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The Soul Mate Connection

Many similarities that bring two people together

By Rasma RaistersPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Lapotnes Street where we live in the suburbs of Riga, Latvia

Back in 1994, I was coming off of a really unsuccessful marriage and all I wanted to do was turn my life around. My mom who at that time had already passed the age of 80 had been eager to return to her homeland Latvia. We also had the task of taking along my father’s urn so he could be reburied in his homeland in Ranka in a country cemetery not too far from where he was born and raised.

I had no idea what awaited me in Riga, Latvia but I knew that my life was going to be completely different. The suburbs of Riga where we had purchased the house had quiet country roads and woodlands just great for walking. Our house was at number 16 Lapotnes Street from which two other streets stretched Stabules Street and Taures Street. At one time musicians must have lived on these streets because Stabules translates to Flute and Taures to Horn. Meanwhile, Martin’s parents had built their family home near the end of Taures Street with house number 16 also. You see how this is going. Martin had two small children a boy Andris and a girl Mara and an unsuccessful marriage himself. That first Midsummer’s celebration on June 23, 1994, we literally ran into each other and as they say, the rest is history.

As time went on we realized that the stars had aligned us when we were born to be together. First off starting with my house at Lapotnes and his house at Taures both number 16. Then we noticed that my dad had purchased a pocket knife he favored that had traveled with him to Germany during WW II and then to America and now back with me to Latvia. His father at a completely different time during the Soviet era had purchased the same pocket knife in Riga and we kept both knives together.

His parents got married in Riga and my parents in Augustdorf, Germany but even though both weddings happened at different times and years they both happened in the same month September.

Martin’s mom was born on May 24th and my mom on May 26th in different years. My mom was the first to leave us on March 20th in 1996 and we lost his mom on March 24, 2006.

These are very true soul mate connections. Who would have thought and who would have known we would get together living worlds apart. So we sort of fell into life together. It was like where I ended he began and vice versa. It is funny how quickly it now seems the time just slipped away. When I thought we could not get any closer or care any more deeply about each other after he suddenly passed away and he came to hold me one night and I held on tight to his hand. No, it was not a dream I was awake and very aware of what was happening. Between us, we had a heartbreaking stillborn birth of a daughter and while he was with me there was a child’s voice calling for her daddy. It was then that I realized how much we do not know about that world beyond and it could only our daughter who got on with her life up above since for some reason she could not do that on earth. Being close to the world beyond I was not scared or even surprised I would say but I automatically replied that Martin was with me, her mama and that he would return soon.

Our closeness was such that right after the funeral while I was trying to pull myself together I slipped into a dreamlike state and found myself up above with him. While holding onto his hand I knew that if it was possible right then and there he would love to have me with him and I was ready to be with him. I could feel myself slip from earthly life and my last thoughts were that his daughter Mara who was going through this traumatic time with me would flip discovering I was suddenly gone too. It was then that we knew the heavenly powers were not going to let it be so easy for us. I had to return to the land of the living because it was not my time yet and so here I am. Of course, it was also because then I would not have been around to know that Mara gave birth to our grandson Mikelis, who incidentally greatly resembles Martin.

I truly believe that fate brought us together, love kept us together, and someday we will meet again since we were true soul mates. That is our story. One more thing, if anyone ever says to me again that it gets easier with time I will flip because I know it will never be easier just livable and I, like my mom when she lost my dad, will never have another love.


About the Creator

Rasma Raisters

My passions are writing and creating poetry. I write for several sites online and have four themed blogs on Wordpress. Please follow me on Twitter.

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