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The Story of Samiri

Entitlement and Rebellion

By Theen BathushaPublished 12 months ago 6 min read

Musa (AS) was sent by Allah to the Pharaoh of Egypt to call him and his people towards Islam. However, the Pharaoh refused to accept his message and instead tried to harm Musa and his followers. Musa performed several miracles with Allah's help, but the Pharaoh remained stubborn.

One day, Allah commanded Musa and his followers to leave Egypt and cross the Red Sea. The Pharaoh and his army pursued them, but Allah split the sea, allowing Musa and his followers to cross safely. The Pharaoh and his army, however, were drowned in the sea.

After crossing the sea, Musa and his followers faced many difficulties in the desert, including hunger and thirst. However, Allah provided them with food and water miraculously. Musa also received the Ten Commandments from Allah on Mount Sinai, which he conveyed to his followers.

Despite Allah's blessings and guidance, some of Musa's followers began to lose faith and started to worship idols. Musa tried to warn them of the consequences of disobeying Allah, but some refused to listen. However, many remained steadfast in their faith and continued to follow Musa.

In the end, Musa and his followers reached the Promised Land, where they established a just society based on Allah's guidance. Musa died there, and his followers continued to follow his teachings and pass them down to future generations.


As Moses continued on his journey with his people, he noticed a growing sense of entitlement among them. They had become accustomed to his leadership and expected him to provide for their every need. They complained constantly and questioned his decisions, showing a lack of trust in his ability to lead them to safety and freedom.

Moses began to feel frustrated and overwhelmed by their constant demands. Moses had witnessed the rebellion of the people of Israel against Allah's commands. Despite being rescued from the tyranny of Pharaoh, they still questioned Allah's wisdom and guidance, demanding to be given a tangible god to worship.

As Moses reflected on this story, he realized that the people he was leading were also rebelling against Allah's commands. They had forgotten that Allah had promised them freedom and a land of their own, but instead were focused on their own selfish desires.

He was dealing with a rebellious family of Israelites who were constantly questioning him and causing him pain. He wanted to find a solution, so he went to meet Allah (SWT) early to receive divine guidance. However, when he arrived early, Allah (SWT) asked him why he had come early and what had caused him to rush away from his nation. Musa (AS) was surprised and thought that coming early was a good thing. He replied that he had rushed to meet Allah (SWT) to make Him happy and find a solution to his problems. As a leader, it is essential to find ways to deal with difficult people and seek guidance from Allah (SWT) to overcome these challenges. the challenge here is the one named Samiri whom Musa (AS) made as care taker of his follower in his absence. And this situation worsened as if unexpected.

Samiri's Entitlement & Rebellion:

At that time, there was a man named Samiri. He was one of the followers of Musa (Moses), the great prophet sent by Allah (God) to guide the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt. Samiry was a talented craftsman, and he used to make beautiful ornaments and decorations for the people.

One day, as Musa went to the mountain to receive the revelation from Allah, Samiry saw an opportunity to seize power and recognition for himself. He started to spread rumors among the people that Musa had abandoned them and was never coming back. He claimed that he had a better solution to their problems and that they should follow him instead.

At first, many people were skeptical of Samiry's claims, but he used his charm and charisma to win them over. He promised them wealth, luxury, and security, and he used his crafting skills to create a golden calf statue that he claimed would be their new god.

The people were mesmerized by the shiny statue and the promises of Samiry. They started to worship it and to forget about Allah and Musa's teachings. They indulged in all sorts of sins and vices, and they became more divided and selfish.

When Musa returned from the mountain and saw what had happened, he was furious. He rebuked Samiry for his treachery and warned the people of the consequences of their disobedience. He ordered them to destroy the golden calf and to repent for their sins.

Samiry, however, refused to listen. He arrogantly claimed that he was entitled to lead the people and that Musa was jealous of his success. He accused Musa of being a dictator and a hypocrite and challenged him to a duel.

Musa, being a wise and patient prophet, did not fall for Samiry's provocation. Instead, he prayed to Allah for guidance and support. Allah sent down a punishment upon Samiry and his followers. They were struck by a plague that killed many of them and caused the rest to suffer from various ailments.

Samiry, realizing the error of his ways, begged Musa for forgiveness. He confessed his pride and greed and promised to repent and follow the right path. Musa, being a merciful and compassionate prophet, forgave Samiry and prayed for his recovery and guidance.


From this story, we learn that entitlement and rebellion are grave sins that can lead us away from Allah's guidance and into destruction. We must always be humble and obedient to Allah's commands and the teachings of His prophets, and we must avoid the temptation of worldly desires and false idols. We must also be cautious of those who seek power and recognition at the expense of others and who use their talents and skills to deceive and manipulate. May Allah guide us all to the right path and protect us from the traps of Shaytan (Satan).

Summarizing some arising thoughts....

The story of Musa teaches us many valuable lessons.

  • Firstly, it shows us the power of faith and determination in achieving our goals. No matter how difficult or impossible a situation may seem, if we remain steadfast in our belief and trust in God, we can overcome any obstacle.
  • Secondly, it reminds us of the importance of speaking out against injustice and oppression. Musa was not afraid to stand up against the Pharaoh and his followers, even when it meant putting himself in harm's way. He knew that it was his duty to spread God's message and to fight for what was right.
  • Lastly, the story of Musa teaches us the value of humility and gratitude. Even though he was chosen by God to lead his people, Musa never let his ego get in the way. He remained humble and grateful for the opportunity to serve God and to help his fellow human beings.
  • In conclusion, the story of Musa is a powerful reminder of the values of faith, determination, courage, justice, humility, and gratitude. It inspires us to strive for greatness in our own lives and to make a positive impact on the world around us.

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About the Creator

Theen Bathusha

Engineering postgraduate with a passion for exploring technology & innovation. Join me on a journey of knowledge-sharing and storytelling as we uncover the limitless possibilities of human mind. Let's embark on this wondrous voyage together

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