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A Bouquet for the Living!

Dead people receive more flowers than the living ones because regret is stronger than gratitude.

By Aya muradPublished 9 months ago 3 min read

Ever wondered why we often wait until someone’s no longer with us to express our love and appreciation? The truth is, regret has a way of creeping in, reminding us of the words left unsaid and the deeds left undone. It’s a bitter truth that dead people receive more flowers than the living ones because regret is stronger than gratitude.

Regret feels like a leaden cloud in your chest, doesn't it? It's that nagging sensation, a constant replay of the conversations you wish you'd had, the love you forgot to voice. We've all been there, trapped in the "what if" moments that haunt us. For me, it was the pang of not telling my friend how much they meant to me before they were gone. It's the ache of the unsaid "I love you," lingering in the corners of my thoughts. Regret, it’s like a tattoo etched into our souls, a reminder of our humanity, our beautifully flawed selves. But in that ache, there’s a vital lesson. It's a stern teacher, showing us the hefty price of silence, the burden of emotions left unspoken.

But let’s pause for a moment. Why do we let regret be the driving force behind our actions? What if we flipped the script and let gratitude lead the way? Imagine a world where we didn’t just appreciate people silently but made sure they knew it. Picture a life where thankfulness bloomed in every interaction like a beautiful, fragrant flower. It’s not a far-fetched dream; it’s a choice we can all make, starting right now.

I get it; life gets crazy busy. We’re all juggling a million things at once. But here’s the thing: expressing gratitude doesn’t have to be grand or time-consuming. It’s the little things, the heartfelt gestures, that matter the most. A simple “thank you” can brighten someone’s day, just like a sunbeam breaking through the clouds.

Remember that time your friend stayed up late to listen to you? Or when your colleague helped you meet that crazy deadline? These are the moments that deserve our gratitude. So, why not send a text, make a call, or even write a heartfelt note? Let them know that their kindness didn’t go unnoticed, that their presence in your life is cherished.

Gratitude isn’t just about saying thank you; it’s about showing appreciation through actions. It’s the warm hug you give to your parents, the homemade cookies you share with your neighbor, or the time you spend with someone who’s feeling lonely. These acts of kindness water the flowers of gratitude, making them flourish and spread their beauty.

And hey, don’t forget to appreciate yourself too. In a world that often tells us to be better, faster, stronger, take a moment to acknowledge your own journey. Celebrate your victories, no matter how small they might seem. You deserve your own bouquet of gratitude too.

Let’s make a pact, you and I. Let’s be the people who give flowers to the living. Let’s be the ones who spread gratitude like confetti, celebrating the everyday heroes around us. Because in the end, it’s not the grand gestures that define us; it’s the way we appreciate and uplift each other, making the world a little brighter, one flower at a time.

I don't want anyone in my life to ever doubt that they are appreciated. Let the flowers come while I'm still here to enjoy their fragrance. Don't wait until it's too late. These days, I don't wait for occasions to show friends and family that I care. An ordinary Wednesday is reason enough to connect. Because time with our loved ones is precious, and we never know how much we have left. I don't want to be left with only flowers and regret. I want to make every moment count while I'm still here.

With a heart full of gratitude,


About the Creator

Aya murad

Aspiring writer looking to connect and inspire through the power of words. Let's grab coffee and see where the conversation takes us!

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    Aya muradWritten by Aya murad

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