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To My Best Friend

From the only person who truly got hurt when our friendship ended.

By Ashley GrahamPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

This is a break up letter to every best friend I’ve ever had, who is no longer part of my life.

Everyone has had best friend I’ve had many before you and will have others after you, but you were my person. If I wanted to tell anyone anything, it was you. If I needed advice, I went to you. If I needed to lie to my parents, guess again I came to you.

Now, maybe I relied on you too much and put too much trust in you, but I met you in a point in your life when you needed someone most. I learned how to help you, make you happy, and make you sad. People learned how to be in a relationship based on their friendships and you were my guidance. I learned trust, arguing, secrets from you, I learned how to be the nicest person in the world and how to be the meanest. Together we made fun of others, we talked about boys, we gossiped, we created drama, we drank, we partied, we got in trouble together. I always let you influence me, the first time I smoked marijuana was with one of my best friends. I would neglect my other friends to make sure I was there for you.

Once there was no need for one another we outgrew each other or you moved away or we fought and that was it but I will always cherish what you taught me and I hope you are thankful for how I helped you. I really wanted to help you, every one of you was someone I tried to fix, maybe that’s why I try to fix people I get in relationships with.

Every person I’ve dated I’ve given my all, just like I gave in our friendship. If you never saw it (which I’m pretty sure you never did, because everyone I’ve ever dated, after it ended they blamed me and never saw what I did for them either).

I hope you’re doing well though, as well as you can be in whatever position you’re in. I hope you have positivities around you and I hope and pray you are loved and you feel it. I know I wasn’t the best of friends I’m always learning and I’m human. I wanted the best for you and I was judgmental because I wanted you to have the best, however, my judgement might have been off. There were things I lied about or joked about that were not okay, there was things I said that may have hurt you or your feelings and I’m sorry now, if I wasn’t sorry then. I could’ve handled some things better, but so could you. I’m not trying to blame you and I don’t. I just want to thank you for being a part of my life and teaching me. I’m thankful I could confide in you, I know I talked too much and overexplain everything and I made a lot of mistakes. Thankful for teaching me to be patient and kind and compassionate. Thank you for helping to understand I can stand up for myself and thank you h Th or standing up for me and being there, thank you for being my friend, thank you for being my best friend.


Your ex-best friend

Ps. I’m doing really well in life. My daughters (they have fur) and my wonderful boyfriend, Chandler*, are my little family and they make my world. My mom probably still doesn’t like you but hey, she was probably also right about you. Anyway, thank you


* misnomer


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