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The Power Within

Blossom from your darkest times!

By Aya muradPublished 9 months ago 3 min read
Generated by Leonardo AI

Sitting impatiently in the incubator, the egg wished it could hurry up and hatch. From the outside, it seemed nothing was happening. But deep within its fragile shell, powerful changes were taking place.

The chick growing inside was alive with potential, but it could not yet break free. "If only the shell would crack open," the chick thought, "then I could emerge." The chick pecked and kicked, trying to break the egg from the inside. But the shell would not crack.

This went on for days until finally, exhausted and discouraged, the chick surrendered. "What if I'm stuck in here forever?" it worried. Right then, the chick felt something shift. A tiny fracture in the shell brought the first ray of light. With renewed energy, the chick pecked at that thin crack until the shell fell away. At last, the chick was free!

We all have dreams inside us waiting to be born. Like that chick, we can try to force our dreams into being prematurely. We can work hard to manifest them before their time. But the shell will not break open until the conditions are right. More often than not, it is a quiet shift within that finally allows our purpose to emerge.

Consider the metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a butterfly. The caterpillar cannot suddenly sprout wings. It must first retreat into its cocoon, undergoing a complete transformation before emerging as a butterfly. The break from one form to the next comes from within.

In much the same way, our deepest callings and most meaningful work begin with an inner change. They require patience, faith and internal growth before it's time for the outcome to manifest.

When I left my corporate job to start my own business, it began as a quiet knowing that this was my path. I did not share this dream with anyone at first. I simply nurtured the spark within, taking small steps each day. And when the time was right, everything flowed together almost effortlessly. The change had already occurred inside me long before it became my reality.

Of course, there are times we need an external push. A life-changing teacher or role model who inspires us to see ourselves in a new light. A sudden loss or hardship that forces growth. But most often, the change takes place over time through simple shifts in perspective.

As we open ourselves to growth and self-reflection, we create cracks in our status quo. And through those cracks, new life emerges. The key is to listen within, allowing our inner wisdom to guide us. The more we can get still and tune into that quiet voice, the more we will feel when it's truly time for our purpose to hatch.

Because when we wait for internal readiness rather than forcing external change, things happen at precisely the right moment. The butterfly doesn't struggle to break free until its wings are fully formed. Our destiny too has its own timeframe.

Think about those moments when your world felt like it was falling apart. We’ve all been there. It’s the heartbreak, the pain, and the fear that can either destroy us or shape us into something stronger. Our true essence, our most authentic self, emerges from the depths of our struggles. We rebuild, redefine, and emerge from the cracks stronger and more beautiful.

So take heart. Whatever you are waiting for is unfolding as it should. Keep watering the seeds you have planted within. And trust that your time is coming soon. Great things always begin from the inside. When we honor that process, everything will hatch in perfect timing.


About the Creator

Aya murad

Aspiring writer looking to connect and inspire through the power of words. Let's grab coffee and see where the conversation takes us!

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    Aya muradWritten by Aya murad

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