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The True Meaning of Love and Marriage

More than a legal contract, it's an emotion that keeps us together

By Mossab b MamdohPublished about a year ago 2 min read
The True Meaning of Love and Marriage
Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

Marriage, for many of us, is an inevitability. We grow up, find a partner, and tie the knot. But beyond the potential tax breaks, shared health insurance and legal protections, what does marriage really mean? Is it just a piece of paper or a legal contract, or is there something deeper at play?

At its core, marriage is rooted in love and an emotional bond between two people. The real meaning of marriage comes from the depth of feelings and intimacy it represents. When we find someone we want to spend the rest of our lives with, we get married to show the world our never-ending love and commitment to one another.

Falling in Love

The romantic relationship that leads up to marriage begins with love and attraction. We're drawn to our partner physically, emotionally and mentally. There's a spark that makes us want to be around that person, talk with them and share experiences together. When we find that special someone who truly understands us and brings out the best in who we are, we know we've fallen in love.

The early stages of romance are heady and filled with excitement. But for a marriage to last, love must evolve into something deeper that can withstand life's challenges. Infatuation makes way for true companionship and trust as we realize our partner truly has our best interest at heart.

Building a Life Together

When we marry someone, we're committing to building a life and future with that person. We want to tackle hurdles, achieve goals and grow together. Marriage symbolizes two people choosing to become a team and embark on a lifelong journey side by side.

There will undoubtedly be hard times that test our resolve, but a healthy marriage thrives because of mutual understanding, communication and compromise. What really binds a couple together through obstacles big and small is unconditional love - putting our partner's needs and feelings above our own ego.

Finding Deeper Meaning

Beyond romance and wanting to spend every day together, a truly meaningful marriage also provides perspective. Being part of a union larger than ourselves brings purpose and direction to our lives. We feel connected to someone who inspires us to be a better person. Their happiness becomes intertwined with our own.

When both partners can be fully themselves around each other without judgment, love can grow into something sacred and timeless. Marriage allows two individuals to discover their potential within the safe space of an intimate partnership. Through shared wisdom, mutual nurturing and deep caring, spouses help each other uncover joy and greater self-knowledge.

The United Front

And so a husband and wife become a "we" - a united front against whatever challenges arise. Our identity shifts to include our partner as an extension of ourselves. Their successes feel like our own, and their failures weigh on us too. Marriage teaches us that true love is unconditional and selfless, rooted not in passion alone but in compassion and commitment.

At its heart, marriage is a symbol of devotion between two souls who choose to become one. Its meaning comes not from a formal ceremony or legal document, but from the strength of feeling that binds a couple together - a love so profound it withstands the tests of both time and eternity.


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    MBMWritten by Mossab b Mamdoh

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