, you have remorse afterward, but if you cheated without much conscience, then maybe you just don't love - you never really felt like the right person, the only person, and that you form a whole with him/her…

You don't want the relationship anymore. You love, you don't love - cheating can be the clearest sign that you don't want to continue your current relationship.

But it's just hard to accept that it's over and it's even harder to tell your partner it's over; and so, sometimes you end up messing things up, even though the relationship doesn't make sense to you anymore…

Don't get what you need as a couple. Cheating on your partner often means that you don't get what you need from your relationship - and you don't even know how to ask for it!

Maybe it's about physical love, maybe it's about appreciation, maybe it's about open, sincere communication, maybe it's about different interests, maybe your partner forgot about you… Whatever lack you felt within the relationship, instead of trying to talk directly to your partner about your needs, you may be tempted to meet them elsewhere…

You are overwhelmed by monotony - you want something else, every little drop of novelty, adventure… Every day, you live everything the same, with the same person - who, unlike you, seems satisfied with the routine and the monotony of life.

But you want something else - you don't want to get caught up in the banality - so even an affair with someone else seems preferable to you than continuing with your boring life; You begin to think that Oscar Wilde: "I can resist everything except temptation" it will seem so trivial, but very precious !!

In the end: what it means to cheat - to destroy a relationship or just to make a mistake - all depends on both partners. For the way they perceive the situation, the strength of their relationship, the love between them, and the ability to forgive (and forgive yourself) - all this will lean towards the end or a new beginning…

The idea is that rarely, when we talk about infidelity, we can't say decisively that one is guilty, the other completely innocent - often, it is a lack within the couple, a lack that both partners are aware of when it is too late…


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    AVWritten by Ameer Vincent

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