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Traveling In The In-Between

Those who walk beside us are not always visible to some, but we are grateful for their kindness and friendship

By Julianne AlguesevaPublished about a year ago Updated about a year ago 6 min read
Traveling In The In-Between
Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

Moving is stressful. It can weigh on anyone of any age. It doesn't matter if you're moving across the country or just down the street but it is definitely not an easy task. Mom and I have lived here at the Creston residence for a little over 22 years. We moved in on October 31st 2001. In that time, we have made so many friends in this neighborhood. Unfortunately, this location used to be a safe haven but in the last eight to ten years it’s gone from a B+ neighborhood to a D minus one. Some of those same friends we made moved as well in a five year period, but not all of them.

What our neighborhood crime app shows is that there are seven rapists in our subdivision alone among other criminals. That, and our taxes have quadrupled. Those are just a few of the many reasons why we are moving. I am grateful the place we are going to is safe and is not filled with dangerous individuals. Plus, the taxes are much less barbaric. Although we are losing our house and the friends we have made here, it's not all bad. Yes, i am saddened we our downsizing and having to give up quite a few family heirloom furniture pieces, but that doesn't mean we are losing everything. Being that my mother and I are blessed by our family gifts, we are grateful that the friends from the other realms are coming with us. For example, one of our family brownies, Mr. Fred, is tagging along. He’s from my mothers-maternal side.

Fred is a descendant of the Pecan clan fae who opened their arms and hearts to my great grandmother Cokie and her ancestors the Wilson's. From what I've been told and shown, Cokies side of the family helped and understood the wee folk in the old country. Mom and I are truly honored to have had such a loving and gifted woman in our lives. Cokie was a cook, a baker, craftswomen, a beautiful gardener, a true artist of many talents and so much more. Amongst these gifts she could talk to the fairies but she knew she had to keep this a secret to herself. However, every now and then she would slip up and mention them. Some people thought it was because of her age, but try looking at her garden or tasting her food, and say there wasn't something magical going on in her life.

One of the many who helped Cokie in the kitchen and around the house was her own Brownie, Mrs. Mary-Lyn. She is Fred's grandmother, and she is a force of nature that you do not want to mess with. The appearances of the brownie-folk, in our house, are a little shorter than two feet. Fred is a handsome shade of caramel. What he wears is a garment of an old tartan of green with the same shade fabric particles in his hair. From what I've been told, brownies can change their size and shape to meet the needs of the chosen home. Fred has been with us since the old neighborhood on West Elsmere. Ive been introduced to his grandmother a couple of times. Her appearances remind me of a sunflower radiating in the sunmer breeze. She has a beautiful wardrobe of sunshine yellow patchwork with what looks like little pockets. Almost like and apron. Her hair has braids with golden plant vines braided in. Fred has told me she lives with another family of ours someplace else. Brownies are really not supposed to give out their residence information unless otherwise. Only elders can give that okay to the younger generations.

Fae folk of any species do not age like us humans. To them, a human life span of seventy years, is like brisk half-decade in their time. Like I've said before, I am just really happy that Fred is coming with us to the new house, as well as the other magic folk too. Another otherworldly creature that is coming with us, is Mr. Russell. He has been my personal boogey since I was very young. He’s a good creature under my bed. He doesn’t really eat or scare children, unlike his siblings. He mainly eats my nocturnal mares. Mares are another type of fae that only come when you sleep. They can induce horrible nightmares in dreams as well as sleep paralysis. Whenever my nightmares suddenly end too quickly, I know Russell has stopped them from invading my dreams. That, and the bone crunching and slurping sounds from under the bed. It's hard to ignore but I am grateful that I have an amazing and protective boogey creature just lurking in the shadows for a midnight snack.

I don't know if the unicorn in our backyard will come. There really won't be enough space at the new home for her. I'm hoping she will find a place close by she can nest in, she's a really great warrior and marks-horse. You do not want to get pierced by that creatures horn. That's a hospital bill you really do not want. I know our four dragons from the four sides of our family are coming with us as well as our bathroom Sylphs. Sylphs are water fae that usually hang around fountains or ponds. Ours lurk in the pipes and shower. Hopefully, the gremlins in our wifi won't be coming. Those guys we can definitely live without, and the ghost rooster every morning, don't get me started on him, please.

This isn’t a fictional tale. In my family we all have certain gifts. Even my mother has her own with her manifestation abilities. Mine are almost like my great grandmother Cokie but I don't just see fae folk. It's a little more than that. My cousin can telepathically talk to animals, she's always been like that, so says my mom and other family members. The women on my mothers side all receive some sort of gift in their life. Some get it in childhood, others in their teens. Knowing me, I received mine at age five and been traveling in the in-between since, as well as practicing how to use my abilities wisely. It was definitely a life changer in that era of my life, that's for sure.

Some of my mothers side family members refuse to believe in their gifts, or it scares them. My Nana especially but that was her choice, and that is okay. On my fathers side, we come by many individuals who have practiced the art of divination, such as the bones or tarot cards. Just because my mother and I are going through this difficult bump doesn't mean this situation will last forever. In a lot of ways I am grateful for many things. I am also grateful that we are blessed by our family and friends, both in this world and beyond. Things will get better, they always do.


About the Creator

Julianne Algueseva

Just your friendly neighborhood writer and craftswoman. Doing all what I can to spread kindness and creativity throughout this wide world. I enjoy reading fiction and non-fiction books, as well as writing from my own life's journeys.

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