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Why does Bipolar disorder ruin your Relationships ?

What is Bipolar disorder? Why Bipolar Relationships Fail?

By AafreenPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Bipolar Disorder

What is Bipolar disorder?

Bipolar disorder is a mental health disorder defined by periods (better known as episodes) of extreme mood disturbances. It involves extreme changes in mood that can last for weeks, months, or even years. This significantly affects the mood. People who have bipolar disorder get angry quickly and can’t manage their anger. When a mood shifts to depressive side, an individual feels sadness, hopelessness or loss of interest in pleasurable activities. Feeling empty, insomnia or excessive sleepiness, restlessness, fatigue, inappropriate guilt, poor concentration and tendency for self-harm are commonly noticed in depressive episodes.

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Why Bipolar Relationships Fail?

There are several reasons why bipolar relationships fail like, sudden changes in mood and behavior, Self Isolation, Emotional ups and downs, Strict routine . Relationships with a person who has bipolar disorder are complicated. Navigating a relationship can be challenging by itself, and bipolar disorder can add additional hurdles to overcome. Those suffering from this disorder start thinking of themselves alone. gets annoyed over small things. they gets out of control very quickly because of all these regions , they are not able to be happy with their partner and spoil their relationship with them.

Some researchers believe that almost all mental illnesses are entirely due to lifestyle so diet, sleep, toxins, lack of exercise etc. are all the main contributors to developing a psychiatric disorder and therefore are also the measures needed to prevent and treat it.

However, it is important to recognize that it is NOT a fact that bipolar destroys relationships. Dating or living with someone with bipolar may produce additional challenges stemming from battling the mental disorder. However, this does not mean that ALL bipolar relationships fail.

How you can deal with bipolar disorder effects on Relationships.

Keep calm and remember bipolar is treatable.

Bipolar disorder can put additional hurdles to the relationship that much is true. But a diagnosis of mental illness of a partner is not a death sentence for the relationship. Many couples make it work and live a happy, fulfilling life together. Focus on the person in front of you, not their diagnosis, It all depends on the way they approach the situation and how they handle the problem resolution.

Keep a positive attitude.

Engage with your partner in a positive and encouraging manner. encourage your partner to seek help through therapy and anger management. whenever possible, avoid situations that might trigger bipolar anger.

Pamper your partner in possible ways .

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Spend quality time together. focused attention on that person. make sure you have true heart-to-heart engagement with your partner . Bring him/her a cup of tea/coffee. daily walk together. pick a book to read together with matching bookmarks. talk about what you read. the possibilities are as unlimited as your imagination. treat him/her like the most important person in the world.

Communication is so important.

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Communication is very important for a healthy relationship Without communication it is very difficult to sustain the healthy relationship because a communication gap will also make a gap between your bonding and understanding. ask your partner if he feels upset and why, many times it happens that people without bipolar disorder feel guilty about some reaction from their partner, but it is common that this is due to a mood episode. So it is important to talk about how your partner acts during an episode to know how you can react. no matter how busy you're, you should always take out at least ten minutes to talk to your partner, even if it's on messages. No matter how extremely busy, no day should pass by without a conversation.

What to do in a bipolar disorder crisis.

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Treat them like they're a human being, not a diagnosis. Try to be open-minded, open-hearted, don't take everything they say or do personally, try not to argue. Read about the subject so that you know what to do when they, for example, have psychosis so you know how you can help them and how to take it when they have psychosis. People easily leave, it would be nice if you can stay by their side, but if things get really tough you can see if you stay or not but don't leave them alone when they're vulnerable the person has little control of their life or emotions. they a grasping at every semblance of normalcy they can. Sometimes they can see what they are doing is selfish or hurtful to others, and that guilt will tear them apart. When they enter deep episodes that interfere with their lives, cost them relationships, and undo progress, they feel unsure of how to regain wellness. they will feel guilty and remorseful. Forgive them.

Society does not always care about invisible diseases. An individual who struggles with mental illness often feels unseen, unheard, hidden. The mental health stigma makes it feel like even they should be ashamed of who they are. (For example, learn the difference between saying “Bipolar person” and “individual with Bipolar”, there is a huge difference). Respect them.

By following these basic steps you can better understand the situation. Staying informed, knowing the symptoms, the precautions are essential


About the Creator


She is an Old soul with Young eyes , A Vintage Heart and a Beautiful Mind .

Grew up in the very central of India.

I hope that you can find some inspiration through my lens.

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