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Valentine’s inspired acts of kindness

A day in the life of an Author

By Victoria Day-JoelPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 10 min read
Valentine’s inspired acts of kindness
Photo by Taylor Wright on Unsplash

It was Saturday and I had a road trip planned, firstly a 3 hour round trip for the first leg of the journey from the Cotswolds to North Somerset in my motorhome to get help with changing my leisure battery. Then in the afternoon switch from motorhome to car, for a nights stay in London.

I was collecting my brother early the following morning from Heathrow Airport back from Thailand. I say early, it was a 7.10am arrival and I didn’t fancy waking in the early hours for an hour and a half drive from the Cotswolds, so I booked a Boutique hotel 20 minute drive from the Airport, job done!

My Motorhome is too tall to fit in Heathrow’s Terminal car parks so it was going to be a journey of two different halves, akin to the Tortoise in the morning and the Hare in the afternoon!

I woke early very much in the mind-frame of ‘Carpe Diem’ seize the day!

In a motorhome you enjoy the leisurely pace naturally. I brought down the armrests of my captains chair, had a drink at the ready in the designated cup holder and chose a CD just purchased for £2 and not played yet called ‘Car Anthems’ .

Not looking at the playlist I was having fun with the 80’s disc, singing to Kenny Loggins ‘Dangerzone’ whilst passing a mobile traffic police unit.

Feeling quite glee as I was only driving 50mph in a 60mph zone. Speeding in a motorhome when the wind is against the 9ft high exterior is not a consideration with a house on wheels, so I shouldn’t be breaking any speeding laws anytime soon, I’m the one holding up the traffic!

It’s joyful to view fields from a higher vista. From these broad windows I passed wind turbines that were not quite moving in time with the music and a herd of cows that were running in the field, a lovely sight of freedom, I was willing them to run faster.

So before I knew it, I was at Gordano services, a favourite stop off and about to queue up to buy some fruit smoothie drinks.

I hit the checkout the same time as a man with kind eyes, he was carrying a rather large Valentines bouquet.

By Nick Karvounis on Unsplash

I thought what a lovely lady that would be receiving this grand bouquet of affection.

I signaled after you to the cashiers till, he said ‘’after you’’ and then I hopped to the counter first to pay for my items.

Then I became somewhat distracted at the thought of how I would carry the array of smoothies without a bag back to my vehicle.

I refuse to buy a plastic bag when their are plenty of reusables in my motorhome, I just didn’t know I would have taken a fancy to the whole smoothie range and would have to balance them high against my chest 100 meters back to my vehicle, that’s a whole different kind of relay, the ‘balancing items’ Olympics! Thankfully no dropping or spillages on this occasion!

I suddenly had a thought, this man with his act of kindness letting me in the queue and his romantic gesture, why don’t I do the same?!

This gesture purely inspired my random acts of kindness for the day.

I had several copies of my first written ‘Romance’ Poetry book in my motorhome. I thought I’ll go back into the services and see if I can find the ‘romantic man’ and offer my book as an accompaniment to his Valentines gift to start my inspired act of kindness for the day.

But I was too late! I searched around and he was gone from sight. With books on hand I ordered a coffee from Starbucks and looked around, observing strangers. Thinking ‘who might like a Poetry book?’

So I took time reading the room whilst I was queuing for coffee, there was a man with dark hair tied back, Italian perhaps, eating a pastry, then a chap wearing attire that didn’t scream he would be interested in a bright pink romantic book but of course I could be wrong, I just wasn’t getting the right signals.

Then I saw two 20 year old ish girls waiting for their coffees, yes! they were the ones!

So by now I had ordered and was waiting next to them for our coffees, I asked ‘’do you like reading?’’

The girl replied, ‘’you mean spiritual’’

I said ‘’no, reading books’’

She said ‘’spiritual reading’’

Perhaps as a healing practitioner I was giving off some different vibes, the nomad gypsy vibe! But today wasn’t about spiritual readings.

It’s hard to have a proper conversation wearing a mask and we were standing close to the coffee machines, so I guess it was easy for mis-interpretation!

But eventually I explained I have written a Poetry book and would she like a copy, she accepted.

I had a second book in hand and noticed some women who I acknowledged in the ladies previously, they had been discussing how the hand dryers only blew cold air, which was true!

I turned to the lady and asked ‘would you like a copy of my Poetry book?’

Her face lit up, she accepted and said she would read it on her holidays as she was traveling further south to Cornwall.

Her smile really put a smile on my face and I left Gordano services on a high. Next stop, my first destination, Hewish, North Somerset.

My motorhome has a name, I named her ‘Sunny Girl’ as this is how she made me feel when I viewed her. I had that comforting feeling the first time I saw her and didn’t want to leave, I knew she was the one. She has lots of windows, bright airy and a lemon curtain interior.

She was a new purchase and wasn’t without teething problems but I knew their would be challenges when navigating the new world of motor-homing in my first motorhome. But also super excitement and freedom too.

One new tick off the list of ‘getting to know my motorhome’ was to change the leisure battery.

So I asked Chris from Somerset Trade Campers, where I purchased her from, can I watch him as he changes the leisure battery so I know how to do it in the future.

I videoed bits and watched intently as Chris used the ratchet, hoping I’ll remember for later assistance.

But it was all sorted swiftly and I was feeling thankful of his help and patience.

I bought Chris a ‘thank you’ lunch of sandwiches and snacks with one of the smoothies thrown in for good measure!

And in my continuation of acts of kindness in mind, I handed 3 books to the team and off I headed home. Thankful and happy with the first job done.

The team at Somerset Trade Campers

Back to the Cotswolds I flung a single bag in the car and here I was, typing ‘Barn Hotel, Hillingdon’ into the Satnav.

My vehicle for the afternoon couldn’t be a more opposite transition, low down smooth with a somewhat run away engine. This time I needed to be careful of the speed limit, I’ve moved up at least a decade in modern technology by now with Bluetooth connection and Apple car play too!

As a approached Greater London the atmosphere changed, the traffic queues started and even observing nearby cars in their lanes, there is a different dress style. I guess I’m a country girl these days used to open fields and smaller towns and villages, so now I was moving more ‘up tempo.’

By this stage I had passed services but I needed to use the conveniences and fill up with fuel.

With the thought of how to get to the nearest petrol station in mind, I had only just noticed a disabled man with a stick walking by the slow moving traffic at the roundabout, he was begging for change and coming towards my car.

I actually felt a bit vulnerable, although I’m not sure why, so many people were about and what would he try to do? Why would he be out to harm anyone when he was desperate enough to walk close to moving traffic and danger himself, just to get some change? But I didn’t feel comfortable winding down my window or engaging.

This is the only part of the day where I felt I had been tested, was I really giving acts of kindness when I didn’t act and give change to a homeless man?

I didn’t feel good about it as he tried to catch my eye and I just wanted to move on. But the moment had gone in exactly that, ‘a blink of an eye’, sometimes you act and sometimes after an event you wonder why you didn’t!

I could now see the Petrol station and hoped to use some conveniences. I still felt a little bad, assessing my thoughts and behaviour.

The chap at the Petrol station said there was no public toilet to use and a shopper kindly pointed out McDonalds was across the road.

I pulled over to look at my map to see where I was, noticing the street sign ‘Love Green Lane’ a reminder of what I was doing and love was in the air and it was my intention for it to be!

I was actually really close to a client’s house and also close to my destination.

It was still light, so I decided on a detour, I bought some flowers from the petrol station and headed towards my clients house.

I didn’t have her phone number but decided if nobody was home I would leave a note with the flowers on her doorstep. This was to be my next random act of Valentines kindness.

My impromptu visit paid off and to both our delights Penny was home, I stayed for a cuppa and she loved the red roses. I also gave a complimentary copy of my book and once again big smiles.

By now it was dark and I was a bit weary, so I just wanted to get to my hotel, check in and grab some food.

The welcome desk was just that ‘welcoming’, a friendly chap gave me directions to my room and a resident part feral cat called Sooty was sat asleep on the chair, he’s a favourite with the guests.

The Barn Hotel, Hillingdon

I turned the key to my room and first noticed I had been upgraded from a single to double room and pleased to see it had a bath too which was the first thing I would be doing after dinner. Next I made my way to the restaurant with book in hand to make the most of the later part of the night and my final act of kindness.

The restaurant was quiet, it had a different feel to the rest of the hotel 16th century Tudor beams, panelled walls and gilt framed paintings.

There was no music, so much so you could hear other conversation despite being almost empty. It didn’t feel like the environment for a book giveaway so after dinner I made my way to the friendly receptionist and said I would like to give you a copy of my book as a Valentines act of kindness.

The gentleman explained he didn’t read Poetry but knew a member of staff in the hotel who did, so that was that and off I went back to my room for a hot long bath.

It turned out to be a sleepless night as an amorous couple were enjoying Valentines in carnal ways for all to hear, not even the distant sound of music and the occasional police siren would filter the sound out.

I slept properly at 3am and woke at 6am a bit bleary eyed and made my way to the Airport.

I had previously thought it would be great to giveaway some more books at the Airport, with such a choice of people coming and going, but I was so tired I forgot and left them in the car!

My brother arrived safely back to Heathrow and we headed back to the Cotswolds completing the trip, despite my lack of sleep, I was happy with the past 24 hours, feeling some achievement.

I headed off in my motorhome ready to take a rest and an early night calling.

Heathrow Arrivals

On Monday, 14th February Valentines Day, I woke to a message from Chris, asking me out on a date.

It turns out that love really was in the air, I was spreading the love and spreading kindness and after my inspired day of random kindness, it had come back to me in an unexpected way.

And what did I do? I accepted of course.

Valentine’s morning I had book deliveries to make to a local cafe, Havana’s, Cheltenham for Romantic book accompaniments to their Valentines evening. As a local author it’s heartwarming to have support from one of my favourite cafes.

Havana’s Coffee, Cheltenham

So I guess the moral of the story is, let yourself be inspired! Kindness really does spread kindness, let it run through you like a wildfire in the wind.

And it can be spread in the smallest of ways with big results such as sharing a smile or giving a compliment, happiness breeds happiness!

Why not spread a sprinkle of love today and see what comes your way because it may just be more than you ever thought possible!

It was for me and that feels truly beautiful.

Love Victoria x


About the Creator

Victoria Day-Joel

Published Author and Poet

‘Poetry Inspired by Oliver, Fantasy and Friendship’ 2018

‘New Beginnings’ 2020- Awarded ‘Indie books we love’ by Love Reading

‘A Piece of Me’ to be published 2022/2023

Olympia Publishers London

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    Victoria Day-JoelWritten by Victoria Day-Joel

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