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Top 14 Advise to youth of 2021 Era

Top 14 Dating Advise for a men of 2021 Era

By AafreenPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Relationship Advise

In the core of our heart everyone desires to be loved. Dating is all about discovering the essence of love and romanticism. Everyone knows about the pressure of a first date, from wearing the perfect outfit, to determining the ideal location, dreaming ways to engage with each other. not to worry follow these easy tips to impress your partner . Feeling excited, just take a look at these idealistic dating Advise.

  • Be personable.
  • Don’t move too fast.
  • Take initiative.
  • Meet in public.
  • Go somewhere you’re comfortable.
  • Call her to confirm.
  • Look your best.
  • Confidence is key.
  • Remember your manners.
  • Turn off your phone.
  • Keep the conversation fun.
  • Compliment her.
  • Be honest.
  • Don’t play games.
  • “Don’t email or text to ask a woman out for the first time. The latter are impersonal, and dating is all about getting to know someone personally. It also sets a poor tone for the relationship’s communication dynamics.”

    Don’t move too fast.

    “For most women, online dating involves a certain level of risk and anxiety so spend time getting to know her online and through phone and video chats before suggesting meeting in person to ensure she feels comfortable.”

    Take initiative.

    “When you’re talking or texting while planning the date, as the guy always have a time and place in mind. You never want to get into one of those exchanges like… ‘What do you want to do? Oh I don’t know, what do you want to do?’ Be confident and make a recommendation.”

    • Meet in public.

    “Make your first few dates in public and drive separately to let the lady know making her feel safe is your top priority.”

    Go somewhere you’re comfortable.

    “You might think that you’re being a gentleman by letting your date decide where you go on your date, but women like to see that you can take control. Help cut through any nerves by arranging to meet up in familiar territory that will help you feel more comfortable.”

    Call her to confirm.

    “Doctors and dentists do it; so should you. Since men usually don’t pick up the women they date, calling to confirm a date is pretty easy and puts the women at ease.”

    Look your best.

    “A lot of guys don’t think about how they look before going on dates, even though women pay attention to the little details related to appearance. Make sure you are well-groomed (check for dirty fingernails, freshly apply deodorant, shower). Second, make sure your clothes match, aren’t wrinkled, and look decent on you.”

    Confidence is key.

    “The way you enter a room or share a glance are indicators of your confidence working for you or against you. When you feel odd or awkward people can pick up on that uneasiness which will equate to whether or not you are perceived as attractive. One of the best ways to make a good first impression is by showing your confidence.”

    Remember your manners.

    “Women appreciate these old-school good manners. They also convey that you’re appreciative of her choosing to spend her time getting to know you.”

    Turn off your phone.

    “There’s nothing more annoying then phones going off while you’re trying to spend quality time with someone. Turn your phone off completely. If she knows that you’ve turned your phone off to focus entirely on the date, she’ll appreciate that you’re taking the time to engage with her fully.”

    Keep the conversation fun.

    “Since guys tend to be very analytical, it’s easy for them to turn conversations into a fact-sharing session. Women find conversations like this boring. It’s fine to share facts, but make sure to add in humor, intrigue, and flirtatious overtones. This will make her excitedly hang on your every word.”

    Avoid the ex conversation.

    “Your date will not be interested and it can make things feel awkward. If your date does bring up the subject, try to keep answers short. Reassure her that your past is history and that you want to spend your time getting to know her instead.”

    Compliment her.

    “People put effort into getting ready for a date so take the time to compliment the other person and mean it! Not jus, ‘I like your dress’ but ‘I like how your dress brings out the color of your eyes.’ Always look for the best in others and it will bring out the best in you!”

    Be honest.

    “Women can handle rejection. More people complain about the flakiness and the ghosting. If you are not interested, don’t lead her on. After all, you never know if the next woman you date somehow knows her.”

    Don’t play games.

    We get that you don’t want to seem needy, clingy, desperate, or overzealous. But if you’d like to see her again, just let her know. “You can weave it into the conversation at the end of the first date (e.g. ‘This was a great evening. Would you open to seeing each other again soon?’) If she says ‘yes’, then say, ‘Awesome. I’ll call you on ___ and set something up.’ Then follow through and call when you say you would.”

    You can adopt these these advise and make your lovely connection with your partner long lasting .


    About the Creator


    She is an Old soul with Young eyes , A Vintage Heart and a Beautiful Mind .

    Grew up in the very central of India.

    I hope that you can find some inspiration through my lens.

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      AafreenWritten by Aafreen

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